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FULFORD: Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending ( Short Report)

Benjamin Fulford

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March 16, 2015

There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.

Perhaps the biggest, and hardest to deny, indication that something has changed has been the British governments’ decision to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member. What this means is that the British, and the City of London Financial, district have split with the US financial oligarchs who own the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF and the World Bank. The other thing is that, starting on March 20th, the British bullion banks will cede control of the daily gold price fix to regulators, paving the way for control of the gold market by the BRICS. This means that London, Singapore and Hong Kong financial markets are moving to the new financial system. This leaves only two of the world’s major financial markets, Tokyo and New York, under Khazarian control. As you will see below, Tokyo too is about to break free.

The Germans have also openly split with NATO and the US over the Ukraine. Furthermore, there were public announcements last week that the IMF was giving the Ukraine money to pay for its gas bills to Russia. However, it is the Chinese, not the crooks in New York and Washington, who provided the money, according to Japanese military intelligence. What this means is that French and the Frankfurt based German financial oligarchs have also split with the New York and Washington based Khazarian Mafiosi. In other words, Europe has joined with the BRICS.

Another, perhaps equally big change, was the announcement by Pope Francis last week that there would be a jubilee year starting on December 8th. The jubilee will be “dedicated to mercy” according to Pope Francis.

This seems to be a request for forgiveness by ordinary people once they learn of the enormous crimes perpetrated against them by the Khazarian cabal. However, Vatican P2 freemason sources say this jubilee will also involve

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Historical black swan event imminent

There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent. The exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.

This comes after a March 17th election in Israel that is expected to end Zionazi rule of that nation. The humiliation of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu during his uninvited US visit last week was a clear indication of this. His speech was not broadcast by the main US news networks and was greeted with anti-Nentanyahu demonstrations by Jews in New York and Israel. To top it off, a former Mossad chief accused him of persistently lying about the so-called “Iran threat.” It is even possible Netanyahu was secretly ordered to commit political suicide with that speech.

The other sign that it is not business as usual was re-organization of the CIA that was announced last week. The CIA is now under the control of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to Asia based CIA sources. The contents of the reorganization and the new mission statement of that agency are all in line with Pentagon thinking. Just who was purged from that agency has not been made public but CIA sources say the top ranks of the formerly Bush controlled Directorate of Operations have changed. This has cleared the way for a further purge of the Washington D.C. cesspool.

A heavy duty attack on the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate is already under way. Zionazi whore Senator

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From a medical system that kills to one that cures

Press conference to announce a new medical system

Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:

and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:

By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively

doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

There is a show-down now taking place inside the United States that holds the key to freedom for humanity at large. The appearance of mass murdering Zionazi Satan worshipping (not Jewish) gang boss Benyamin Netanyahu in Washington this week to push for world war 3 is a golden opportunity to end this once and for all. He is a rabid dog who must be quarantined or put down.

As reported in last week’s report, the US military has finally shown the patriotism and bravery needed to take down the Zionazi mafia controlled CIA faction responsible for most of the world’s wars. Last week the Russian and Chinese government news sites both displayed evidence the Zionazi Department of Homeland Security and CIA had been put under pentagon control. To quote from Russia Today:

“US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Vincent Stewart (USMC), reported on the intelligence community’s assessment of current and potential threats to American security and interests.”

The point of interest here is that

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CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain

The lunar year of the horse went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.

There was also an explosion near an airport close to CIA headquarters in West Virginia last week. US corporate news outlets describe the explosion as the result of a “train derailment” but local residents said it resembled a nuclear explosion. Footage can be seen here:

We can only speculate that somebody trying to flee the raid on the CIA met with a fiery death.

The raid on the CIA came immediately after Ashton Carter was sworn in as the new US Defense Secretary. It did not go unnoticed that Carter was sworn in by Vice-President Joe Biden and not Barack Obama.

The Pentagon raid on the CIA was a condition for

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Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues

In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat.

The events in the Ukraine were perhaps the most dramatic. As mentioned briefly in this newsletter last week, a small scale nuclear weapon was used against the pro-Russian militias in the Eastern Ukraine. The militia government confirmed this in a press conference when they said a missile with the explosive power of 500 tons of TNT hit them.

That is only possible with nuclear weapons. In further confirmation that a rogue nuke was used, the US National Geological Survey reported a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on the Ukraine/Russian border at the time of the explosion. This report was on their website for about 20 minutes before it was taken off.

After this explosion, the US based source, who has consistently predicted cabal terror acts in advance, sent an e-mail to this writer saying there were 4 more nukes ready to go off in or near

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Notice to subscribers. This week’s Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis will appear on Tuesday February 17th.

Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions. The Pentagon contacted this writer to say this was “actionable intelligence.” Hopefully this action will include arrests of all top Zionazis starting with the Bush crime family. We have all waited too long for this to happen already. Remember, Washington D.C. is not actually part of the Republic of the United States of America but is rather a foreign enclave. It is time to remove that cancer from the Republic and restore American independence.

In any case, there are clear signs that this Zionazi cancer is being dealt with elsewhere already.

There is a G20 meeting going on in Turkey which, according to Russian sources, is part of a series of meetings aimed at being the equivalent of the 1945 Yalta conference held by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. It was the Yalta conference that created the post-World War 2 order we still live under. So, the implication is that a series of ongoing meetings will herald the biggest changes in international architecture since the end of World War 2.

These meetings are discussing

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The War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group in order to create new Khazaria, and start WWIII by forcing Russia to bring military forces to Donbass:

More raw intelligence from the Russians:

1. Vanguard Corporation is printing billions of “supper dollars” and pays mercenaries of Greystone, Academy, some like ABC group, etc. There were a few of Vanguard employees some of them State Department employees, who had access to billions of fake supper dollars that looks even better then real dollars…

2. The Vanguard’s employees had buses of these dollars (billions), and they finance both sides of Ukrainian war… They bought a big amount of weapons from Ukrainian Army and on a regular basis provided it to Novorossiya (Donbass) militia.

In order to receive dollars, Ukrainian officers and soldiers have sold their weapons to Novorossiya. In other world, the main goal is to murder as many people in Ukraine as they can.

3. The Vanguard’s employees spread fake dollars in Ukraine through the banks that belong to Ukrainian Khazarian Oligarch, Igor Kolomoyskiy, who is the President of European Jewish Congress and Ukrainian Jewish Congress. City of Dnepropetrovsk (the main city of Zionist Kasparian Junta in Ukraine!). Also, Igor Kolomoyskiy owns the airports, including the Dnepropetrovsk’s airport that monitored the Malaysian Flight on July 17, 2014. He finances a military sadistic battalion Dnepr-1 that has committed mass murders in Novorossiya, and the soldiers and mercenaries of Dnepr 1 were paid by these fake supper dollars. All banks of the Dnepropetrovsk are full with these fake dollars.

4. Now nobody knows how much money Federal Reserve has its own dollars in the world and how much Vanguard’s dollars. Some specialists think that competitors “ordered to put down” Vanguard Group. However, Vanguard leaders and other high level bank specialists told that main investors—contributors of Vanguard own the Federal Reserve, and they support this statement.

5. Vanguard’s employee, Mr. Peter van Byurren (the last name could be misspelled) had some serious (huge) compromat about Vanguard Group, including its communications, supper dollars’ issues and its connections with US authorities, etc. Before, he left to Ukraine; he had hidden it in his mother house in a different state (the exact address is given). On January 8, 2015, he was informed that his mother died in hospital that belongs to one of the Vanguard’s companies. His wife checked the place where he hides the compromat against the Vanguard and did not find a box with documents and memory sticks.

6. Immediately, next day, Mr. Peter van Byurren and another Vanguard’s employee, Pete’s partner, Jonathan Mason, put in buses (BUSES!!!) several billions of super dollars and left. Information was spread that they were captured by Donbass militia. At this time, Ukrainian Army started their new active phase of a war against Donbass…

7. However, the Vanguard has sent a big group of Greystone mercenaries, and they found two Vanguard’s employees:

a. “Today, Jan. 21, the afternoon has ended with a series of events that led to the current outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass. The second escapee, Peter van Byurren, was captured on his quest by a special group of mercenaries of Greystone in the house where he was hiding in the village Spartacus Yasinovatskiy, Donetsk region. From there, under the American convoy he was sent to Kiev.”

b. “Unlike his partner, Jonathan Mason, was apparently awaiting the outcome of negotiations of Peter van Byurren with the militia. During his capture on January 19, 2015, three commandos of Greystone were shot and died. Jonathan Mason was killed in the house is in the village of Spartacus. The missing “super banknotes” nominal values of billions of dollars were not found.”

8. Peter Mr. Peter van Byurren was brought to London by a special comfortable flight, and seven of the Vanguard’s employees were with him. He was put in a hospital –Medical Center Sevenoaks – very solid health facility, recently acquired one of the largest in the world by the American Medical HCA, Hospital Corporation of America. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Mr. Peter van Byurren was placed precisely in this hospital: HCA belongs to the group of corporations and foundations, which includes such respected as Vanguard Group, Inc., State Street Corporation, Black Rock Institutional Trust Company, NA, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, Vanguard/WindsorII, Vanguard 500 Index Fund, Vanguard Institutional Index Fund-Institutional Index Fund and others.

9. This was an announcement that at the same day , January 23, 2015, Mr. Peter van Byurren died from a heart attack.

10. Mrs. Van Byurren appealed to the leadership of Vanguard with an ultimatum, supported by its appeals in a completely bewildered edition of ABC, as well as to certain foreign diplomats in Washington.

Breaking news from my Russian sources:

Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…

He testified how the Vanguard Corporation has printed billions of high quality fake dollars and paid to mercenaries in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Libya, etc and paid mercenaries of Greystone and ISIS. He testifies about connections and oil deals between Vanguard Corporation and ISIS.

He said,

In February, Ukraine’s position has become critical because they cannot pay the new prices for Russian gas. EU, especially the Germans, tried to act as arbitrators. Then from this bitch Susan Rice order came to us directly from Nuland that snipers must create “a bit of panic.”

On the day after that Ukraine has a new government, chosen mainly Nuland and John McCain from the National Republican Institute.

When the US administration recognize that the snipers were trained NATO (in Poland – TV), and the whole operation was organized by Vanguard, the CIA and the State Department – Obama almost had a heart attack.

Now he realizes that he is nothing more than a puppet on a string in our theater, the bloody nigger. Originally stupid Nazis had to kill many more women and children in order to drive Putin into a corner so that he was forced to intervene in the war.

But all this just shows that you can teach a pig to shoot, but do not teach her to think. By the way, when the May 18 “Ukrainian” troops attacked Sloviansk, 19 FBI agents and CIA were killed and 14 injured. Greystone lost 17, Academi 59 people.

“FBI agents” were actually people of Vanguard. With forged documents desk they received special Ukrainian identity cards that give them power over all Ukrainian police forces.

He described how all of the major mass murders and atrocities were organized by the Vanguard Corporation and Greystone mercenaries; how he communicated with Igor Kolomoyskiy and how together they were spreading fake dollars in Ukraine…

Germans promised him freedom, to hide him and support if he will tell everything he knows…

Also, two other employees of the Vanguard Corporation stole millions of fake dollars, and pretended that they were high jacked by Novorossiyan militia and murdered. Greystone and Vanguard Corporation have send their mercenaries to Novorossiya and killed one of them and return the second.., after which they brought him to London to their hospital and murdered him, saying that he died from a heart attack. His wife, a famous enough person has now provided information to important people and blackmails the Vanguard Corporation…

Shocked Merkel and President Francois Hollande on their way to Moscow…

Benjamin Fulford