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Jan. 3, 2013
Read about train wreck yesterday...makes you wonder.
Gates Seattle non-profit (would be third largest country based on $) is heavy into oil. Gates owns lots of East-West Canadian RR stock, along with Queen.
Gates and Warren are the new Robber Barons, remember your history.
Warren is also buying into food stocks and Gates & Queen et al into Monsanto plus.
Get ready for the financial fall. the above are in position to sell the peon's what we have to have at inflated prices...and control us, true? Want food, gas, how about fuel for your electric company... by train? WalMart for food, Amazon for goods, Google for news/etc. Amazon is putting together a cloud for the CIA, duh. Remember the big interview on TV 60 Minutes or 20/20, check it out Amazon CEO said it.
All of the above plus the Utah super computer (and VA) can track and stop everything you do.
Google is working on a brain implant. Look up "Google tattoo" on neck,  there are pictures, but few.
Welcome "1984" Big Brother, it's here.
Currency war is more Petro Dollar, dollar is barely worth the paper.
World's countries are in economic trouble, China worse than us, Japan's et al printing presses are working over time.
China is in step with N. Korea, consider them one.
Russia is much stronger than they appear, look up China and Russia Treaties for a shockerooooo. They have treaties with Iran and the US isn't going to call their bluff...
May God give you wisdom and may you make peace with everyone.
What do you think?