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The Unhived Mind

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Posted on November 24, 2014 Leave a Comment


By – The Unhived Mind on the 23rd November 2014

I have the solution to our economic crisis in Britain and even the World but you will not see it implemented until nefarious slave masters are removed from monetary power. The answers are very simple and attempts to bring them into fruition are current and on going. A lot of actions are taking place in the world right now and many of you have no idea what is taking place but this is the most important time in our entire history and its a most dangerous time too. We have two choices we continue as we are under the pirates merchants at the City of London and its puppet Wall Street with their IMF and World Bank slave master and its new dark age or we can progress to a Promethan era under the BRICS Development Bank.

So the answer to the economic problem is simply to remove all negotiable debt instruments meaning the current currencies of all of our nations which includes the British pound. Yes the pound is a note of debt meaning it isn’t money. If you push a bank enough in a court of law you will eventually get them to admit that they do not have any money and they haven’t since 1933 the year of the Uniform Commercial Code. What we need to do is remove the Bank of England and replace the debt currency with a part gold/silver-backed ‘credit’ currency something similar to the credit note we had called the Bradbury Pound (itself a English version of the American Greenback). We get our own Treasury to print up our own credit currency and you’d see how quickly we would become prosperous and wealthy again.

The Worshipful Company of Mercers (do not believe they’re a benign charity now) do not want economic freedom because we cannot be enslaved into their coming socialist nightmare fearing shortages of everything which are used to usher in socialist work programmes and community slavery starting with the workfare replacing welfare and of course Cameron’s Big Society. Notice how these pirates have enslaved people that wouldn’t have claimed benefits but instead were hoodwinked into tax credits (benefit) due to low income wages now. It is all about dependency and gone are the days of freedom and liberty as we now enter the post-democratic society during the planned zero-growth post-industrial plan dark age bought about by puppet President Jimmy Carter signing that vile document.

So what is the answer for the world economy? The same as with Britain! You simply jubilee the illusionary derivatives false debt ($1.8 quadrillion which is impossible to pay) and ideally jubilee all other debt remembering it isn’t even money. Ask yourself how you can pay a debt with a debt? Well your pounds are debt instruments? Its all an illusion to create debt slaves that animate a corporate straw-man via the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, look it up on the UK Government website and what it means (you are classed as ‘dead beyond the sea’ as soon as your parents register your birth). Bankruptcy was originally created to remove debt every seven years and is it any wonder the bankers made sure a particular sentence was altered in the Lord’s prayer to remove suspicion off themselves (Forgive us our trespasses)? Go look that one up! The answer for the world right now is the BRICS Development Bank which was signed in a few months back whilst our mainstream media purposely ignored that historical day hoping they can assassinate President Vladimir Putin before the BRICS fully operates in a year and a halves time thus competing with the IMF/World Bank.

The BRICS will be a part gold-backed credit currency that will be a fair and just economic system that can take over and bring economic and social stability. At the same time the BRICS is all about development meaning infrastructures and projects that will progress mankind. The IMF/World Bank is all about enslaving mankind and removing technologies whilst suppressing others that can empower man. So for instance the IMF would love to remove nuclear power and they try to suppression nuclear fusion. Why? They want a population reduction! When we all left wood for oil the population increase and progression of man skyrocketed so imagine what a nuclear age can do if its at its full potential (forget the brainwashing we are over populated and in shortage, the BRICS know its propaganda and so false). So when you hear all the anti-Putin talk just remember the BRICS and what is really going on.

President Putin is one of the greatest men on Earth and the greatest World leader of all time. If President Kennedy can see what is happening today on Earth he will be cheering and clapping for Putin who is continuing Kennedy’s legacy at trying to remove the City of London and Wall Street monetary power. Kennedy was assassinated for his attempts as was Gaddafi who tried it with a Gold Dinar attempt as well as copying Kennedy’s NAWAPA water systems. Forget the evil propaganda against men like Gaddafi and Saddam most of it is pure lies to demonize the competition and empower the slave system that has kept man down for centuries. Saddam scuppered the Petrodollar by accepting only Euros for Iraqi oil and look what happened to him quick smart! Gaddafi was attempting the same and more and look how they filmed his snuff killing and how Hillary Clinton laughed at it like the evil witch she really is. The slaughter of Gaddafi by western-backed (Senator John McCain) Al-Qaeda was a warning to others who challenge the slave system not to mention a hypocrisy and outright exposure the war on terror is a fraud for invasion and takeover. Within one week of the takeover of Libya a central ‘war’ bank was installed in the nation, something Gaddafi would never allow to ruin his people. Can Cameron, Blair, Bush, Obama ride around the streets open topped without protection and have people love them and want to touch them? Of course not!

So do you want to believe the anti-Putin propaganda pushed by the rabid lunatic Senator John McCain (Al-Qaeda supporter) or do you want to progress with a basket of credit currencies under Putin’s new and fair economic system like most the world are now backing and thus putting the petrodollar in the doldrums through de-dollarization? Its your choice but Putin didn’t coup d’etat Ukraine using Right Sector Nazis which even Hitler once feared, no it was Senator John McCain the same cretin wanting to rattle Putin into submission or World War III (wars a racket). You see the Pentagon believed they only had until 2016 to first strike Russia, after 2016 it would be game over for anti first-strike attempts. I have news for the U.S. and that is Russia is far in advance but the Pentagon found this out recently as Russia took down the US’s top radar defense system called AEGIS and buzzed the top US Navy warship for twenty minutes resulting in nearly 30 sailors quitting fearing becoming sitting ducks. The Russians have superior missile technology, more tactical nuclear weapons (more important than ICBM) not to mention secret technologies. Then China comes into play in an alliance with Russia. So the demented warmonger Senator McCain and fellow terrorists can go take a running jump. Let me remind you that BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, Indian, China and South Africa.

Now the cats out the bag it is time for real change and vision! You might want to look at the Lawful Bank by Roger Hayes of the British Constitutional Group and their new currency called the Sovereignties. Some of us are battling for ours and your freedoms in an invisible war but we are getting closer to victory and the nefarious vermin are being taken down. Who do you think is behind these arrests of elite figures committing paedophilia, child murder and trafficking on a grand scale? Its a big battle but it is being fought. Ask yourself why President Putin had to take his Russian Navy to the coast of Australia during the G20 Summit for protection of his life (remember Kennedy) not to mention leave early to prevent a poisoning attempt at the dinner. Oh they spun a different story in our media as if he was bad for leaving! Oh no Putin is a wise man always one step ahead of these fools and Putin remembers history and learns by it. Comparing Obama and Cameron to the great Putin is a complete joke!

Thank you for reading, I’m sorry it was a long read by I am intense at times and this is a vitally important subject. I hope you sit back and think about what I’ve tried to share with you and I hope if you still have doubts that you watch what goes on and the timings whilst looking at both sides of the story utilizing proper fair media not just our mainstream media which is all owned by the nefarious ones enslaving you. Surely you can see what a mess Britain and the world is right now and surely you want to better it and remove the vermin that have purposely caused it all. I knew six months before the event the very month the economic crisis would start just not the very day. How could I have known this without it being planned? Rest assured its all been planned so people could be more openly enslaved through debt creation and to take all our assets and natural resources.

Any other information you desire then feel free to ask me. I am an Englishman not Russian but I pray to God daily that Putin can pull this off because to be quite frank with you if he cannot we are all doomed and I mean that. Its ironic really that we are told Putin is a bad man when in fact he is our only savior right now. Rest assured no one else has the balls and power to go up against the Black International Nobility and President Putin is putting his life on the line for the Russian nation, its people and the entire world.

What A Load Of Bollocks And Bullshite, You Sound Like Comrade “i’ll Sort The World’s Economys Out” Gordon Brown, And Look What A Mess He Left This Country In. Strongly Suggest You Go Bury Yourself In You Little Paradise Like North Korea.

-Anonymous cointelpro Post


Gordon Brown is part of the problem and that is why he helped to hinder Scotland with Westminster propaganda and deception keeping Scotland in the dark age of Britain and enslaved in the post-democratic European Union. Alex Salmond wasn’t much better either by not giving the answer I just did on the currency. For Scotland I would have given it either a credit currency now or attached it to the Chinese Yuan currency until the BRICS Development Bank become fully functioning with its credit currencies which could include a new Scottish Sovereignties note. I would have made a defense pact with nuclear Russia and removed Trident to Plymouth and put the fear of God in the covert Plantagenet vermin at Westminster. Scotland would purchase all its energy needs from Russia in the new Scottish currency or Yuan away from the ball and chain of the U.S. Dollar aka petrodollar aka Federal Reserve enslavement for Wall Street the puppet of the City of London. Might I remind you JP Morgan flies a Union Jack in New York not an Old Glory flag and that Queen Elizabeth owns most the land in that region! I would have shoved a cricket ball right up Jose Barroso and his European Union fascist state and never signed into it once exited from Britain.

I’m not sorry I removed a security blanket of yours and that you do not understand geopolitics let alone to the extent I do. I would rather not be abused for trying to give a deeper understanding and help people who genuinely want to make a difference and be free to live a happier more fulfilled life. Unfortunately people like myself not only have to fight the enslavement and the slavemaster we also have to put up with some slaves who like to gatekeeper and defend their enslaver. Its a natural response that even I had at one time when a friend of wisdom tried to help me break free. I do remove security blankets making some people feel vulnerable because they end up finding out they are on their own and not loved or protected by their Governments. In a way they even know they are a slave but they prefer to deny it and just occasionally moan about it.

I personally find someone like you who likes to attack others for helping and being different simply a hinderance and nuisance. I will tell you now that although I disagree with the real powers-at-be (surely you do not think Cameron and Obama are leaders?) using biological weapons for their culling desires (more covert and acceptable than armies and swords) I do think that some of the general herd that wish to help the slave master should most definitely be caught up in that cull. All those of worth, wisdom and logic should be saved whilst the lost causes deserve what you get. If you do not want to learn anything and enjoy your servitude as Bertrand Russell desired and as he outlined in his book ‘The Impact of Science on Society’ then you deserve to be caught up in the doldrums you desire.

What answers to the economic problems of the world do you have? My words, wisdoms and truths are backed up and can be proven with a little research and time rather than anger and childishness you’ve just shown. So give me your answers? You have none! You haven’t got a clue what I’ve even been talking about. I’ve been an independent research for fifteen years of very intense study. I actually know some people of nobility within this system and the opposing system. I’ve known people who were horizontalized trying to help people like you who really don’t deserve it. When we correct this system and defeat the nefarious vermin behind it then I guarantee if you’ve survived their actions to that point you will become a leech and parasite wanting to use our new system but you will never have made a contribution to our system and thus no better than an immigrant coming and taking benefits which you probably already moan about. I’m also in contact with people who have been jailed for trying to make a difference.

When you understand my words and become rational then reply to my words but if you have nothing of worth to add then please just find somewhere else to spread your vile spew its no good to man or beast. I am not Gordon Brown, Alex Salmond or David Cameron (puppet of the Genoa continuum) I am a normal being fighting for true freedom and economic stability for all. I am tired of people becoming workless and entering poverty and food banks. Do you like people having to use food banks in this country oops corporation [UK Plc]? Do you? You try it, ask the Trussell Trust how bad it is! You try being downtrodden by the DWP when its not your fault you are out of a job! You try going without benefits and being homeless.

The answer for Britain is the British Constitutional Group and a credit currency by the people for the people. This Queen will be had for her treason on England and she will be sentenced to pre-1998 Treason Laws not the changes her and war criminal Tony Blair (baby killer) made to cover their backsides if they were ever caught for their criminal acts on England and its people. I should also advise you to see how the U.S, Canada and the Ukraine would not sign an anti-Nazi glorification U.N. Resolution put forth by Russia with most other nations on Earth signing the resolution. But why wouldn’t the U.S. sign such a document? The U.S funds and uses Nazis in Ukraine in attempts to take Crimea so Russia cannot have its fleet in the region and with access to the Mediterranean Sea (just as they fund and create terrorism). If Russia was doing what the US is doing in the Ukraine but over in the Americas then World War III would start in the blink of an eye. Putin is too smart for the lame tactics of Senator John McCain and Madeline Albright and instead he will dismantle the Petrodollar and free mankind whilst destroying the U.S. military might without a bullet being fired and instead by the power of the pen. Now that is a true leader for the people not puppets for the bankers and corporations under the Black International vermin (who like to use war to make corporate profits [and cull] read Smedley Butlers ‘War is a Racket’).

Maybe people shouldn’t believe the propaganda in movies like Rambo III and live in the real world before they are doomed. I should point out that Wall Street funded the Soviet Union as proven by Antony Sutton from official documents! Putin threw out all the parasitic scum that was destroying Russia the same scum that have destroyed the West! Putin made Russia energy independent and we all know Henry Kissinger said oil controls nations, food controls people. No body knows better than Henry Kissinger who incidentally is a traitorous Jew who is actually a Nazi and was the leader of the Nazi continuum (Nazi Geo-Political Center created by Heinrich Himmler) known as the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst currently run by George H.W Scherff know to the herd as Bush working on behalf of powers within Dachau, Bavaria!

I can open a pandoras box but you want to live in a BBC (paedophile/propaganda/state driven nest) and Hollywood predictive programming illusion that your life if rosy and free. I hear this all the time but I cannot take a photograph in the city without behind hounded as a terrorist threatened with draconian terrorism laws all whilst my false leaders fund and arm terrorists against sovereign nations like Libya, Syria, Nigeria (all areas of energy resources) not to mention Senator McCain pictured with these terrorists and even known kidnappers. I hear U.S. Citizens (not Americans) claiming they are free but they cannot even own a brick/stone house in most states in order for the Federal Government to be able to bury it in bullets or fire (Waco siege) in case of resistance to the sovereign state of Washington D.C and its illusionary power over the mainland. I just say to them that they’re in ‘the land of the fee and the home of the slave’ which is a far cry from the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ going back to the American Republic (killed off in 1865) which is now just a mere veiled proxy puppet/colony of Britain again (giving the illusion of the other way around) feeding everyones gold reserves through the Federal Reserve of Richmond to Britain whilst Camilla Parker Bowles smiles with delight. Is it any wonder Prince Charles attacked Putin recently as Putin gears up to choke off that gold payment to Prince Charles as he de-dollarizes the world. Interesting many nations are calling for their gold back from the U.S. as it sinks just as the Club of Rome desired and planned! Trouble is there isn’t much more gold over there its been stolen by that treasonous Monarch here and members of the Vatican. London has very little gold as Gordon Brown sold most of it cheap like a complete moron (Brown’s bottom) whilst the rest has been shipped to Switzerland for refining into 1 kilo bars for China aka the BRICS.

As you can see I put time and effort into my writings and I can backup every last thing I say. I also do not resort to ad hominem attacks which usually come from frightened people trying to deny truth or counter-intelligence sources trying to hide and bury it. I am a logical and rational being so I’ve addressed your attempt of a comment in an attempt to highlight what I just have so others with that same initial reaction might get further forward. We have to understand that us Westerners have been programmed by our system with lies since birth then we are told only others do this to their populations. People fear someone like me because I tend to have the answers to what the establishment call problems (for manipulation of the herd).

I remember telling some friends the exact month of the economic crisis and no one believed me and laughed because it was six months prior to the event. What happened during that very September? My information was proven correct and the Credit Crisis hit hard! What happened to the friends? Some continued but they asked me for further information on events and goings on. What about the others? They did not comment on me being right and instead would dodge me or look at me in fear as if I was part of it all whilst denying there is a different system in place so in other words doublethink and doublespeak. Some people cannot understand how a normal being of no significance can have such insight and knowledge that they do not possess. Well we all can possess it, I did and so you can just the same. I just wanted to get some truths and got off my backside whilst networking within certain circles. I actually had numerous sources for my forewarning of the Credit Crunch one of which was a FBI informant. So my friend when you have contacts connected with FBI, NSA, Interpol, Russian Intelligence, Nobility and others please share your wisdoms. I can also inform you that I had contact with a former head of a very influential division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation he has since died I was also in contact with a former advisor to Margaret Thatcher who was horizontalized a few years back but never the less these are the circles I know.

Finally I find it interesting you used North Korea in your attack against my original words. May I remind you again that the Soviet Union was funded by Wall Street as proven by Anthony Sutton! Putin is fighting Wall Street and the City of London whilst the Russian Federation is no longer a communist state under the great Vladimir Putin. I should inform you that George H.W Scherff has a lot of power over North Korea and even has a superdollar fraudulent printing press in the region (further lowering the worth of the Federal Reserve note on top of the quantitative easing program oops the one that continues still to this but through the Bank of Japan enslaving Japan using puppet Shinzo Abe). Let me not forget to mention how Scherff uses North Korea to pumps out the amphetamine industry just as Israel pumps out the Ecstasy industry whilst Spain and France pump out the Heroin industry working with Britain (Dope Inc) and the US with the cocaine industry. North Korea is a puppet proxy used to manipulate the Asian stock markets for the rigged casino illusion that was originally created by Venetians through the Netherlands.

I’m not convinced.

I agree that the current IMF/World Bank led economy is a house of cards, sold to us using smoke and mirrors (Barman! Mix me another metaphor….), but the BRICS bank doesn’t seem to be much of an alternative; merely replacing one military-industrial complex with another.

I also agree that the anti-Putin propoganda re: the Ukraine issue has dangerously ignored the Ultra-Right factions at play – however, until anyone can tell me that there are NO anti-gay laws in Russia, that we’ve been hideously misinformed on that issue, I’ll still think he’s a c*nt and he can’t be trusted.

The other thing that worries me about your post is that you refer to “socialist work programmes” such as workfare – you do know the current government are Tories, don’t you? You’re not one of those ‘all-governments-are-socialist-conspiracies’ types, are you? If so, that kind of blows your argument out of the water, as far as I’m concerned.

And, xxxxxxx….. ‘Comrade Gordon Brown’? Go bury yourself in North Korea? You’re very close to proving Godwin’s Law there!

-Anonymous [different]


Thank you for your post and that is far more like what I would expect from someone of worth and worth replying to. You are welcome to your opinions and beliefs, I am just here writing this to give my well informed opinion and wisdom which if you research up enough I’m sure you will see a bit further maybe even agree with much of what I say if not all. I am not here to force you to think my way, I am not here saying believe me but I would like a fair chance and that if my words have some interest even if not fully agreed with that you then do some further research from proper sources. I’m fighting a very advanced propaganda machine that has been up to these tricks for hundreds of years in many forms whether plays, movies, newspapers, radio and TV. This propaganda machine goes right to Venice which then branches out to Britain via the Fabian Society and various forks in the UK and US.

We are now starting to destroy these media forms so their next move is to attempt to suppress us and censor the internet. One way they do this is with people like House of Keswick and Clan Campbell puppet David Cameron (Crooked Nose Clan) and his ISP filters first accepted under as against child porn (baring in mind ministers and higher are within the elite paedophile networks especially using children from orphanages in Africa such as SOS Children Villages). Notice he’s gearing up to censor websites under the banner of terrorism but pushing it from a Jihad angle. What he doesn’t tell the herd is that the draconian terrorism laws bought in through manufactured fear (aiding the so-called terrorism) have people who read Bibles as domestic terrorists amongst other crazy things. So the hoodwinked populace think of terrorism as Arabs and accept draconian laws but never read those laws. Therefore in the near future if you speak as I have above then you will be filtered off the internet removing all alternative forms of information and keeping the populace stuck in lies like the days of old and before the internet age. So whilst Britons may hate the great internet firewall of China, we are going the exact same route but we are told we are free, they know they are not. I hate to inform you that the nefarious version of a New World Order is actually blueprinted on the Chinese system. As usual the nefarious ones give one impression but act in a far different way.

I should point out that a lot of the organ trafficking in China ends up in Chicago by the Te Wu intelligence networks connected with Er Bu who run the China White heroin trade within the U.S aided by the Central Intelligence Agency. You see the CIA allow this so if anyone gets caught or its exposed the Te Wu take the wrap not the CIA and they do exactly the same on the West Coast with the Japanese Yakuza in California. The CIA very rarely dirty their own hands! I could even direct you to a former head of this Chinese intelligence who hides now in the U.S. after screwing over his own nation of a very large amount of secret funds. I would not give you a link to a profile of his which is online but in a guise as these intelligence love to play false roles. You wouldn’t want your IP address recorded against his page because he is a very dangerous man and they think nothing of horizontalizing an enemy, snoop or reporter. Rest assured I know of him and his semi Westernized name and I knew someone from Chicago in the Courts dealing with such vermin.

What do you propose we use if we do not use the BRICS alliance? Please look into the BRICS in more depth and you will see that it is almost always the complete opposite of the IMF/World Bank. I might add that both the IMF/World Bank are whores of the U.S. Treasury via its Exchange Stabilization Fund a kitty of all the dope trade funds which helps fund NATO terrorism both overt and covert along with all these puppet terrorist organization like Al-Qaeda who incidentally was created by the family of Carl M. Marcy out of Chicago and connected with the very powerful Senior Executive Service which makes the CIA look like chickenfeed not to mention families like the house of Borghese. We need a military backed monetary power we are not in an era of peace yet and even then a police force is still needed. There is no way I want to be under the IMF any longer and I know the BRICS is the answer and so does most of the world. If you want more insight into this battle go over the nefarious Zbigniew Brzezinski book ‘The Grand Chessboard’ it will explain the battle with Eurasia we see now but it was written by this pirate in 1997. You might also like to read ‘The First Global Revolution’ written by the council of the Club of Rome in the 1990s helping you to understand a lot of these staged uprisings.

Make a note how Putin is putting laws into action to make sure these cannot occur in Russia. Some people believe Putin is being harsh and against freedom but in times of great war certain things have to be given up in order to protect the nation. I’m against censorship etc but I understand what is at stake right now until the BRICS is fully functional and Putin manages to stay alive. Bare in mind the French CEO of Total oil company Christophe de Margerie was assassinated at the very airport that President Putin flies from and just after he’d signed agreements with Russia on energy payments outside the U.S. dollar. Putin needs to stop social media inside Russia because warmonger Senator McCain and Hillary Clinton utilize social media around the world to create uprisings. Now they are attempting to force Russia to default on its economy by manipulating oil prices and calling for less oil production knowing Russia relies on its energy exports for its economy. Not to forget the unjustified economic warfare on Russia via sanctions. So Russians are going to take a hit that is hard but many will accept it because they know Putin is on their side and its for the best interest of Russia and some know the world too since many Russians are schooled on the true enemy. Of course the western media will claim otherwise as they show their paid up puppets protesting then claiming its the same with all Russians.

I am tired of the trickery and lies and I am tired of being a slave to vermin. I’ve seen the trickery during the Scottish Referendum both by the so-called members of the SNP (Salmond) and by Westminster. It is time really for revolution but we do not need to go that far we can just lawfully (I like that word as I hate the legalese unconstitutional law) rebel in what is known as Lawful Rebellion as accepted in the British Constitution. Is it any wonder they no longer teach the British Constitution since the national curriculum was bought into the dumbed down the education system so all todays actions can be accepted with ease.

I strongly suggest you go over Putin’s so-called anti-gay stance because it has been twisted by the media and is nothing like what we’ve been told. A Christian nation has the right to its belief as did our so-called once christian nations until recently as we’ve been turned atheist by an agenda known as the Devil’s Messiah. I should point out that the idea behind the Devil’s Messiah agenda is simply to aid the destruction of all the current religions which will be concluded by a particular event which is the only possible method to completely remove todays religions. I should also point out that at the end of it the people that were made atheist and the newer generations will then be bought up into a new one-world religion which is actually the open worship of Lucifer as highlighted by the very powerful Albert Pike in his ‘Morals & Dogma’ book handed to all high-level freemasons of the 30th degree and above but now available on the internet thanks to researchers. The final religion will be a mixture of the old paganism (the climate fraud is a start of this a form of gaia/cybele worship) wrapped in science so a kind of scientific dictatorship with religious elements. Now my friend back to Putin I am bisexual and I love Vladimir Putin and so do some of his gay friends just as he loves them. I’d rather have laws against gay sex than a folding economy and social chaos where food riots and rioting become a daily occurrence soon. Have you visited or know anyone in Greece? Ask them what its like today and its a nightmare from hell! I might point out fifty teams around Britain have been preparing for almost ten years or more for this very event and its one of the reasons for PCSOs and traffic wardens getting more powers shortly. So I ask you is it not a conspiracy if Senior police are teaming in preparation for an event years off but almost here now? How would they know about it if its such an out the blue thing which they will make out to you when it occurs and all via their mainstream media mantras of BS.

I do not give a hoot about the illusion of a 3 party state it is all a complete farce they’re all one serving the sovereign City of London power and we’ve been in a socialist nation for God knows how long now. Please simply look at how this country works and what it is bringing in then it becomes plainly obvious. The plan is for a world socialist system and this is one of the reasons for gay sex acceptance and population culling. A socialist system is doomed to failure with large populaces and if you go over Bertrand Russell’s work I already outlined you would see that he explains this. These are not my thoughts or thinking, they are the thinking of the elite minds that really run the show, David Cameron cannot tie his own shoe laces. Why do you think when the Prime Minister or Chancellor enters the City of London and the Mansion House they have to be dressed up and dressed differently and with a dicky bow not the usual tie (toe-rope symbolizing servitude)? Why do these puppet politicians mind their P’s and Q’s whilst in the City of London? I can quote many world leaders comments on this powers-at-be but its all out there if you research hard enough and get past counter-intelligence firewalls. I might remind you that Zionism is all about socialism baring in mind what happened to Russia after the Wall Street funded Bolsheviks took over. Now I will remind you that both the Labour Party and the Conservative Party have funding from the Labour Friends of Israel and the Conservative Friends of Israel both Zionist organizations its just more obvious with Labour and especially with Ed Milliband’s father. Another reason for the acceptance of gay sex is to help eliminate the idea of gender as well as class just as they are eliminating the idea of race aided by race mixing as predicted by Richard Coudenhove Kalergi in the 1920s with his ‘Practical Idealism’. But on top of those the gay sex acceptance will also lead to a lowering of violence. Maybe you should real the Marxist view on homosexuality and think about what is happening today.

As for Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies it is all part of this dumbing down and linguistic minimalism agenda. Today they can even class 30 years of history as ancient! What chance have I got of teaching suppressed history hundreds of years old to many of todays generation? I can go back to the 13th Century and before but it is hard with the lack of interest and dumbed down intelligence today caused by C-section birth, lack of breastfeeding, pharmaceuticals, chemicals [fluoride], poor foods/nutrition, bad education and technology. People today see a long text and switch off because they’ve been socially engineered by minds in Venice to want everything now and with ease lets call it the Twitter mentality.

I think I’ve given you all some food for thought and hope you use a decent search engine and look up some of the keywords. All I hoped to do was allow you an alternative view and hoped to spark something. Do not assume I am some posh being because I am just a normal lad that would live next door to you and you’d never know unless I spoke to you on these subjects. I refer to myself a being simply because I do not want to class myself as chattel property by calling myself a person. I am not a corporate strawman I am a being of the Divine who’s blood flows and flesh lives. Maybe now you understand why they do not allow you to write on forms in lower case and in red ink. Red ink (or even blood) symbolizes life and a corporate strawman (dead beyond the sea) has no life and thus can be controlled by the corporate admiralty system and Uniform Commercial Code. Words that once had one meaning today have a very different meaning when dealing with the system.