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Tony Cartalucci with an introduction by Lasha Darkmoon

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Sept. 5, 2015

Is the world going to hell in a hand cart?

If so, here is a list of the main evildoers















Introduction by Lasha Darkmoon

Are these really the most powerful people in the world? Or is there a shadowy group behind them, pulling their strings and exerting hidden pressures? According to Forbes magazine, 25-year-old singer Taylor Swift is the 64th most powerful person on the planet, not far behind the Queen of England. This is just not believable.  So the question we need to ask ourselves is: Who are the puppet masters and who are the puppets?

Having read through this disturbing article, my mind is filled with foreboding. I begin to suspect that we were on the edge of an abyss. That there is little we can do reverse the Gadarene rush to the grim dystopia that our elite ruling classes appear to be preparing for us.

Like grunting swine, we are  being led to the slaughterhouse. 

Here is my advice to all like-minded readers, to that small minority of political dissidents and deracinated Outsiders who know we are being ruled by a hostile elite. They care little for us—these People Farmers who regard the masses with contempt, and to whom we are no more than livestock.

Realize that you are here to be exploited. Know that life was far better for most people growing up in the 1960s and 1970s than it is today. Life has becoming progressively worse, with the divide between rich and poor growing more unacceptable by the day. This didn’t happen by chance. It happened by design, because predators rule and we are their prey.

An attempt by maverick British politician Jeremy Corbyn to reverse this obscene trend has, as you might expect,  met with visceral hostility from the raptor ruling classes. Corbyn’s reasonable proposal that there should be a maximum wage so as to allow the majority of struggling workers a bigger slice of the cake has been greeted with howls of rage by the fat cats. “This is wrong in principle!” pontificates Ryan Bourne, head of public policy at the Institute for Economic Affairs, adding callously: “There is no reason, functionally or morally, why a person should not enjoy any amount of wealth.” (Daily Mail, August 25, see here).

In other words, let’s keep our tears for the rich—and to hell with the poor!

I am unable to follow my own advice, since it is so extreme, but in ideal circumstances this is what I would advise my ideological brothers and sisters to do in order to survive the psychic storms ahead:

Take no part in the political process. Do not vote. By voting you give legitimacy to your future oppressors, to the elite ruling classes who are intent on becoming richer at the expense of the poor and in making life a hell for the people they rule over. Regard democracy as an utter sham and have nothing to do with it. This is extreme advice. Feel free to reject it. There are exceptional occasions when one ought perhaps to vote: during important referendums, for example, or when an extraordinary and charismatic leader emerges with sincere promises of radical change. 

However “extreme” this rejection of democracy might appear to you—or rather the pseudo-democracy which enfolds us all in its totalitarian tentacles—I was gratified to read a recent comment on my website which is equally dismissive of our fraudulent American-style democracies in which most citizens find themselves disenfranchised:

“I’ve actually felt freer in dictatorships than so-called democracies. Spain under Franco was a wonderful place. Portugal under Salazar was the same. People had work, food was cheap, one could walk the streets any hour of the day or night. In fact I live in a military dictatorship at the moment (Thailand) and I feel freer than I would in Europe or the US.

‘Democracy’ as practised in the so-called democratic West is a sham.

The only freedom you have is the freedom to be swindled by your government and banks.”  (FELIX 

Felix might also have added: the only freedom you have in America and its vassal states is the freedom to almost unlimited sexual perversion. This is one freedom widely promoted by the elite media, and it’s promoted  in the interests of mass demoralization.

Avoid the mainstream media like a plague. Believe nothing you see on television or read in the newspapers. Stop watching Hollywood movies if you don’t want your mind to be invaded by black propaganda, false memes and subliminal advertising. Better still, don’t watch TV at all. And don’t buy the newspapers and magazines you see for sale in supermarkets or high street newsagents’.

If you do, assume that almost everything you read is a lie or distortion calculated to turn you into a “model citizen”, i.e., a submissive slave. 

If you decide to hang on to your television, know this : even now you are being spied on through your smart TV. All the programs you watch are being carefully monitored so as to allow the big corporations (listed below) to “help” you with targeted advertising. It gets worse. According to a trusted correspondent of mine who was a gay associate of futurologist Arthur C. Clarke in Sri Lanka, within 30 years from now your TV will be spying on you in your own living room. Nothing new here. This is what Orwell had already envisaged in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. But what Clarke apparently predicted in private conversations in Sri Lanka was far worse.

“Hidden microphones and cameras in your TV set,” my correspondent revealed, “will allow Big Brother access to every intimate aspect of your life. All houses and apartments will have compulsory TV units built into the walls of every room, including the bathroom. Even when you turn the set off, its never-sleeping eye will be watching you and its ear will be ever on the alert for the slightest sound. This round-the-clock surveillance will of course be “for your own good” so that, in the event of a heart attack or sudden emergency, paramedics and police will be able to rush to your rescue at a moment’s notice. You won’t be able to sneeze without a helpful voice intoning, ‘Dog bless you!’— For needless to say, God will have been banned long ago.” 

The idea of mass surveillance by the state is  a subject I have already dealt with in detail here. This secret surveillance has taken a sinister twist recently, with major corporations now spying on their employees and others — even in the washroom! Only yesterday I was amazed to read an article in the Daily Mail with the headline: “Guest’s horror as she spots a hidden camera while taking shower in a Travelodge room.”  Here is an attractive young female who can’t take a shower without some sexual pervert employed by the hotel spying on her.

When evil tyrants run the world, it’s best to keep away from them. Expect to be maladjusted. A square peg in a round hole. A stranger in a strange land, watching the passing show with sad, wistful eyes. To be well-adjusted is to be sick. For in the wise words of Krishnamurti,  “It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

—  LD

Naming Names: Your Real Government

by Tony Cartalucci

This is your real government: they transcend elected administrations, they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and European’s way of life. When the “left” is carrying the torch for two “Neo-Con” wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMD’s, the world has no choice, beyond profound cognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong.

What’s wrong is a system completely controlled by a corporate-financier oligarchy with financial, media, and industrial empires that span the globe. If we do not change the fact that we are helplessly dependent on these corporations that regulate every aspect of our nation politically, and every aspect of our lives personally, nothing else will ever change.

The following list, however extensive, is by far not all-inclusive. However after these examples, a pattern should become self-evident with the same names and corporations being listed again and again. It should be self-evident to readers of how dangerously pervasive these corporations have become in our daily lives. Finally, it should be self-evident as to how necessary it is to excise these corporations from our lives, our communities, and ultimately our nations, with the utmost expediency.

International Crisis Group

Background: While the International Crisis Group (ICG) claims to be “committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict,” the reality is that they are committed to offering solutions crafted well in advance to problems they themselves have created in order to perpetuate their own corporate agenda.

Nowhere can this be better illustrated than in Thailand and more recently in Egypt. ICG member Kenneth Adelman had been backing Thailand’s Prime Minster Thaksin Shinwatra, a former Carlyle Group adviser who was was literally standing in front of the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from power in a 2006 military coup. Since 2006, Thaksin’s meddling in Thailand has been propped up by fellow Carlyle man James Baker and his Baker Botts law firmBelfer Center adviser Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and now Robert Amsterdam’s Amsterdam & Peroff, a major corporate member of the globalist Chatham House.

With Thailand now mired in political turmoil led by Thaksin Shinwatra and his “red shirt” color revolution, the ICG is ready with “solutions” in hand. These solutions generally involve tying the Thai government’s hands with arguments that stopping Thaksin’s subversive activities amounts to human rights abuses, in hopes of allowing the globalist-backed revolution to swell beyond control.

The unrest in Egypt, of course, was led entirely by ICG member Mohamed ElBaradei and his US State Department recruited, funded, and supported April 6 Youth Movement coordinated by Google’s Wael Ghonim. While the unrest was portrayed as being spontaneous, fueled by the earlier Tunisian uprising, ICG’s ElBaradei, Ghonim, and their youth movement had been in Egypt since 2010 assembling their “National Front for Change” and laying the groundwork for the January 25th 2011 uprising.

ICG’s George Soros would then go on to fund Egyptian NGOs working to rewrite the Egyptian constitution after front-man ElBaradei succeeded in removing Hosni Mubarak. This Soros-funded constitution and the resulting servile stooge government it would create represents the ICG “resolving” the crisis their own ElBaradei helped create.

Notable ICG Board Members:

George Soros

Kenneth Adelman

Samuel Berger

Wesley Clark

Mohamed ElBaradei

Carla Hills

Notable ICG Advisers:

Richard Armitage

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Stanley Fischer

Shimon Peres

Surin Pitsuwan

Fidel V. Ramos

Notable ICG Foundation & Corporate Supporters:

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Hunt Alternatives Fund

Open Society Institute

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Morgan Stanley

Deutsche Bank Group

Soros Fund Management LLC

McKinsey & Company





Background: Within the library of the Brookings Institute you will find the blueprints for nearly every conflict the West has been involved with in recent memory. What’s more is that while the public seems to think these crises spring up like wildfires, those following the Brookings’ corporate funded studies and publications see these crises coming years in advance. These are premeditated, meticulously planned conflicts that are triggered to usher in premeditated, meticulously planned solutions to advance Brookings’ corporate supporters, who are numerous.

The ongoing operations against Iran, including US-backed color revolutions, US-trained and backed terrorists inside Iran, and crippling sanctions were all spelled out in excruciating detail in the Brookings Institute report, “Which Path to Persia?” The more recent UN Security Council resolution 1973 regarding Libya uncannily resembles Kenneth Pollack’s March 9, 2011 Brookings report titled “The Real Military Options in Libya.”

Notable Brookings Board Members:

Dominic Barton: McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Alan R. Batkin: Eton Park Capital Management

Richard C. Blum: Blum Capital Partners, LP

Abby Joseph Cohen: Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Suzanne Nora Johnson: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Richard A. Kimball Jr.: Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Tracy R. Wolstencroft: Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Paul Desmarais Jr.: Power Corporation of Canada

Kenneth M. Duberstein: The Duberstein Group, Inc.

Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies

Nemir Kirdar: Investcorp

Klaus Kleinfeld: Alcoa, Inc.

Philip H. Knight: Nike, Inc.

David M. Rubenstein: Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group

Sheryl K. Sandberg: Facebook

Larry D. Thompson: PepsiCo, Inc.

Michael L. Tipsord: State Farm Insurance Companies

Andrew H. Tisch: Loews Corporation

Some Brookings Experts:

(click on names to see a list of recent writings.)

Kenneth Pollack 

Daniel L. Byman

Martin Indyk

Suzanne Maloney

Michael E. O’Hanlon

Bruce Riedel

Shadi Hamid

Notable Brookings Foundation and Corporate Support:

Foundations & Governments

Ford Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation

Government of the United Arab Emirates

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Banking & Finance

Bank of America


Goldman Sachs

H&R Block

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

Jacob Rothschild

Nathaniel Rothschild

Standard Chartered Bank

Temasek Holdings Limited

Visa Inc.

Big Oil

Exxon Mobil Corporation


Shell Oil Company

Military Industrial Complex & Industry


General Dynamics Corporation

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Siemens Corporation

The Boeing Company

General Electric Company

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Raytheon Co.

Hitachi, Ltd.


Telecommunications & Technology


Google Corporation


Microsoft Corporation

Panasonic Corporation

Verizon Communications

Xerox Corporation


Media & Perception Management

McKinsey & Company, Inc.

News Corporation (Fox News)

Consumer Goods & Pharmaceutical



PepsiCo, Inc.

The Coca-Cola Company

Council on Foreign Relations

Background & Notable MembershipA better question would be, who isn’t in the Council on Foreign Relations? Nearly every self-serving career politician, their advisers, and those populating the boards of the Fortune 500 are CFR members. Many of the books, magazine articles, and newspaper columns we read are written by CFR members, along with reports, similar to Brookings Institute that dictate, verbatim, the legislation that ends up before the West’s lawmakers.

A good sampling of the most active wings of the CFR can be illustrated best in last year’s “Ground Zero Mosque” hoax, where CFR members from both America’s political right and left feigned a heated debate over New York City’s so-called Cordoba House near the 3 felled World Trade Center buildings. In reality, the Cordoba House was established by fellow CFR member Feisal Abdul Rauf, who in turn was funded by CFR financing arms including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, chaired by 9/11 Commission headThomas Kean, and various Rockefeller foundations.

Notable CFR Corporate Support:

Banking & Finance

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

JPMorgan Chase & Co

American Express

Barclays Capital


Morgan Stanley

Blackstone Group L.P.

Deutsche Bank AG

New York Life International, Inc.

Prudential Financial

Standard & Poor’s

Rothschild North America, Inc.

Visa Inc.

Soros Fund Management

Standard Chartered Bank

Bank of New York Mellon Corporation

Veritas Capital LLC

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

Moody’s Investors Service

Big Oil

Chevron Corporation

Exxon Mobil Corporation

BP p.l.c.

Shell Oil Company

Hess Corporation

ConocoPhillips Company


Marathon Oil Company

Aramco Services Company


Military Industrial Complex & Industry

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Airbus Americas, Inc.

Boeing Company, 

DynCorp International

General Electric Company

Northrop Grumman

Raytheon Company

Hitachi, Ltd.


BASF Corporation

Alcoa, Inc.

Public Relations, Lobbyists & Legal Firms

McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Omnicom Group Inc.

BGR Group

Corporate Media & Publishing


Economist Intelligence Unit

News Corporation (Fox News)

Thomson Reuters

Time Warner Inc.

McGraw-Hill Companies

Consumer Goods


Nike, Inc.

Coca-Cola Company

PepsiCo, Inc.


Toyota Motor North America, Inc.

Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.

De Beers

Telecommunications & Technology


Google, Inc.

IBM Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

Sony Corporation of America

Xerox Corporation

Verizon Communications

Pharmaceutical Industry


Merck & Co., Inc.

Pfizer Inc.

The Chatham House

Background & Membership: The UK’s Chatham House, like the CFR and the Brookings Institute in America, has an extensive membership and is involved in coordinated planning, perception management, and the execution of its corporate membership’s collective agenda.

Individual members populating its “senior panel of advisers” consist of the founders, CEOs, and chairmen of the Chatham House’s corporate membership. Chatham’s “experts” are generally plucked from the world of academia and their “recent publications” are generally used internally as well as published throughout Chatham’s extensive list of member media corporations, as well as industry journals and medical journals. That Chatham House “experts” are submitting entries to medical journals is particularly alarming considering GlaxoSmithKline and Merck are both Chatham House corporate members.

No better example of this incredible conflict of interest can be given than the current Thai “red” color revolution being led by Chatham House’s Amsterdam & Peroff with consistent support lent by other corporate members including the Economist, the Telegraph and the BBC.

In one case, the Telegraph printed, “Thai protests – analysis by Dr Gareth Price and Rosheen Kabraji,” within which Price and Kabraji make a shameless attempt at defending the Western-backed, Maoist themed, violent protests. While the Telegraph mentioned that Price and Kabraji were both analysts for the Chatham House, they failed to tell readers that the Telegraph itself retains a corporate membership within the Chatham House as does the Thai protest leader’s lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam and his Amsterdam & Peroff lobbying firm.

Notable Chatham House Major Corporate Members:

Amsterdam & Peroff



Coca-Cola Great Britain



Goldman Sachs International

HSBC Holdings plc

Lockheed Martin UK

Merck & Co Inc

Mitsubishi Corporation

Morgan Stanley

Royal Bank of Scotland

Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd

Standard Bank London Limited

Standard Chartered Bank


Thomson Reuter

United States of America Embassy

Vodafone Group

Notable Chatham House Standard Corporate Members:

Amnesty International


Boeing UK

CBS News

Daily Mail and General Trust plc

De Beers Group Services UK Ltd

G3 Good Governance Group



Hess Ltd

Lloyd’s of London

McGraw-Hill Companies

Prudential plc

Telegraph Media Group

Times Newspapers Ltd

World Bank Group

Notable Chatham House Corporate Partners:

British Petroleum

Chevron Ltd

Deutsche Bank

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Royal Dutch Shell


Toshiba Corporation

Total Holdings UK Ltd

Unilever plc



These organizations represent the collective interests of the largest corporations on earth. They not only retain armies of policy wonks and researchers to articulate their agenda and form a consensus internally, but also use their massive accumulation of unwarranted influence in media, industry, and finance to manufacture a self-serving consensus internationally.

To believe that this corporate-financier oligarchy would subject their agenda and fate to the whims of the voting masses is naive at best. They have painstakingly ensured that no matter who gets into office, in whatever country, the guns, the oil, the wealth and the power keep flowing perpetually into their own hands. Nothing vindicates this poorly hidden reality better than a “liberal” Nobel Peace Prize wearing president, dutifully towing forward a myriad of “Neo-Con” wars, while starting yet another war in Libya.

Likewise, no matter how bloody your revolution is, if the above equation remains unchanged, and the corporate bottom lines left unscathed, nothing but the most superficial changes will have been made, and as is the case in Egypt with International Crisis Group stooge Mohamed ElBaradei worming his way into power, things may become substantially worse.

The real revolution will commence when we identify the above equation as the true brokers of power and when we begin systematically removing our dependence on them, and their influence on us from our daily lives. The global corporate-financier oligarchy needs us, we do not need them, independence from them is the key to our freedom.