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Webster Tarpley – The Jesuits are on the side of the British Empire

The Unhived Mind

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October 5, 2015 theunhivedmindOne comment

Webster Tarpley – The Jesuits are on the side of the British Empire

Taken from World Crisis Radio from 3 Oct 2015:

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October 5, 2015 at 8:33 am

I’ve told you before that New Venice rules the roost! The majority power within and over the Jesuits are also aligned with the New Venice Empire. Whilst you have New Venice control and alignment over the Jesuits then the order will continue to deteriorate in knowledge and wisdom from what it once was. The Jesuits are no where near as great minded as they once were and they too have deteriorated since the Bertrand Russell and his attack on mankind aided by the Darwinism. It’s interesting to note how many Jesuits actually admire Bertrand Russell and yet this same creature has aided the mental demise of the Jesuits. There are still some clued up Jesuits but for now they’ve not been able to challenge the New Venice powers but that might change in the future now Putin’s bringing on the BRICS New Development Bank and a multi-polar Promethean powered world. We might just see another schism in the Jesuit Order where by the last few minds take back control of the Jesuits and bring some morality back to the order and the Vatican. So what we have here is an alliance between the former Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Jesuits) with the British East India Company (City of London) and this is an almighty power. This alliance has bought about its revenge against Europe and Catholicism over the Renaissance which almost destroyed the Satanic Venetian powers. Europe and the Catholic Church made the mistake of not totally destroying Venice and the Jesuits when they had the opportunity and now these groups continue their revenge. Take a look at the last two Grandmasters of the Order of Malta and notice how they’ve been British. The key moment in time to monitor from was 1962-63 not only with the Second Vatican Council but also the Alliance of the Orders of St John. New Venice totally took over the last dredges of Europe and the Catholic Church from the sixties onwards. The Second Vatican Council was the Jesuit destruction of the Catholic Church leaving them in charge of the Vatican and now they’ve even got a Jesuit soldier in the position of Pope (anti-pope since 1963) which signifies they’ve won the battle.


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