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Scientists: Over 60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout… More than 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases… Doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses — Professor: “Horrifying… This is a war crime far greater in magnitude than any that has occurred in recorded human history” (VID

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anscript excerpt from the documentary ‘Atomic Wounds’ – see IMDB page (emphasis added): Starts at 50:00 in — “Since the explosion of the first atomic bomb in 1945, there have been several thousand tests in the atmosphere and underground… Hundreds of supposedly secured nuclear sites are still active and the atomic waste they cause are dispersed everyday… The official number of deaths from cancer due to nuclear activities since 1945 is 1,000,100. Taking into account low level radiation, European researchers have upped this estimate to 61 million. In other words 60 times the UN official figure.”

European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR’s Wikipedia page), 2010 (pdf): Global consequences of exposures from nuclear project based on UNSCEAR figures up to 1989… ECRR yield: Cancer death – 61,619,512; Cancer total – 123,239,024; Infant death – 1,600,000; Foetal death – 1,880,000

Latvian Academy of Science, presentation by Prof. Chris Busby of the University of Ulster, 2009 (pdf): ECRR calculations show that this has resulted in more than 60 million excess cancer deaths worldwide due to exposures up to 1995… The ECRR 2003 model makes clear that the contamination of the environment from nuclear discharges comes at a very great cost in human suffering for those now living and their descendants.

Prof. Chris Busby, University of Ulster, 2009 (pdf): The global death yield of the nuclear age to 1992 has been horrifying. According to objective calculations by the European Committee on Radiation Risk… 61 million cancer deaths; 1,600,000 infant deaths; 1,880,000 foetal deaths; There has been a loss of life quality of 10% (in terms of illnesses and ageing effects). The blame for this can be squarely placed at the door of those scientists and administrators (WHO, UNSCEAR, ICRP) who developed and supported the scientific risk models. This is a war crime far greater in magnitude than any that has occurred in recorded human history.

See also: CIA Agent: Gov’t covering up effects of radiation; I hope public becomes more aware of threat to their health — Study: Actual radiation risks are “orders of magnitude greater” than official estimates; “Completely changes the picture… a serious public health hazard” (VIDEO)

And: Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper -- They hid health effects in Chernobyl... same thing could happen to Fukushima"

Watch the documentary ‘Atomic Wounds’ here

Published: May 5th, 2016 at 12:38 pm ET
