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On Razor’s Edge: The Case of the Satanic British Agent John Schellnhuber in the Vatican

The Unhived Mind

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16 Jun 2015

Every aspect of the global strategic situation is on razor’s edge.

The world is poised at the brink of nuclear war, as Obama and the British escalate their provocations against both Russia and China. (Russian President Putin announced today that Russia will acquire over 40 new ICBMs this year, “that will be capable of overcoming any, even the most technically sophisticated, missile defense system.”)

The trans-Atlantic financial system is hanging by the thinnest of threads, while Wall Street and the City of London issue one sadistic ultimatum after another to try to humiliate and make a bloody example of Greece. (Greek Prime Minister Tsipras announced today that he will be meeting with Putin in Russia on June 19.)

Barack Obama is fighting for his political life, and could be removed from office any day or week that Congress stops dodging the issue and decides to act like patriots. (The Obama White House today suffered a second embarrassing political defeat, when they could not bring the TPP fast track bill to a re-vote in the House, because they simply don’t have the votes.)

And the dramatic countervailing momentum generated by the BRICS process is already changing the global landscape, in the run-up to the July 9-10 summits of the BRICS and the SCO, in Ufa, Russia. The corner-stones of an entirely new international economic system are being put in place.

Each of these dramatic situations is not the result of its own internal dynamic, but of the fact that the entire intellectual and cultural paradigm in the trans-Atlantic sector is imploding, bringing everything associated with it to razor’s edge. This is the lawful result of a century of deductive, Aristotelean thinking which equates man’s mind with that of the beast. Call it “Ockham’s Razor’s edge.”

If we would address this problem at the root, we have to return to the principles of rigorous scientific thinking associated with Nicholas of Cusa, Lyndon LaRouche stated today. The question is: Is Man serving God, or is he trying to give Him orders? Cusa demonstrated that Man does not have direct knowledge of the Creator, but achieves that knowledge only indirectly through Man’s own creative Mind. Cusa didn’t try to interpret God; he didn’t write: “God said this; God said that.” Cusa made it clear that his concept of deity was of a ruler of a universal system, and that the universe operates under that higher authority, which Mankind must recognize. It is here that there is close coordination in the outlooks of Cusa with the Confucian philosophy of China today—as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has emphasized.

There is a process in the universe, LaRouche elaborated, which compels Mankind to grow up, through voluntary submission to that higher knowledge. That is the meaning of Man’s unique, willful creativity among all other known species.

That is why, LaRouche continued, it is scientifically accurate to say that environmentalist “green” policies are pro-Satanic, a point with which all valid Christianity agrees, as seen in the example of Cusa. Those who are promoting the authority and views of people like John Schellnhuber, in the context of the upcoming Papal encyclical on climate change, are promoting a Satanic policy. Schellnhuber, Honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE), advocates the radical “de-carbonization” of the entire planet, which would demonstrably result in the reduction of the planet’s population to 1-2 billion people.

LaRouche concluded:

“The Vatican should not be associated with the likes of the Satanic John Schellnhuber.”


June 17, 2015 at 3:33 am

Lets not forget the sheep-dipped Jesuit known as Ottmar Edenhofer and his controls within this Malthusian environmental based death cult. The Vatican is riddled with Satanic figures and it has long been taken over by the New Venice Empire (Britain) which originates from the Israeli Samaritans of the ancient Middle East. The final death of the Catholic Church occurred in 1963 with the Jesuit renewal of the Council of Trent known to most as the Second Vatican Council. The Jesuits were created the Venetian and Spanish powers not forgetting that San Ignacio de Loyola was handled by Gasparo Contarini. All of this mind control about the environment comes from the Venetian Arsenal the highest level of social engineering design.


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