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Video: Christopher Story – FRAUD, Corruption, CIA, Nazis, EU & Illuminati Whistleblower’s Sudden Death


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FW:  Feb, 2014

Christopher Story – Lord James of Blackheath – FRAUD, Corruption, CIA, Nazis, EU & Illuminati Whistleblower’s Sudden Death

Uploaded on Dec 28, 2010 By psychopathy33

FRAUD, Corruption, CIA, Nazis, EU &

Illuminati Whistleblower’s Sudden Death (copy).




The first gentleman in this video, giving his report to Parliament, was found dead just 21 days after this video was recorded on November 1st, 2010.

Source:… .


Second gentleman, Lord James of Blackheath, describes a Private ‘Foundation’ which has more money than all the governments of the world put together.

This ‘Foundation X’ (there’s a clue) is willing to bail out the world ‘for nothing’.

a lovely sounding old Lord this man is, but could he be seriously naive?

Why is all this so top secret? It cannot be regarded as a real, honest offer by a Private Group of people, who could never have achieved such an amount of money by honest means (the first gentleman explains).

If such a Foundation exists, it can only have gained this amount of wealth over a very significant period of time, and such wealth, we can assume, has been ill-gotten.

What outrageous conditions are there going to be?

Haven’t we had enough? Why don’t we just take them out?

And lastly, WHO are these top-6 people of the world? HOW can there be only 6 people with a Worldwide top security clearance?

From what nations, and why are these people so desperate to hide their identity? (sounds like the same bloodlines that set up the Federal Reserve, so now you know that this is likely to be another “boiler-room scam”).