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Hope of the Wicked


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March 23, 2015

Hope of the Wicked

The Master Plan to Rule the World

By Ted Flynn

Ted Flynn's book, Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World, will open your eyes to the greatest deception in modern history. It explores the convergence on a global basis of multinational corporations, foundations and the political and sociological instruments of a one-world government to bring about a New World Order.

The book is 550 pages with 82 photographs and 1,200 footnotes, with a strong historical basis to show that there is a global elite working to end the sovereignty of nations, to place all under the United Nations.

In this well-documented book, readers will learn the following:

  • Is there a conspiracy to rule the world?
  • What is the plan to bring America into a one-world order?
  • Hundred of quotes from world leaders
  • The utopian dream of the United Nations
  • The long tentacles of the United Nations in your life
  • World taxes and a world court for world citizens
  • What is the Federal Reserve and who owns it?
  • The links of world businesses, foundations and governments
  • What are the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission?
  • What are the authority and mission of FEMA?
  • What is the role of the New Age movement and environmentalism in a world religion?
  • The erosion of rights, freedom and national sovereignty
  • The need to create chaos to usher in a new world order
  • The subversion of the Constitution by Executive Order
  • What is the real agenda of secret societies? Technology's theft of privacy: chips, satellites and tracking
  • Is artificial weather modification real?
  • Who was the most influential woman of the 20th Century?
  • Who are the world players trying to bring change?
  • Pulling the plug on the world economy - nearer than you may think
  • How will the global elite's plans affect you and your family in the near future?

    The New World Order is not coming – it is here with a vengeance!
