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Djick Eastman

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March 29,. 2016

Does the Chinese "communist" oligarchy know what its oldest ally, Israel, and the bankers responsible for the transfer of all American knowledge and industrial capital, know about the brutal total-destruction assymetrical warfare that Israel and Rothschild are waging against Americans and their Jeffersonain republic?  
Anser:  Red China's government is an equal partner in this assymetrical warfare.  Recall that China put Bill Clinton in office.  Recall that as president Bill Clinton spent an entire month in China for no satisfactory reason.  Recall that in the Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations there has been no real conflict with China in which the US has done anything to antagonize, constrain, impose protectionism or any contingency upon China.  Meanwhile, Israel has spied on the US and given all its secrets to China. Meanwhile, the private Rothschild controlled central bank in America, the Federal Reserve, has bought back all bad securitized mortgage bundles that Chinese purchased in their drive to buy up the lands and assets of the US.  In China the people are told and especially the military are told that there will be a final military confrontation with the US in which the US will be easily defeated.  
And why does the Chinese oligarchy promise that the US will be easily defeated?  Because of the assymetrical warfare that has been waged almost since the inception of China and Israel.  The US has been weakened by communists and Jews working tirelessly to destroy "bourgeois" society and morality, Chirstian society.  Drugs, alcohol, prostitution, pornography -- organized crime is headed by a Jewish mafia -- headed by Clinton and Trump friend, Michael Bloomberg.  The economic war is headed by Goldman-Sachs Lloyd Blankfein.  The economic disasters, the gigantic debt, the ever-spiraling deflation causing endless middle-class real-domestic-economy deflation,  the false pouring-gasoline-on-a-fire  austerity remedy, the draining wars, all deficit-financed and all started by lies, by lies accompanied by mass-murder false-flag terrorism  -- 9-11, and before that the Gulf of Tonkin incident that never happened but which was used as pretext to give Lyndon Johnson full war powers  -- and the USS Liberty incident which was to put the US into gigantic war with all of Islam but which did not happen because the Jews failed to sink the USS Liberty so that its sinking with all hands could have been blamed on Egypt's Nasser (the war being ended by Israel almost immediately after the ship failed to sink, so that the war is called "the Seven Days War".
I know the truth and I have always spoken the truth and called for Americans and the world to face the truth.  I have, at my own expense and never paid by anyone, always investigated this grand conspiracy  --  which is really conquest by foreign powers through assymetrical warfare.  I have never been silent and I have never been compromised, and I have constantly had the relevatant facts out there -- warning others, giving others the facts that the attacking alliance -- the Bank-of-England/East-India-Company/Rothschild system and the oligarchic tyranies that serve it  -- the conspiracy betrayed the Republic of China and made the communists win in China -- which Joe McCarthy uncovered, which involved Gen George Marshall --   and the American left and the Jewish network (operating as a secret society) has always waged against us  --  destroying family, destroying education, destroying culture, destroying the middle-class and its ownership of the small-businesses that were the background of America  - but most of all destroying us through the power given the conspiracy by its monopoly of money power, by an economy where the entire money supply is borrowed at compound interest instead of provided free-of-charge by an issuing government.  
One more thing to mention -- the Rothschild/Israel/Red-China conspiracy has also had a hand in the destruction of religion  -- a necessity for their conquest.  They make war on Christianity just as they make war on Islam  -- but their war on Christianity --  with the false anti-Christ "Christian Right" or Zionistic Christless "Evangelicalism"  that worships Israel instead of God  -- with entire denominations bought up, with television "evangelists" and bogus "faith healings" on television -- while the true gospel of love your enemy, and turn the cheeck is forgotten.  WHAT WOULD THE WORLD BE LIKE TODAY IF PEOPLE HAD LISTENED TO ME WHEN I WAS SENDING OUT THE WORD THAT THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY TIE TO THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 MASS-MURDERS AND THE MOSLEM GOVERNMENT OF MOHAMMAD OMAR IN AFGHANISTAN (OMAR, THE LEADER OF THE TALIBAN SENT HIS CONDOLENCES IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE "ATTACKS"  AND WHEN THE US THE NEXT DAY SUDDENLY CLAIMED TO KNOW WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT THEY CLAIMED TO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE DAY BEFORE - MOHAMMAD OMAR OFFERED TO EXTRADITE OSAMA BIN LADIN IMMEDIATELY IF THE U.S. WOULD SIMPLY PRESENT THE USUAL INFORMATION ESTABLISHING JUST CAUSE FOR SUSPECTING BIN LADEN.  BUT GEORGE W BUSH AND SECRETARY OF STATE POWELL WOULD NOT PROVIDE THAT INFO AND SO THE WAR WAS BEGUN  -- WITH THE U.S. JOINING THE NORTHERN OPIUM LORDS WHO MOHAMMAD OMAR HAD BEEN FIGHTING AND DRIVING BACK.  THE MOSLEMS ARE AS MUCH AGAINST DRUGS AS THEY ARE AGAINST ALCOHOL AND USURY  -- BUT THE U.S. WANT TO WAR TO SAVE OPIUM WHICH IS THE PRIME INGREDIANT TO CHINESE HEROIN WHICH WAS WORTH $2TRILLION A YEAR TO ORGANIZED CRIMES AND THE ORGANIZED-CRIME BANKS WHERE THE PROCEEDS FROM DRUG TRAFFICKING ARE LAUNDERED.   I was telling you this in October 2001  -- but ever was I the marginalized investigator.   Alex Jones and Mike Ruppert and Carol Bruolette (the "deception dollars" promoter of the "Truth Movement"  -- what a horrible and repelling name for exposing the conspiracy )  who diverted people from the hard evidence I had of the use of remote controlled planes, of bombs going off in the South Tower at the lower floors  -- I am on Jim Valentine's radio program along with Christopher Bollyn (the only other real investigator from the very first who is still active and who has never been diverted by the false trails and smoke-screens put out their by the fake investigators.   But although right there at the first with the correct answers I have been marginalized by all of the big names that came and went    John Judge, Jim Fetzer, Morgan Reynolds  -- all of these like Mike Ruppert were false leaders of 9-11 investigating   --    and they all had this in common  -- they called me devisive for attacking their bogus alternatives to the answers the real investigators found, their counter-intelligence absurdities such as that no planes hit the WTC   ....  which raises another problem of mine -- the man with too much information, however important and relevant -- overburdens his readers so they quit reading before he reaches his point -- at least that has been my experience.  A picture and less than 50 words holds your attention -- but trying to give the facts and establish the validity of my position and all is lost.  Trump speaks at a 5th grade level and it works -- he teaches nothing and he misleads in everything, but you sure do follow him.  (Most of the readers who bother to communicate with me, tell me they are for Trump  -- one woman wrote to me yesterday:  "What don't you understand about Trump is on our side?"
At any rate, China is also the place where the scientists leading the weaponized weather warfare operations -- known to the world as "Chemtrails" are being conducted.  It was before 9-11, in fact in 1999 that I first described, on Usenet who the laying of reflective cloud cover was used to redirect weather systems by alterning air pressure -- since cloud cover causes less of the suns radient energy to reach and warm the surface of land and see, causing there higher than otherwise air pressure, which will alter the movement of parcels of air  etc.    I was the first and I have been the only one to consistently present these facts  --  telling people for example that there were 30,000 Chinese weather control scientists back in 1999 and that the then fastest computer in the world was working on weather and that all of its data was in real-time shared with China  --    but I might as well have been Maxwell Smart under the "cone of silence" for all the effect I ever had.
I have never been invited to speak before anyone on any of these topics.  I have never been asked by a publisher to write a book.  Yet I have been always willing to give my all to saving the human race from organized crime.
So you tell me why you are for Donald Trump and not for  .........
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.