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  • Apr 16, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    16 April 2014 Last updated at 05:51

    Ukraine crisis: Hague warns Russia on long-term future

    There will be serious long-term consequences if Russia continues to destabilise Ukraine, Foreign Secretary William Hague has said.

    Mr Hague warned that Moscow could face international isolation and lasting economic damage, through a reduction in foreign investment.

    The foreign secretary was speaking at the Lord Mayor’s Easter banquet in the City of London.

    Mr Hague added that it was a “crucial moment” in the Ukraine crisis.

    ‘Lawless acts’

    In his annual Mansion House speech, he said: “In recent days Russia has deliberately pushed Ukraine to the brink, and created a still greater risk of violent confrontation.

    “We call on Russia to stop these actions and to condemn the lawless acts in eastern Ukraine.

    “Russia must choose whether it is open to diplomacy and de-escalation, and if it decides otherwise, we must be ready for a different state of relations with Russia in the next 10 years than in the last 20.

    “Ukraine can be a bridge between East and West and be able to have good relations with Russia.

    “But that does not entitle Russia to send in its armed groups, thinly disguised, to spearhead the occupation of buildings in multiple Ukrainian cities, to try permanently to destabilise the country and dictate the terms of its constitution.

    “My message to Moscow is that if anyone thinks they can do these things without serious long-term consequences they are making a grave miscalculation.”

    Further sanctions

    Earlier, Mr Hague told the BBC that the UK was ready to make economic “sacrifices” to help Ukraine.

    He said further sanctions were being planned, but there was no “fixed red line” to decide how far Moscow needed to go before they were imposed.

    Mr Hague said he thought Russia was encouraging separatist groups in eastern Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected the accusation.

    Ukraine’s acting President Olexander Turchynov has announced the start of an “anti-terrorist operation” against pro-Russian separatists.

    Mr Putin said the escalation of the conflict had put Ukraine “on the verge of civil war”.

    Tension has been steadily rising since Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, formerly part of Ukraine, last month.

    The move, condemned as illegal by Kiev and the West, followed the ousting of Ukraine’s pro-Moscow President Viktor Yanukovych in February.

    The European Union has imposed sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on some individual Russian and Ukrainian officials.

    But meetings have been taking place in recent days, aimed at setting out wider economic punishments if the situation worsens.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 16, 2014 at 5:52 am

    Terrorist William Hague is nothing without his pirate masters behind him at the City of London (ancient Londinium). Interesting he throws out these threats to Russia whilst at the heart of the conspiracy where the real British Empire continuum lives on under many veils and illusions attempting to cover it up and protected by Gog and Magog. You can bet this little bald headed nobody was dressed up in his dickey bow and tuxedo suit whilst at the Mansion House the Palace of the Lord Mayor (King). The current Lord Mayor is Fiona Woolf (Queen) and she is the ruler of the City of London except for yet another sovereign piece of land within the City of London which is already sovereign and has naff all to do with England except it rules England and the Houses of Parliament. Britain is New Venice continuing the dirty deeds of the ancient Venetian scum-bags. You will always see these nefarious low-life nobody UK politicians having to dress up when they enter the land of the Templar pirates known as The City. So what we have is Hague showing his backing power as he threatens the mighty bear, to the herd they do not see what is clearly visible, to those like me it is clearly obvious. All Putin has to do is place a lovely Yars nuke right into the City of London and one on Westminster and it is all over for New Venice and the Jesuits.

    -= The Unhived Mind