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Katy Perry’s 'Dark Horse': One Big, Children-Friendly Tribute to the Illuminati

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March 2, 2014

Katy Perry is a gigantic pop star, mainly because her songs and videos appeal to teens and pre-teens while her sex-appeal captures the attention of the older crowd. This makes her a perfect tool to be used by the elite to communicate its messages and, as seen in previous articles about her, her songs and videos are fully used for that purpose. Dark Horse, however, is on a whole other level. It is pure, relentless, in-your-face Illuminati symbolism, interlaced with references to the elite’s brand of black magic and mind control. Playing the role of “Katy-Patra”, a Egyptian pharaoh reminiscent of ancient sex symbol Cleopatra, Katy Perry rules over her subjects the same way the occult elite rules over the world.

In my article on the 2014 Grammy Awards, I described Katy Perry’s performance of Dark Horse as a black magick ritual disguised as a music performance. The video goes straight to the roots of this sorcery: Egyptian Black Magick, the original source that is tapped into by today’s dark secret societies.

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