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August 28, 2015

 You make me laugh. You’re a disorganized awake, a do nothing awake (as if awake means ANYTHING). There’s always been a percentage that are awake. You make it sound like THAT means something. It’s the doing that counts, and we use you to rule you. Don’t you get it. We use part of our herd to keep the herd in line.

If you actually ever DO ANYTHING beside envision, our warrior cows (certainly NOT US) will continue to do the dirty work, as always, for reward, just like the main herd.

No vision? That’s what we do ENVISION, and then we use the brightest among our herd to do the actual work. Think of us as CEO’s and you the worker ants.

It ain’t Christmas, and Ralphie rising up is in your imagination. As to Christmas, you make me laugh. We invented it to keep you in line, keep you seeking imagined rewards after we use you up and throw you away.

Just keep creatively imagining and manifesting. THAT TO is OUR ploy. WE DO, you imagine. Works great for us. Hey, why don’t you imagine winning the lottery as a test. Or imagine we aren’t fracking you to death. Or imagine, creatively of course, that someone’s coming to save you. Oh…we created that for you too. Keeps you thinking you’re in the drivers seat. God, the ignorance is astounding, but then, that’s our goal, and it so works so much better than we could ever have hoped for.

DECLARE? REALLY!? SERIOUSLY? DECLARE!! Well, I declare, and then actually get folks to do something. Declare away, imagine away, focus away, envision it, focus now, go, go, go, and see where all that hocus pocus gets you. I love it.

Your dreams are your hope, and you’re hopeless.

SERIOUSLY. Yes, now you got it, part of it, think, imagine, dream, envision, awaken, and then watch a little more TV and have Twinkie. Pathetic. Oh yes, and we gave you the key, But you lost it: Faith without works is dead, dead, dead. So believe, have faith, dream and envision, and then roll over and have nice nap.

We INVENTED visualization. We told you that’s all you have to do, is visualize your heaven on earth, and that’s enough, that’s all, don’t do more. Just do that, And everything will be fine. Thank you for not doing more than just visualizing, talking, writing, and writing and writing.