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Why they are trying to kill us

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April 10, 2014

They are trying to kill us. There can’t be any doubt about that, even for someone who is not paranoid and doesn't think much of ‘conspiracy theories’. Not that there is anything wrong with conspiracy theories. There are conspiracies going on left, right and center. The only reason why so many people struggle to see them is that it’s beyond their imagination that our establishment could be so evil to even consider doing such horrible things.

There is a saying that it takes a psychopath to recognize one. Only a psychopath could come up with such crap. All it does is prevent normal people from speaking out against these monsters. They invented ‘political correctness’ for exactly the same reason. We are not supposed to say anything about anyone that could upset them, no matter how evil they are.

It is becoming increasingly clear that our ruling psychopaths are trying to kill us. Not all of us, but almost all. We are no longer needed. They have worked it all out. We are dirty and smelly and unrefined and rude. And worst of all, we in the process of waking up to their evil ways, and they are worried that when the 100th monkey effect kicks in what we might do to them.
