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April 22, 2014


Let us now take a look at the Constitution for the NEWSTATES OF AMERICA.


In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America began, at a tax-exempt foundation with the misleading name, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions.


The people who took it upon themselves to write this new constitution on your behalf were, of course, not elected representatives, or in any other way your representatives. As a tax-ex­empt foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes, but you were never asked if you wanted a new constitution written. Indeed, only a very tiny fraction of the people of the United States even know, today, that it exists; it has been made known to practically no one except a select category of influential Elitist people whose views and interest generally coincide with those of the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are absolutely ignorant of its existence. This is deliberate. This is a "secret" constitution--but already in use AGAINST YOU-THE-PEOPLE.


It took some ten years to write this model constitution. A pre­liminary version was published in 1970 and some of you patriots who object to it will recognize the title and author: THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell, the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. By the way, during the writing of this "secret" constitution that Center for the Study of Democratic Institution was very lavishly funded with over two and a half MILLION dollars a year.


To appreciate the document--we will effort to offer you some commentary and review and you will forgive me if I fail to al­ways at every paragraph mention the speakers. Tugwell's book, by the way, was published by Harper & Row and sells for about $20.


We will write on a section and then append comments and ob­servations.





So that we may join in common endeavors, welcome the future in good order, and create an adequate and self-repairing gov­ernment--we, the people, do establish the Newstates of Amer­ica, herein provided to be ours, and do ordain this Constitution whose supreme law it shall be until the time prescribed for it shall have run.


COMMENTS: This new constitution would replace the present U.S. Constitution and would dissolve the States as you know them into Newstates, "each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population". This new constitution is, in itself, a ve­hicle for the transition from your proven, tried and true, di­vinely-ordained Constitution with its Bill of Rights Amend­ments, to the New World Order that man, in his own efforts, hopes to impose upon mankind--and basically has already accomplished at this writing.


The first eight words of the "preamble" clearly spell out all of the above. "so that we may join in common endeavors" as­sumes that everyone wants to support their endeavors to destroy America's sovereignty, states' rights and the individual's God-given liberty and freedom. Should this be accomplished, the states would be abolished in favor of regions known as "newstates". By their assumption, the initiative is taken and the momentum gained.


The "common endeavors" in this case is the destruction of your U.S. Constitution so as to replace it with a dictatorship. The new would have the form and appearance of the old but there the similarity ends. The Newstates of America Constitution is merely a form of the old in order to pacify those still remem­bering the liberty that it guaranteed. The New Constitution is a bridge, a part of the hopefully peaceful transition from a Con­stitutional Republic to an oligarchic world dictatorship. THE MERE FACT THAT THIS NEW CONSTITUTION IS TO BE IN EFFECT FOR ONLY 25 YEARS AND THAT MANY OP­PORTUNITIES ARE PROVIDED TO REVISE AND REWRITE IT IN THOSE YEARS--INDICATES THE ROLE OF TRANSITION.


Yes, you will find in Article XI, Section 2 it declares: "When this Constitution shall have been in effect for twenty-five years the Overseer shall ask, by referendum, whether a new Constitu­tion shall be prepared". And should those in power be defeated in the case of amending their new constitution, they won't take no for an answer. To quote Article XI, Section I: "If rejected (that which they proposed), it may be restudied and a new proposal submitted". So it is not possible for the people to totally reject that which the appointed Principal Justice and that which the appointed Senate proposes.


You will note that the word "emergency" will appear frequently in the proposed Constitution but is never mentioned in Your U.S. Constitution. Consequently, an "emergency" is used to impose new dictates--which could only be accomplished at the expense of the U.S. citizen's liberty. Keep your eyes open as we go along.


Read again the "preamble":

1. It welcomes the future "in good order". Just what does that actually mean?

2. "To create an adequate and self-repairing Government". If your present Government needs some minor repairing, why not carefully consider the matter for possible improvement? Why even consider a new form of Government that might be "self-repairing"--by command coming from a DICTATOR? Why change the entire form of a highly successful Government for free people to one controlled by iron-clad Dictatorship?


Note, "We, the people, do establish the Newstates of America, herein provided to be ours... " What would you have then? What, in contrast to that which you have, now? Today, you have a noble document, even if teetering on the edge of extinc­tion, far, far removed from a "Concensus for Collectivism"--a DANGEROUS PHRASE which you will hear from Internationally-influenced speakers in their efforts to further the aims of the super-rich Corporate Socialists and Bankers! The emphasis in the Preamble, and throughout, is to favor BIG GOVERNMENT and down-grade The People! This is the complete reverse of your own Constitution which you are selling out.



Rights and Responsibilities


A. Rights


            SECTION 1. Freedom of expression, of communication, of movement, of assembly, or of petition shall not be abridged ex­cept in declared emergency.

            SECTION 2. Access to information possessed by govern­mental agencies shall not be denied except in interest of national security; but communications among officials necessary to deci­sion making shall be privileged.

            SECTION 3. Public communicators may decline to reveal sources of information, but shall be responsible for hurtful dis­closures.

            SECTION 4. The privacy of individuals shall be respected; searches and seizures shall be made only on judicial warrant; persons shall be pursued or questioned only for the prevention of crime or the apprehension of suspected criminals, and only according to rules established under law.

            SECTION 5. There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, origin, or sex. The Court of Rights and Re­sponsibilities may determine whether selection for various occu­pations had been discriminatory.

            SECTION 6. All persons shall have equal protection of the laws, and in all electoral procedures the vote of every eligible citizen shall count equally with others.

            SECTION 7. It shall be public policy to promote discussion of public issues and to encourage peaceful public gatherings for this purpose. Permission to hold such gatherings shall not be denied, nor shall they be interrupted, except in declared emergency or on a showing of imminent danger to public order and on judicial warrant.

            SECTION 8. The practice of religion shall be privileged; but no religion shall be imposed by some on others, and none shall have public support.

            Section 9. Any citizen may purchase, sell, lease, hold, con­vey and inherit real and personal property, and shall benefit equally from all laws for security in such transactions.

            SECTION 10. Those who cannot contribute to productivity shall be entitled to a share of the national product; but distribu­tion shall be fair and the total may not exceed the amount for this purpose held in the National Sharing Fund.

            SECTION 11. Education shall be provided at public expense for those who meet appropriate tests of eligibility.

            SECTION 12. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. No property shall be taken without compensation.

            SECTION 13. Legislatures shall define crimes and conditions requiring restraint, but confinement shall not be for punishment; and, when possible, there shall be preparation for return to freedom.

            SECTION 14. No person shall be placed twice in jeopardy for the same offense.

            SECTION 15. Writs of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in declared emergency.

            SECTION 16. Accused persons shall be informed of charges against them, shall have a speedy trial, shall have reasonable bail, shall be allowed to confront witnesses or to call others, and shall not be compelled to testify against themselves; at the time of arrest they shall be informed of their right to be silent and to have counsel, provided, if necessary, at public expense; and courts shall consider the contention that prosecution may be un­der an invalid or unjust statute.




            SECTION 1. Each freedom of the citizen shall prescribe a corresponding responsibility not to diminish that of others: of speech, communication, assembly, and petition, to grant the same freedom to others; of religion, to respect that of others; of privacy, not to invade that of others; of the holding and disposal of property, the obligation to extend the same privilege to oth­ers.

            SECTION 2. Individuals and enterprises holding themselves out to serve the public shall serve all equally and without inten­tion to misrepresent, conforming to such standards as may im­prove health and welfare.

            SECTION 3. Protection of the law shall be repaid by assis­tance in its enforcement; this shall include respect for the proce­dures of justice, apprehension of lawbreakers, and testimony at trial.

            SECTION 4. Each citizen shall participate in the processes of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office.

            SECTION 5. Each shall render such services to the nation as may be uniformly required by law, objection by reason of con­science being adjudicated as hereinafter provided; and none shall expect or may receive special privileges unless they be for a public purpose defined by law.

            SECTION 6. Each shall pay whatever share of governmental costs is consistent with fairness to all.

            SECTION 7. Each shall refuse awards or titles from other nations or their representatives except as they be authorized by law.

            SECTION 8. There shall be a responsibility to avoid vio­lence and to keep the peace; for this reason the bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons will be confined to the po­lice, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law.

            SECTION 9. Each shall assist in preserving the endowments of nature and enlarging the inheritance of future generations.

            SECTION 10. Those granted the use of public lands, the air, or waters shall have a responsibility for using these resources so that, if irreplaceable, they are conserved and, if replaceable, they are put back as they were.

            SECTION 11. Retired officers of the armed forces, of the senior civil service, and of the Senate shall regard their service as a permanent obligation and shall not engage in enterprise seeking profit from the government.

            SECTION 12. The devising or controlling of devices for management or technology shall establish responsibility for re­sulting costs.

            SECTION 13. All rights and responsibilities defined herein shall extend to such associations of citizens as may be authorized by law.


* * *


There is hardly enough time and space to adequately cover the comments applicable to these sections, but briefly:


[The comments which will be utilized are offered by Col. Curtis B. Dall. He speaks as an aroused layman who will emphasize "key points" for you who are unsuspecting, and, therefore, unalerted,--those who find it hard to believe that a few wealthy, politically-perverted-minded individuals, and their well-kept stooges, would stoop so low as to stick a knife in the back of their fellow-Americans and attempt to destroy the fruits of 200 years of struggle and great achievement! A struggle for the advancement and well-being of Free Men, in your enlightened, Constitutional Republic! I thank both Col. Dall for his observations and E. Stanley Rittenhouse who together offer this document. I would guess from the formatting that the original document can be obtained through Liberty Library without my cluttering rearrange­ment of sequence, etc. It simply seems to me that you need to attend a few comments AS YOU READ THE DOCU­MENT SEGMENTS. We shall then offer their "summary" in full.]




Article I. "A": Rights.

            S.1. Note the glaring "exception". WHO is to define "the emergency"?

            S.2.      Another "exception!"          Also note the word,


            S.3. Very vague, but very carefully phrased.

            S.4. No comment.

            S.5. The Court of Rights and Responsibilities"? can decide whether or not YOU have been guilty of "discrimination"--THIS IS HARASSMENT IF NOTHING MORE.

            S.6. WHAT determines "eligibility"?

            S.7. No comment.

            S.8. "The practice of religion shall be privileged"--a very dangerous statement! This could totally deny your present Constitutional Right to the "free exercise thereof".

            S.9. No comment.

            S.10. Note "National Sharing Fund"(??) How about that for a good gimmick?

            S.11. WHO is to define the "appropriate tests of eligibility" FOR EDUCATION?

            S.12. In referring to "compensation", the word, "just", is flagrantly omitted.

A serious and very ominous omission!

            S.13 & 14: No comment.

            S.15. WHO is to declare the "emergency"?

            S.16. This appears quite "involved" in that it coddles crimi­nals while, I'm sure, restricts innocent parties.


Article I, "B": Responsibilities.

[C: Some sections will be left out and to save time we ask you to assume no special comment. There is no reason to go through this exercise for the obvious is so glaring that it needs no added attention, I would hope.]

            S.1. "A corresponding responsibility" is vague, and is obvi­ously quite dangerous as it corresponds to "what"?

            S.2. Contains obvious Socialistic overtones.

            S.4. Very vague! Also, note the word, "shall". "Shall" is a command!

            S.6. "Fairness to all"--sounds nice but has no offered foun­dation upon which to use the term.

            S.8. Citizens shall be deprived of their ARMS. This is the age-old "gag" of all tyrants; their favorite technique, to first deprive all law-abiding citizens of their means of protection for assault. This section is clever, slick and extremely dangerous!!*!*!

            S.11. Aimed to "muzzle" Retired Officers of the Armed Forces! Why would they want to do THAT? Ask any old HONEST retired officer!





            SECTION 1. There shall be Newstates, each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population. Existing states may continue and may have the status of Newstates if the Boundary Commission, hereinafter provided, shall so decide. The Com­mission shall be guided in its recommendations by the probability of accommodation to the conditions for effective govern­ment. States electing by referendum to continue if the Commis­sion recommends otherwise shall nevertheless accept all New-state obligations.

            SECTION 2. The Newstates shall have constitutions formu­lated and adopted by processes hereinafter prescribed.

            SECTION 3. They shall have Governors; legislatures, and planning, administrative and judicial systems.

            SECTION 4. Their political procedures shall be organized and supervised by electoral Overseers; but their elections shall not be in years of presidential election.

            SECTION 5. The electoral apparatus of the Newstates of America shall be available to them, and they may be allotted funds under rules agreed to by the national Overseer; but ex­penditures may not be made by or for any candidate except they be approved by the Overseer; and requirements of residence in a voting district shall be no longer than thirty days.

            SECTION 6. They may charter subsidiary governments, ur­ban or rural, and may delegate to them powers appropriate to their responsibilities.

            SECTION 7. They may lay, or may delegate the laying of, taxes; but these shall conform to the restraints stated hereinafter for the Newstates of America; but the objects appropriate for taxation shall be clearly designated.

            SECTION 9. Taxes on land may be at higher rates than those on its improvements.

            SECTION 10. They shall be responsible for the administra­tion of public services not reserved to the government of the Newstates of America, such activities being concerted with those of corresponding national agencies, where these exist, under arrangements common to all.

            SECTION 11. The rights and responsibilities prescribed in this Constitution shall be effective in the Newstates and shall be suspended only in emergency when declared by Governors and not disapproved by the Senate of the Newstates of America.

            SECTION 12. Police powers of the Newstates shall extend to all matters not reserved to the Newstates of America; but pre­empted powers shall not be impaired.

            SECTION 13. Newstates may not enter into any treaty, al­liance, confederation, or agreement unless approved by the Boundary Commission hereinafter provided.

            They may not coin money, provide for the payment of debts in any but legal tender, or make any charge for inter-Newstate services. They may not enact ex post facto laws or ones im­pairing the obligation of contracts.

            SECTION 14. Newstates may not impose barriers to imports from other jurisdictions or impose any hindrance to citizens' freedom of movement.

            SECTION 15. If governments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned and may be required by the Senate, on the recommenda­tion of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from the Newstates of America.


[C: I hear you, readers, you think I'm giving you a "big whammy" JOKE. Oh don't I wish! THIS IS THE "REAL STUFF", CITIZENS! THIS IS ALREADY IN PRACTICAL APPLICATION AS THE SET OF  RULES UTILIZED RIGHT NOW (CALLED BY DIFFERENT NAMES TO FOOL YOU). This is THE Constitution to serve as interim management for the transition to the One World Order Dic­tatorship and integration into the Global Government through the United Nations top Elite. It is about as far from a JOKE as I can possibly imagine this afternoon.]




Article II. "The Newstates".

            S.1. "There shall be Newstates"--This is very subversive, inflammatory and Communistic! Note "The Boundary Commis­sion" and its extensive proposed powers "to decide". "This is complete Regimentation! Incredible!

            S.2. NO!

            S.3. NO! Too much "planning" (to submerge the individ­ual!)

            S.4. Note "electoral OVERSEER".

            S.8. Dangerous for American Labor; carries a strong politi­cal note to boost trade with communist countries, particularly the Soviet Union! Looks like a Corporate Socialist, such as Nelson Rockefeller, had a strong hand in shaping THIS one.

            S.11. So-called "States Rights" are subject to "Emergency" rulings by the Governors, with the approval of the Senate of the Newstates of America, so all States' Rights hang on a very slender thread! Hence, they are down-graded.

            S.12. Dangerous...Suggests a Police State!

            S.13. Again, "The Boundary Commission" appears, with firm control over the "Newstates".

            S.15. Looks very much like a Police State set up! A club over the "Newstates" wielded by the "Watchkeeper".


[C: If you aren't trembling in your boots--then you ARE NOT ALIVE! I repeat: "This is ALREADY being practiced as Martial law, "districts", IRS, etc. Let us go on through Article III and close this segment, please.]



The Electoral Branch


            SECTION 1. To arrange for participation by the electorate in the determination of policies and the selection of officials, there shall be an Electoral Branch.

            SECTION 2. An Overseer of electoral procedures shall be chosen by majority of the Senate and may be removed by a two-thirds vote. It shall be the Overseer's duty to supervise the or­ganization of national and district parties, arrange for discussion among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office. While in office the Overseer shall belong to no political organization; and after each presidential election shall offer to resign.

            SECTION 3. A national party shall be one having had at least a 5 percent affiliation in the latest general election; but a new party shall be recognized when valid petitions have been signed by at least 2 percent at a third, or 15 percent at further elections.

            District parties shall be recognized when at least 2 percent of the voters shall have signed petitions of affiliation; but recogni­tion shall be withdrawn upon failure to attract the same per­centages as are necessary for the continuance of national parties.

            SECTION 4. Recognition by the Overseer shall bring parties within established regulations and entitle them to common priv­ileges.

            SECTION 5. The Overseer shall promulgate rules for party conduct and shall see that fair practices are maintained, and for this purpose shall appoint deputies in each district and shall su­pervise the choice, in district and national conventions, of party administrators. Regulations and appointments may be objected to by the Senate.

            SECTION 6. The Overseer, with the administrator and other officials, shall:

a. Provide the means for discussion, in each party, of public issues, and for this

purpose, ensure that members have adequate facilities for participation.

b. Arrange for discussion, in annual district meetings, of the President's views,

of the findings of the Planning Branch, and such other information as may be pertinent for the en­lightened political discussion.

c. Arrange, on the first Saturday in each month, for en­rollment, valid for one

year, of voters at convenient places.

            SECTION 7. The Overseer shall also:

a. Assist the parties in nominating candidates for district members of the

House of Representatives each three years; and for this purpose designate one hundred districts, each with a similar number of eligible voters, redrawing districts after each election. In these there shall be party conventions having no more than three hundred delegates, so distributed that represen­tation of voters be approximately equal.

Candidates for delegate may become eligible by presenting  petitions signed by two

hundred registered voters. They shall be elected by party members on the first Tuesday in March, those having the largest number of votes being chosen until the three hundred be complete. Ten alternates shall also be chosen by the same process.

District conventions shall be held on the first Tuesday in April.

Delegates shall choose three candidates for membership in the House of Representatives, the three having the most votes becoming candidates.

b. Arrange for the election each three years of three members of the House of

Representatives in each district from among the candidates chosen in party conventions, the three having the most votes to be elected.

            SECTION 8. The Overseer shall also:

a. Arrange for national conventions to meet nine years after previous

presidential elections, with an equal number of delegates from each district, the whole number not to exceed one thousand.

Candidates for delegates shall be eligible when petitions signed by

five hundred registered voters have been filed. Those with the most votes, together with two alternates, being those next in number of votes, shall be chosen in each district.

b. Approve procedures in these conventions for choosing one hundred

candidates to be members-at-large of the House of Representatives, whose terms shall be coterminous with that of the President. For this purpose delegates shall file one choice with convention officials. Voting on submissions shall proceed until one hundred achieve 10 percent, but not more than three candidates may be resident in any one district; if any district have more than three, those with the fewest votes shall be elimi­nated, others being added from the districts having less than three, until equality be reached. Of those added, those having the most votes shall be chosen first.

c. Arrange procedures for the consideration and approval of party objectives

by the convention.

d. Formulate rules for the nomination in these conven­tions of candidates for

President and Vice Presidents when the offices are to fall vacant, candidates for nomination to be recog­nized when petitions shall have been presented by one hundred or more delegates, pledged to continue support until candidates can no longer win or until they consent to withdraw. Presidents and Vice Presidents, together with Representatives-at-large, shall submit to referendum after serving for three years, and if they are rejected, new conventions shall be held within one month and candidates shall be chosen as for vacant offices. Candidates for President and Vice-Presidents shall be nominated on attaining a majority.

e. Arrange for the election on the first Tuesday in June, in appropriate years,

of new candidates for President and Vice-Presidents, and members-at-large of the House of Repre­sentatives, all being presented to the nation's voters as a ticket; if no ticket achieve a majority, the Overseer shall arrange an­other election, on the third Tuesday in June, between the two persons having the most votes; and if referendum so determine he shall provide similar arrangements for the nomination and election of candidates.In this election, the one having the most votes shall prevail.

            SECTION 9. The Overseer shall also:

a. Arrange for the convening of the national legislative houses on the fourth

Tuesday of July.

b. Arrange for inauguration of the President and Vice-Presidents on the second

Tuesday of August.

            SECTION 10. All costs of electoral procedures shall be paid from public funds, and there shall be no private contributions to parties or candidates; no contributions or expenditures for meetings, conventions, or campaigns shall be made; and no can­didate for office may make any personal expenditures unless authorized by a uniform rule of the Overseer; and persons or groups making expenditures, directly or indirectly, in support of prospective candidates shall report to the Overseer and shall conform to his regulations.

            SECTION 11. Expenses of the Electoral Branchshall be met by the additions of one percent to the net annual taxable income returns of taxpayers, this sum to be held by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs for disposition by the Overseer.

Funds shall be distributed to parties in proportion to the re­spective number of votes cast for the President and Governors at the last election, except that new parties, on being recognized, shall share in proportion to their number. Party administrators shall make allocations to legislative candidates in amounts pro­portional to the party vote at the last election.

Expenditures shall be audited by the Watchkeeper; and sums not expended within four years shall be returned to the Trea­sury.

It shall be a condition of every communications franchise that reasonable facilities shall be available for allocations by the Overseer.


* * *


[C: Is anyone nervous about WHO this "Overseer" might be? How about the "Watchkeeper"--and, how about that "President" but those plural "Vice-Presidents"? Sounds like to me you are moving right into the pit with the viper himself--maybe the Overseer is the "right hand of Satan" and the "Watchkeeper" the "left"?]




Article III. The Electoral Branch

            S.1. This is something new, for greater control over the people.

            S.2. Here comes the "Overseer"!

            S.4. Note, "Recognitions by the Overseer"!

            S.5. More "Overseer" stuff ... not overlooking the "Planning Branch"!

            S.7&8. MORE OF THE SAME.

            S.11. "Expenses of the Electoral Branch" to be met by an added 1% to the net taxable income of taxpayers ... for disposition by the OVERSEER. WHAT IS A POLICE STATE?


Secretary, enough, I see that you are exhausted as we put in these dawn to dark days without letup--but, chela--it is such a critical time for your nation and your freedom as citizens that I cannot bear not to offer that which we can. Hopefully, these past few editions of CONTACT can be presented at the Las Vegas meeting next week-end. We MUST reach the people or there is not hope.


Hayek: "I do not think the cause of liberty will prevail unless our emotions are aroused. But, though the strong instincts on which the struggle for liberty has always nourished itself are an indispensable support, they are neither a safe guide nor a certain protection against error. The same noble sentiments have been mobilized in the service of greatly perverted aims. Still more important, the arguments that have undermined liberty belong mainly to the intellectual sphere, and we must therefore counter them there.



Ceres to lay down the pen that you might digest these writings as we move along. Good day.