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Dec. 1, 2014


The Mad Race to the End

by Preston James



We The People and the Establishment’s Top Policy-Makers are engaged in a Mad Race to the End. If We The People win, we get to survive along with the preservation of our Great Republic the United States of America.

If We lose, not only do We fail to overcome the sinister most Evil Agenda of the Establishment’s Top Policy-Makers who are puppets of a foreign power, We lose our Republic forever and our Great Nation will be completely Balkanized.

And We and our families will be attacked and interned in FEMA Camps and then progressively mass-murdered by Homeland Security (DHS) the American form of the East German Stasi, set up by Marcus Wolfe former Head of the Stasi.  DHS is now run by Bolsheviks run out of the City of London Financial District and Israel, and is best considered an Enemy Occupation Force within Our Gates.

It is these same City of London based Bolshevik families which have already been responsible for creating every ‘ism there is and are responsible for the incredibly painful mass-murder of hundreds of millions of human beings in Bolshevik Russia, Maoist China and all over the World in numerous Wars including WW’s I & II and many subsequent wars, each of which has been staged for Bankster’s Profits and their increased World Power.

Make no mistake, unless stopped by We the People and the Whole World, these Banksters will do the very same thing here in America our Great Republic that they have done to so many other nations where they have mass-murdered the Populace and destroyed and Balkanized those countries.

Yes, it’s now a Mad Race to the End and the stakes are incredibly high.

The Establishment’s Top Policy-Makers know that they are involved in a monumental, history in the making, Final Race to complete their incredibly Evil Agenda which is powered by the City of London Banksters who are losing power by the day.

This is the struggle of the ages of Might versus Right. It is the final struggle between the Evil Aristocratic “Bloodline” Plutocrats (aka the Illuminati) versus We The People, that is, the Populism Powered Masses versus the most Evil entities that ever existed on Planet Earth who have acted as parasites, mass-murderers and asset-strippers upon the Human Race.

The Establishment Top Policy-Makers know that their Evil Agenda to completely take over the whole World was supposed to have been complete by 2005. But due to serious inner conflicts and numerous setbacks their whole plan is now threatened on a mass-scale Worldwide and is crumbling to dust right before their eyes.