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FW:  March 26, 2014

(July 24, 2013)

People are finally starting to ask the right questions.  "Why are we killing the planet, and ourselves?"  Questions such as this invariably lead to the slow, gradual acceptance of the answer, We aren't, but someone else certainly is, and they are known to us despite generations of hiding in the shadows as they manipulate everything to their advantage, their agenda.  For countless generations they have played the long game: dumbing down & distracting the population, as they quietly went about strip mining this planet.  You might have noticed how a few years ago most of the pretense and subterfuge fell by the wayside, and those in control became more belligerent and "in our face" about things...hell they are openly boasting about it nowadays.  The matriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty recently said "If my boys didn't want there to be wars, there wouldn't be any!"  How is that for in your face?  My point here is simple:  we are witnessing the rollout of the Archon Endgame.
My goal here is just to provide a contextual overview, to help folks better understand what they see happening across the planet as our archon overlords continue ramping up the new paradigm for all of us.  Certainly we humans are one of the resources of value to the archons or else they would have just terminated the experiment and us along with it.  We represent a renewable resource for these slimy and cowardly creatures, but just now there are way too many of us, and that has always been a problem for them.  Getting to be an even bigger problem as more of us wake up every day to the ugly, unpleasant reality I speak of. 
Population Control
War has always been their primary tool for managing our numbers.  An excellent way to execute the best & strongest of our youth, our warriors.  Historically they manage to keep a few small wars going pretty much all the time, somewhere or another, and toss in a "crowd pleaser" world conflict every so often for good measure.  Well, all that is out the window, as the new paradigm is ~ Permanent, continuous War!  Not only does it boost the military-industrial-complex economy nicely, benefiting warmongers everywhere; but it also kills off a bunch of "Useless Eaters" as Henry Kissinger once called us everyday average joe citizens.

Even with continuous war across the planet, there are still way too many of us who need to be neutralized, so they have these various ways and methods for getting us to turn on each other. .......