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A few quick throw ins for what I think is going on ISIS burning of pilot

Jim Stone

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Feb. 5, 2015

Come on now, do I HAVE TO jump on the bandwagon and tell you it is fake every single time? When the production values are as good as Hollywood, Mossad hoax front SITE is the source, and it plays like an old Western movie with slow mo frames and prime facial expressions as if it was a movie set for the Alamo, it is OBVIOUS BULLSHIT and after getting educated here you do not need me to tell you. I skipped the topic simply because I lost interest in Western movies after Dances With Wolves (which was a good one) but enough was enough.

I guess what would be news is that plenty of idiots still fall for the same old bunk, but the idiots thrive on CNN which is shrinking exponentially in viewership. They are slowly becoming irrelevant. And I admit, I did sit through the cowboys and aliens movie