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Jan. 29, 2015


"... it is indispensible to trouble in all countries the peoples relations with government so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."

- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written 189



NO MORE BUSH'S FOR PRESIDENT: The Revelations of Nazi, Otto Skorzeny, Part 1 Martin Bormann: Reichsleiter in Exile & American Retiree, Bush family called Sherff


Vatic Note:   This below includes a heck of a huge expose on the Bush clan, which surprised even me.  I knew that the Bush family were German khazars, but I did not know they came to America the way its portrayed here below.  They changed their names in order to infiltrate into America from Scherff to Bush.  Here is additional proof of what you will read below.


Both Prescott and George HW Bush are really different names than what we have been led to believe.  George HW was really George H. Scherff, Jr, and of course Prescott was really George H. Scherff.  They all attended Yale AND WERE MEMBERS OF THE SKULL AND BONES.  All of them were related to the British, German Queen Elizabeth as was Cheney and Obama. 


I wonder what else we do not know.  Well, the OSS, which was the forerunner to the CIA is also mentioned at length below, and matches what Truman said about the CIA before he died.  He said that he did not know who the CIA reported to, but it definitely was not him.  The CIA was really created by MI6 from the existing OSS organization in the USA.


MI6 also created the Mossad.  Deadly combination of intel agencies. We are seeing them work in tandem today and pretty much controlled by the Israeli's or khazars if you will and all of them acting like nazi's.  Jeb Bush, as governor of Florida, had signed an EO on 9/7/2001, declaring martial law in Florida,  to take affect on 9-11-2001.


So how did he know on 9-7 that martial law would be needed on 9-11???  He is a Bush, that is how he knew.   No way should he or any  of the dem candidates be President of these United States with that kind of record behind them.   The bottom line question truly becomes.  "Is this exposure below real and truthful?"   Or is it just another deception for conducting war?  This is so well done that its going to be difficult to be certain.  Read it and see what you think.