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June 28, 2014


COMMENT:  The Mexican Military has Helicopters? It was probably a Cartel Helicopter.


  "The border between the US and Mexico is a screen door on a submarine". Under the terms of the North American Union, the borders between Mexico and Canada will be eliminated as such, which will effectively putting an end to all three countries. This is not a conspiracy theory sports fans, the plan to merge the three countries was formed at the end of WWII. What you see happening at the Mexican Border is a necessary step by US Corp to bring down the border altogether, with Canada already in agreement concerning the terms of the new union.


In the past, countries were always symbolic of the people who lived in them, but no longer will that be the case within the North American Union, because the NAU is not a country at all, it's a controlled land mass of people with no distinguishing cultural qualities, drab, colorless, and lifeless.



US  elites have embarked on a plan to merge the U.S. with Canada and Mexico over the next five years, according to documents published by the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).    


Under the plan, called a "Security and Prosperity Partnership," the three countries will "integrate" their economies and populations to create what the CFR terms "a common economic space" with "a more open border for the movement of goods and people," and which encompasses all three countries within "a common security perimeter."


The merger of the three countries was agreed to in principle by the three heads of state when they met for a North American summit at President George Bush's Texas ranch in March, the CFR said. None of the populations living in the three countries have been consulted on whether they approve of the merger, however.


The CFR is a major policy-making apparatus for America's ruling class, and consists of leaders from transnational corporations, academia, government, and the corporate media. Its policy recommendations are often implemented regardless of which party controls the national government.


In the past the CFR has been accused of taking part in secret plots to impose world government, but in fact the group discusses its policy aims quite openly. Its plans for North America, developed by the CFR's Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, are available to the public on the group's website. The plan was summarized in a widely distributed news release, also available on its website, headlined "Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010."


The plan does not explicitly call for a single governing body for the new three-country entity, which the CFR calls the "North American Community," but it does recommend creation of an unelected North American Advisory Council "to prepare for and implement" the details of the plan. It says "the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States should articulate as their long-range goal a common security perimeter for North America." That means creating a "unified border action plan" for the three nations, with "harmonized visa and asylum regulations; joint inspection of container traffic entering North American ports; and synchronized screening and tracking of people, goods, and vessels..." In addition, the common security perimeter would include "establishment of a trinational threat intelligence center and joint training for law enforcement."


The CFR's task force also recommends that the security plan should include "a border pass, with biometric indicators," carried by the populations of the three countries. The three governments "should commit themselves to the long-term goal of dramatically reducing the need for physical scrutiny of traffic, travel, and trade within North America." As envisioned by the CFR, the common security perimeter inside of which populations could traverse the three countries' borders without inspection means that any foreign visitors admitted by Mexico's notoriously corrupt federal police system would be free to visit the U.S. without delay or additional scrutiny. In other words, the national borders would simply cease to exist.


To fully integrate the three countries' economies, the CFR recommends transfering wealth from the people of the U.S. to Mexico in the form of a North American Investment Fund "designed to channel resources for the purposes of connecting the poorer parts of [Mexico] to the markets in the north," and "to support education and technical training for Mexican states and municipalities..." Elimination of all border controls between the three countries will force the entire higher-paid American labor force to compete with millions of lower-wage laborers in Mexico in the newly created "seamless North American market" which will guarantee "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico."


Nowhere in any of the CFR's documents on the North American Economic and Security Community does the group mention whether the electorates in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico, should have the opportunity to vote on any aspect of the plan.