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PHIL SCHNEIDER'S FINAL LECTURE on Aliens, DUMBs, NWO, Advanced Technology and more!

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Published on Oct 31, 2014

This is the final lecture that Phil Schneider gave before he was murdered and is one of his very best. This lecture contains things I've never heard before. One thing that Phil does not discuss but what I know to be true is that aliens are demonic in nature. You can see this information by looking at the "Unholy Communion" video on my channel. But Phil does confirm that the aliens ALWAYS lie and this confirms that they are demonic. Satan is the father of all lies. I urge you to watch the "Unholy Communion" video for much more information on this. This information about aliens being demons/fallen angels is the most secret of all information.



Some of the things discussed in this video.


Deep underground military bases (DUMBs) that Phil worked on. There are over 130 of these bases and they are all connected by Mach 2 subway type systems. There are also highways next to the trains for other vehicles. Phil quit his job after he discovered the DUMBs were going to be used to suppress the American people and were part of the new world order agenda.


US Government's phoenix class submarines that can dive to over 7000 feet and stay there for months.


Phil shows many samples of new materials created through alien knowledge.


Ebola and Aids were designer diseases.


You are only told 5% or much less of the truth about anything. The NWO looks at you like morons.


Phil shows the sample he got from the skin of the Roswell craft. He says they broke into the craft by dipping it in liquid nitrogen and using a hydraulic hammer to shatter it


The UN takes orders from the aliens.


They have been able to manipulate the weather entirely since 1966. They could stop all hurricanes but let them hit to cause chaos.


They can make tunnels 28' by 28' using laser / maser drills that can go 7 miles in one day!


For every year that goes by the military's technology advances by oer 40 years.


Phil takes many questions at the end of his talk.