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Oct. 4, 2015

Denying that yearly meeting among the most select group of power brokers has little significance, illustrates the success of managed news.  Condemning any critical reporting to the depths of conspiracy oblivion has been the public relations coup of the last half-century.  Now that the first fifty years of non-existence denial has worn thin, the next ad campaign has a spin of benign   benevolence.  Hey, as O’Reilly would say, any “right thinking” person couldn’t really believe that this social society could be up to no good?  Ask yourself the simple question.  How many of your friends or family think you may be a little deranged for even bring up the topic?  If the proof is in the pudding, don’t ask the waiters.  This treat is a dessert that won’t add pounds to your waste, but may well cause your future to be wasted. 


Back to the original scene of the crime, the  Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland is the sentimental honeymoon get away for these originators of the globalist jet set.  The Jan. 21-23 meeting was discovered by Henk Ruyssenaars of the Foreign Press Foundation.  Well, do you really care about the celebration itinerary of the supreme elite or are you waiting for your own holiday visit to DavosSwitzerland?  Veteran sleuth James P. Tucker reports on the strange winter schedule: “In recent years, as publicity in Europe mounted and security measures increased, Bilderberg has been holding back to reduce the possibility of “leaks.” Luminaries would receive “hold these dates” notices and be told where to go as the meeting time drew near.” 


According to an informative article entitled: Bilderberg's secret agenda 2005, this years meeting is decisive.  The foremost topic is the role of NATO and the passage of - The European Constitution (read the official summary)  - The Constitution of Europe - to be voted this year in Europe and next year in England.  Quoting from this essay: “This constitution is authorizing legally that NATO to be the only official frame of European’s future defense forces. (First part of the text). In one sentence, Europe’s future is definitively cemented in the wedding with the American direction. This is to be voted “democrately”, but with the respective governments hiding these important facts. As a matter of confirmation of the influence of NATO upon Europe, last December was the inclusion of Turkey inside Europe imposed by America and decided by Europe. This shameful decision was pushed by the commissioner to “broadening” of Europe, Mr Gunther Verheugen, member of Bilderberg.”


Now before your eyes gloss over and fatigue sets in, what’s the beef with voting the democratic will?  The ‘reality programming’ that comes across the global media network has a prime function of selling what is professed as unavoidable, while discrediting any alternative as impossible.  If you dismiss the saga and influence of the machinators, you then must provide a reasonable explanation for the history of the last fifty years.  When goals are set and agendas are defined, politicians implement legislation and policies that conform to their long term plans.   There Is No Conspiracy - Only Official Policy, and a great deal of that policy originates from within Bilderberg circles.


To Conspire or Not to Conspire - That is the Question?  Yet, we are told by every mainstream media outlet, that the blessings of Democracy is the mission of the global New World Order.  Undoubtedly, the positions of official authority and the minions in every bureaucracy reflect a uniform adherence to the never-ending program towards consolidation and regimentation.  Whatever is put in play at the annual session comes into actuality in the years that follow.  Metternich’s vision for Europe and Wilson’s dream for a league of nations has become the world community promise of an empire to defend self-determination – as long as it is defined as an integral component of the overall union.  All the time the media serves their ownership interests that are invariably constituted at every Bilderberg meeting. 


Wake Up and Smell the Sub Rosa Roses

A simple plan of coincidence in development - NATO as the neighborhood policeman, European eastward expansion as the direction and America as the final enforcer.  Is it mere chance that such an outline at an exclusive spa translates into prescriptive action in due course?  The media see no connection, and the public dutifully follows and accepts their role.  A uniform code of conduct under a single European Constitution converts into a global goliath that fits the scheme and achieves the agenda.  With the technological instant reach of the medium, the message while in dozens of languages has the same script.


What people believe from this cultural matrix no longer related to primeval facts and certainly does not reflect their own self-interest.  The technocrat society is designed as a debit bankcard with the pin number safely secured within the accepted ATM machine.  The internet voices in the wilderness, represent one of the few areas of dissent that penetrates the censures.  Hitherto, the docile character of such continental socialistic societies have expected such plots for control.  It is their history.  But America was invented to be different.  The blending of elitism from both sides of the pond means that the same fate awaits for all.


The Bilderberg mindset is expounded in every form of media.  Critical thinking is deemed subversive.  Careers are built upon unvarying propaganda.  Resistance seems futile, but is it foolish?  Is it possible to turn down “The Constitution of Europe” anymore than to dissolve NATO?  The media condescends with a singular voice.  It is up to the populist to prove them wrong.  The entire basis of cabal power rests upon the apathy of a perceived inevitability.  As long as a fictitious legitimacy is never disputed, the plutocrats extend their rule.  A supranational federation at all times conflicts with any meaningful definition for self-determination.  Any defense of the superiority of the “world community” fosters the tyranny of the New World Order.  Who do you believe, the media or your common sense?


SARTRE - February 17, 2005

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