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theKnights of Malta

The Unhived Mind

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Mach 28, 2016


The Knights of Malta control all finance & banking and they’re known as ‘the greatest merchants on Earth’. All commerce along with yourself is controlled by the Universal Postal Union in Berne, Switzerland for The Crown controlling the likes of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers along with the Guild of International Bankers all controlled by the Knights of Malta. This is the Oleron system of Code and Rule over the populace removing your rights as a sovereign being of the Divine who’s blood flows and flesh lives. They’ve trapped you within a system known as the Uniform Commercial Code based on Vatican Canon Law. You’re simply a Maritime Admiralty product due to being born of your mother’s water from her birth canal. The ancient symbolism of Venus rules over business, the five pointed star. International Banking was created by the Vatican’s Knights Templars known as The Crown today which was taken over in the 14th Century by the Knights of Malta now commanded by Grandmaster, Matthew Festing who’s also a Cardinal in the College of Cardinals. You’ll find that both the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem along with Opus Dei are active in the financial World. The Sepulchre are the masters of the Knights of Malta and the leading Crusading order today other than the revived Spanish Templars ruling the roost known as the Knights of the Virgin Mary IHS.