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Ray Gano

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June 21, 2016

With the elections coming up in November, it is interesting to see how things are playing out.

Many out there say that Martial Law is on the horizon.

What I want to do in this article is point out major indicators that are in play at this moment as well as action items you can take.

POINT #1 – Hillary Ain’t Gonna Make It

First, Hillary does not have a snowball’s chance in H..E..double toothpicks to gain the office. She carries so much illegal baggage that it is almost impossible for her to be elected.

Couple that with Donald Trump’s no holds barred approach and his ability to talk about the blunt truth that everyone is thinking but afraid to say, and I just don’t see her gaining the office.

Already Democrats are flipping over to Trump and his numbers are going through the roof.

But here is the issue with Trump.

  • The establishment HATES him.
  • The New World Order folks HATE him.
  • Rank and file Democrats & Republicans HATE him.
  • The Global Elite Hate Him.

Are you beginning to see the trend here?

Those who have been in power are going to fight tooth and nail to retain the power.

So how are those establishment NWO elites going to keep the power?

POINT #2 – The Global Elite Will Not Give Up Power Easily

nwo_v_trumpHistorically power has always been retained with a very high cost and in most cases it has been due to massive wars (WW I – WW II) or catastrophic events.

When one of these things have taken place, the powers that be are able to retain their power and with the majority of the people behind them supporting the effort.

One of the major tools in the elite’s bag of tricks during a major war or catastrophic event is using food / water / medicine as a weapon.

Hold those things back and you can steer the masses in any direction you wish to steer them. This has been the historical modest operandi in the past and it will probably be the same way the elites play the game here in the near future.

POINT #3 – Presidents and Martial Law – A History Lesson

Over the years we have seen a few presidents exercise martial law. Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Harry Truman to name a few. During this exercise of martial law, major wars were taking place.

Lincoln the Civil War, FDR and Truman during WWII.

The thing about Martial Law then was it was very limiting and it did not give the president much leigh way.

Fast foreword to today and now thanks to dozens of new laws, regulations, court decisions and executive orders, Barack Obama is the most powerful president in all of U.S. history.

As we have seen in the time of major wars, presidents have used emergency powers, but since 9/11many laws, regulation, executive orders have been put in place to really broaden the president’s ability to exercise a broad range of abilities.

Now, for all of you who thought George W Bush was such a great guy and wonderful president, using the national fervor during 9/11 he was able to sign a presidential directive that basically gave all powers to the president.

There were some people who warned the masses, but those voices were pretty much ignored.

Well, George W. Bush brought to life what is called the.....