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July 11, 2016

For more Illuminist Luciferians check out:


July 11, 2016 at 6:05 am

Notice folks that not only do these two Luciferians hold the evil torch but they wear the rainbow ribbon around their necks. Who is the God of the rainbow? It is Lucifer the Light Bringer and Prince and the power of the air! What is found at the end of a rainbow? A pot of Gold which is guarded by an evil mischievous green Elf your Green Man devil of the Grove (Pan)! Who else uses the rainbow? The homosexual community as their flag. Homosexuality being part of the Uranian agenda to bring about the Hermetic perfection on Earth uniting man and women with Earth and Heaven.

What does this rainbow ribbon hold against their chest? A medallion which is usually circular and Gold. The circle being a word coming from the ancient evil siren Circe where the word church originates from through Kirke. The circle being the root of five in sacred geometry and the reason for the five pointed pentagram representing Venus. Gold is Solar worship and tied to the word orange which if broken down into French you have Or and Ange. The Or is the important piece of the puzzle here because this is where you have the Gold come into play which ties in with the Worship of Lucifer the planet Venus known as the Gold Star. This medallion should be worn ideally over the Heart area where the Heart Chakra is located. This Chakra is strongly influenced by the energies formed by the Planet Venus known as the Light Bringer.

Your Heart is neural tissue and its protected by the Pericardium sacking where your soul is seated. The Pericardium is commanded by the energies of the Saturn/Satan finger next to your index finger (Jupiter/Zeus) on both hands. Hawthorn berry is a herbal medicine used to influence this region and bring harmony to your spirit. Your Heart is influenced from your little fingers which are tied to the Messenger God Hermes the planet Mercury. The palm is the physical external part of your brain and this is why its an important part of your will being your personal land which houses your soul. Whenever you give over your will you should always shake hands with those you exchange your will with. This is why handshakes are important to Freemasons and occultists. The center of your palm being the strongest yang Qi point of the body and all the Yang Qi stems from your Heart being the fire generator of the body which gets balanced by the Kidneys being the water generator. Any product of your will is manifested as your testament.

Venus is a hermaphrodite like its Mother Isis the satellite Moon. Venus is represented as both the upright five pointed pentagram being Masculine and the downside being Feminine. The Devil is depicted as Baphomet the divine Hermaphrodite with the goat’s head which represents the Planet Saturn known as Kronos or Satan dwelling in the constellation of Capricorn the Goatfish. An Hermaphrodite is divine perfection of man and women with Earth and Heaven in the Alchemical world of the Hermetic Degrees of the Order of the Rosy Cross. What you will find interesting is that the word orange or or-ange gives us an hermaphrodite. How? Well the ange side is where we get the Angel from or shall we say the Golden Ratio Phi 1.618:1) which then leads us into the Planet Mercury the messenger. An Hermaphrodite is the combination of Hermes (Planet Mercury) and Aphrodite (Planet Venus). The Statue of Liberty is not a feminine but a strong hermaphrodite, just check the muscular figure out carefully and see for yourself. The Statue of Liberty (Queen Semarisis) is made out of copper which when oxidized turns green the same as the color which influences the Heart Chakra the most. The alchemical metal for Venus is of course copper and this is why copper Ankhs were important to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians.


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`·-☆ The Unhived Mind


July 11, 2016 at 6:06 am

Another place you’ll see the rainbow and the circle together is the BBC intro as the multicolored people go around in the circle clockwise. I’m really shocked that the occultists behind this predictive programming Television organization never choose to spin these multicolored people anti-clockwise to suit the unusual rotation of Lucifer in the celestial heavens. You will also see this rainbow used by the health lottery and of course on the poisonous candy called Skittles. Keep your eyes open for the rainbow its all around you if you look hard enough. Note the circle connection to the Ouroboros serpent or dragon as you will see in the logo of the new processed (poison) version of the Stevia herb named, Pure Via ‘That Ye shall not surely die but ye shall be as God’. The Dragon being Satan whilst the Vatican is another word for Divine Dragon. Talking of the Roman Empire notice the use of Dragon on the floor of the Vatican tied to Pope Clement I and the Cleminson family.


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`·-☆ The Unhived Mind