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FW:  May 18, 2015

(August 19, 2003)

The New Deal had its feet of clay mired "one in the Red mud of Soviet communism and the other in the stinking cesspool of pagan plutocracy."

Father Coughlin


When a nations fails to learn the true history of its past, the people are doomed to reside within a fairy tale of delusions. Once that deception becomes ingrained into the popular culture, the task of the tyrant simplifies. How soon the country is transformed into a civic ordeal and betrayal of principle and heritage. Then, the masses cling to the big lie as fact; the new gospel for the social order becomes transformed into a somber reality. Finally, only the very few question its veracity.

Most of us were born into a society that abandoned the essence of our founding country. The quiet revolution that destroyed America was conducted in full view and sanctified with government attainment. The past was buried without a solemn ceremony and the New Deal was born to reconstruct a fatherland upon the ashes of the American experience. The mother’s milk of this overthrow in fundamental values was based upon the Marxism of patrician traitors. FDR was the supreme socialist. His ideal was the total destruction of the balanced “Federalism” that shared power, affirmed State’s Rights and respected individual Liberty.

The blind and mentally deficient refuse to face the record of treachery that Roosevelt imposed. The deformed dictator shared a collective identity with Stalin, a lust for power that approached Hitler and a deceit only surpassed by Churchill. All four were allies of Socialism. Only slender degrees of separation and fabricated nuances of emphasis disguise their mutual love for totalitarian control over their own country and global vision.

The New Deal is pure Socialism. Communistsare proud of their involvement with FDR: “When the Great Depression of the 1930s created conditions that made working-class victories both possible and necessary, if reaction and fascism was to be defeated, Communists were at the center of building of the new unions of the CIO, and providing the grassroots force that propelled the New Deal government of Franklin Roosevelt, the most advanced government of non-socialist reform in U.S. history, to enact social security and unemployment insurance, minimum wages and the 40-hour week, and create the National Labor Relations Board to protect workers rights to form unions and other major reforms.”

For citizens to look kindly upon Roosevelt and the mutated expansion patrimony of central planning, requires a total ignorance why the Revolution of 1776 was fought and the distrust and fears that founding patriots had towards an all powerful central government. When FDR’s close advisor Douglassaid: "The present pseudo-planned economy leads relentlessly into the complete autocracy and tyranny of the Collectivist State", it was one of the few honest statement made during the New Deal.

Examine the real historic record of the New Deal and ask if the prospects of liberty and the pursuit of happiness were fostered by the alphabet soup federal agencies that converted our free enterprise and voluntary association country into a system of federal despotic command and control?

The core hoax of the last century is that the government is a force for reform that leads to improvement in the condition of ordinary citizens. The New Deal was a coup d’état designed by plutocrats, for installing an oligarchy, to achieve an autocracy, administered by quisling bureaucrats. The Wilsonian internationalist hallucination was consummated by Roosevelt. FDR was a Commie soul mate - Liberal Democrat style - of Uncle Joe.

FDRdefined Freedom of Speech as Stalin did, i.e. he used the Marxist formulation 'Freedom of Information' in his speeches.

FDR pressed a bill to eliminate the right to bear arms, the guarantee of all others.

FDR told Churchill that "an unwritten Constitution is better than a written one." When reminded there was the Constitution, FDR said after his 1936 inauguration "Yes, but it's the Constitution as I understand it - flexible enough (to do what he wanted)." He admiringly told Churchill that Stalin didn't have to worry about Congresses and Parliaments, "he's the whole works." In a letter to a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, FDR wrote- " I hope your committee will not permit doubt as to Constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the suggested legislation."

FDR did not believe in Constitutional checks and balances - he tried to destroy and was prepared to defy the Supreme Court and Congress. He did not believe in advise and consent or the rule of law - he waged war and made treaties without Congressional approval. He did not believe in representative democracy and often said that since Congress did not reflect the will of the people they should be ignored.

Probably the best exposition of FDR's procedures regarding the rule of law vs the rule of men was said by his top deputy, KGB agent Harry Hopkins, to his aides - "I want to assure you that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have here a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal."

FDR defined democracy just as Joseph Stalin did - as the mere act of voting.

The current crop of brainwashed trolls that praise Social Security as an enlightened benefit  and Medicaid as advanced social compassion are already countered among the walking dead. Youth are indoctrinated to accept a Marxist orientation by prodigy freaks for a Satanic State. Black roped oppressors enforce the mandates of the temple of doom and incarcerate anyone they deem a vigilante. The legacy of the New Deal conditioned the fools to accept the New World Order.

Most inhabitants of the United States relish their subservient status and enthusiastically embrace their captivity. The most common attitude is that the world has become a global village for housing the thralls in a benign gulag. Accept your role, enjoy your condition and praise your masters . . . As long as any vestige of the New Deal is considered legitimate, the prospects for restoring a true Republic are futile. The notion of social benefits is abhorrent to any self respecting person. Government management by bribes is insulting. Conformity and coercion are inevitable when people relinquish their natural rights to oppose seduction from the rapist.

The incremental transformation into a global union under the rule of master elites has switched into high gear. FDR was a devil dining on the carcasses of manipulated naive citizens. What’s your excuse? Your parents and grandparents bought into the lie, so don’t claim any pretext that the next evolution into the New World Order will be beneficial. All Communists are Statists, every Fascist is a Statist and every form of Socialism is Statism. Each are un-American, the New Deal set the stage for the NWO.

SARTRE - August 19, 2003

- See more at:


The New Deal had its feet of clay mired "one in the Red mud of Soviet communism and the other in the stinking cesspool of pagan plutocracy."

Father Coughlin


When a nations fails to learn the true history of its past, the people are doomed to reside within a fairy tale of delusions. Once that deception becomes ingrained into the popular culture, the task of the tyrant simplifies. How soon the country is transformed into a civic ordeal and betrayal of principle and heritage. Then, the masses cling to the big lie as fact; the new gospel for the social order becomes transformed into a somber reality. Finally, only the very few question its veracity.

Most of us were born into a society that abandoned the essence of our founding country. The quiet revolution that destroyed America was conducted in full view and sanctified with government attainment. The past was buried without a solemn ceremony and the New Deal was born to reconstruct a fatherland upon the ashes of the American experience. The mother’s milk of this overthrow in fundamental values was based upon the Marxism of patrician traitors. FDR was the supreme socialist. His ideal was the total destruction of the balanced “Federalism” that shared power, affirmed State’s Rights and respected individual Liberty.

The blind and mentally deficient refuse to face the record of treachery that Roosevelt imposed. The deformed dictator shared a collective identity with Stalin, a lust for power that approached Hitler and a deceit only surpassed by Churchill. All four were allies of Socialism. Only slender degrees of separation and fabricated nuances of emphasis disguise their mutual love for totalitarian control over their own country and global vision.

The New Deal is pure Socialism. Communists are proud of their involvement with FDR: “When the Great Depression of the 1930s created conditions that made working-class victories both possible and necessary, if reaction and fascism was to be defeated, Communists were at the center of building of the new unions of the CIO, and providing the grassroots force that propelled the New Deal government of Franklin Roosevelt, the most advanced government of non-socialist reform in U.S. history, to enact social security and unemployment insurance, minimum wages and the 40-hour week, and create the National Labor Relations Board to protect workers rights to form unions and other major reforms.”

For citizens to look kindly upon Roosevelt and the mutated expansion patrimony of central planning, requires a total ignorance why the Revolution of 1776 was fought and the distrust and fears that founding patriots had towards an all powerful central government. When FDR’s close advisor Douglas said: "The present pseudo-planned economy leads relentlessly into the complete autocracy and tyranny of the Collectivist State", it was one of the few honest statement made during the New Deal.

Examine the real historic record of the New Deal and ask if the prospects of liberty and the pursuit of happiness were fostered by the alphabet soup federal agencies that converted our free enterprise and voluntary association country into a system of federal despotic command and control?

The core hoax of the last century is that the government is a force for reform that leads to improvement in the condition of ordinary citizens. The New Deal was a coup d’état designed by plutocrats, for installing an oligarchy, to achieve an autocracy, administered by quisling bureaucrats. The Wilsonian internationalist hallucination was consummated by Roosevelt. FDR was a Commie soul mate - Liberal Democrat style - of Uncle Joe.

FDR defined Freedom of Speech as Stalin did, i.e. he used the Marxist formulation 'Freedom of Information' in his speeches.

FDR pressed a bill to eliminate the right to bear arms, the guarantee of all others.

FDR told Churchill that "an unwritten Constitution is better than a written one." When reminded there was the Constitution, FDR said after his 1936 inauguration "Yes, but it's the Constitution as I understand it - flexible enough (to do what he wanted)." He admiringly told Churchill that Stalin didn't have to worry about Congresses and Parliaments, "he's the whole works." In a letter to a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, FDR wrote- " I hope your committee will not permit doubt as to Constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the suggested legislation."

FDR did not believe in Constitutional checks and balances - he tried to destroy and was prepared to defy the Supreme Court and Congress. He did not believe in advise and consent or the rule of law - he waged war and made treaties without Congressional approval. He did not believe in representative democracy and often said that since Congress did not reflect the will of the people they should be ignored.

Probably the best exposition of FDR's procedures regarding the rule of law vs the rule of men was said by his top deputy, KGB agent Harry Hopkins, to his aides - "I want to assure you that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have here a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal."

FDR defined democracy just as Joseph Stalin did - as the mere act of voting.

The current crop of brainwashed trolls that praise Social Security as an enlightened benefit  and Medicaid as advanced social compassion are already countered among the walking dead. Youth are indoctrinated to accept a Marxist orientation by prodigy freaks for a Satanic State. Black roped oppressors enforce the mandates of the temple of doom and incarcerate anyone they deem a vigilante. The legacy of the New Deal conditioned the fools to accept the New World Order.

Most inhabitants of the United States relish their subservient status and enthusiastically embrace their captivity. The most common attitude is that the world has become a global village for housing the thralls in a benign gulag. Accept your role, enjoy your condition and praise your masters . . . As long as any vestige of the New Deal is considered legitimate, the prospects for restoring a true Republic are futile. The notion of social benefits is abhorrent to any self respecting person. Government management by bribes is insulting. Conformity and coercion are inevitable when people relinquish their natural rights to oppose seduction from the rapist.

The incremental transformation into a global union under the rule of master elites has switched into high gear. FDR was a devil dining on the carcasses of manipulated naive citizens. What’s your excuse? Your parents and grandparents bought into the lie, so don’t claim any pretext that the next evolution into the New World Order will be beneficial. All Communists are Statists, every Fascist is a Statist and every form of Socialism is Statism. Each are un-American, the New Deal set the stage for the NWO.

SARTRE - August 19, 2003

- See more at: