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WE, THE ELITE, THINK YOU’RE make us laugh, but that won’t stop us from killing you

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August 27, 2015

Sure, we’re prideful, vain, powerful and greedy, and sure, we deceive and lie and promote your ignorance, so what. If you are too dumb, too stupid or too self-involved to protect yourself against us, your deserve to be manipulated, used and abused.


        And we think it’s funny that we can get away with. We’ve been getting away with it for generations. And we will keep getting away with it because now it doesn’t matter that you know. It’s too late. Hahaha. IDIOTS!


        Hell, we even forecast our plans, and you think it’s entertainment. What a hoot.


        We control everything, money, credit, debt, interest, laws, education, courts, judges, prosecutors, police, prisons, land, media, transportation, food, water, utilities and everything else, but what we’re proudest of is we control what you think, how to think and when not to think. Fools.


        It’s your fault you know. You have no one to blame but your ancestors and yourself.


        The world is our playground; we’re the bullies; it’s our circus and you are our clowns, and you make us laugh. Hahahaha. IDIOTS!


        In the old days our forefathers had to beat you to get you to do anything. Today you enslave yourselves. We merely offer you trinkets in exchange for your labor, and off you to the coal mines, factories, etc., doing whatever we want, building our stuff, providing our meals, cleaning our houses, fighting our wars, and all the while you sing, “I’m free hoho and off to work I go hoho to buy the stuff I see hoho and happy are we hoho.” Idiots. You deserve your slavery.


        But...all good-time must end. There’s too damn many of you serving each other (there’s way too many of you that DON’T serve us or our interests). Time to thin the serfs, thin the herd, time for the slaughter house to gear up.


        Oh sure, we might lose a few of us, but hey, there are too many of us too, so take your best shot. We’ve always survived, and we will survive YOU, and we will enslave the survivors among you, again, and again and again.