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The Deconstruction and Complete Reset of Israel

Preston James

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Aug. 5, 2014

World Zionists Have been Ordered to Cut Israel Loose.  Systematic Deconstruction and Reset to Follow in Progressive Steps Just like with South African Apartheid.



in a startling and unexpected Major Reversal, World Zionists (WZ) have now been “ordered” to cut Israel loose, to make sure it follows the same course of Deconstruction and Reset that South Africa did, and to transform it into an ethnically and racially diverse Euro-style nation.

During the next several years the nation-state of Israel will be quite significantly transformed and reconstituted, with the final design yet to be decided or designated by those who call the shots, aka The Powers That Be (PTB).

The best guess so far is that Israel will become a multi-racial, ethnically diversified Globalized nation-state cleared of its maniacal World Zionist (WZ) Babylonian Talmudic leaders. Or if that fails, most of Israel will likely be wiped off the face of the Earth during a staged WW3 type Mideast nuclear exchange.

One way or the other the Israel will be transformed into a Globalist platform for the seating of a NWO World Leader who is going to be designated as their Luciferian Ruler and will no longer be the center of an age old war between the “Teutonic Zionists” (WZs) aka “The Crusaders” and the Mideast Islamics.

Already, wealthy Israelis are leaving Israel for safer places and a general unconscious sense of dread and fear is descending on the land despite the blatant conscious media displays of chutzpah and false bravado against the undefended Palestinian civilians, especially the women and children.

Israel is now a sinking ship brought about by its Apartheid, blockade, horrific tyranny and mass-murder against Palestinians. The World has become very well informed and will just plain not put up with it anymore.

Israel has become an Apartheid Occupation force of Palestine and a land-thief, abuser, tyrannizer and  mass-murderer of Palestinians. And just like South Africa, the World will deal with it quite substantially, only this time faster and most likely much more severely.