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Who Is George Soros and What Does He Want?

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Nov. 22, 2013


October 21, 2010 Posted by Craig Covello

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a soap opera being played out right now between Fox News political personality Glenn Beck and the ultraliberal Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros. For quite some time, Beck has used his show to explain the money trail flowing from Soros to progressive and radical organizations hostile to America’s traditional free market system. Glenn has offered a tremendous amount of detail, which at times, is a little dizzying. But here’s a diagram that gives a thumbnail sketch:

The core of the current tensions between Beck and Soros lays the accusation that Soros intends to collapse the American economy in order to “reconstitute” it into a socialist model controlled by global governance. In response, Soros has donated $1 million to the progressive web organization known as Media Matters, purportedly to put Fox News out of business using a combination of “investigative” techniques mixed with public appeals to boycott Fox sponsors. In George Soros’s own words:

“Despite repeated assertions to the contrary by various Fox News commentators, I have not to date been a funder of Media Matters.  However, in view of recent evidence suggesting that the incendiary rhetoric of Fox News hosts may incite violence, I have now decided to support the organization. Media Matters is one of the few groups that attempts to hold Fox News accountable for the false and misleading information they so often broadcast. I am supporting Media Matters in an effort to more widely publicize the challenge Fox News poses to civil and informed discourse in our democracy.”

If you think that Media Matters is some type of objective political watchdog organization, think again. Here is their statement given yesterday by Media Matters founder David Brock in response to the donation provided by Soros:

“Fox has allowed Glenn Beck’s show to become an out-of-control vehicle for the potential incitement of domestic terrorism,”  “We are especially pleased that in this moment of hidden right-wing billionaire money corrupting our democracy, Mr. Soros, upon deciding to support our efforts, quickly and transparently has made that support public.”

“We’ve always maintained and have said many times before when people accused us of being Soros funded that 1. We weren’t and 2. We would be happy to accept his support,” a Media Matters spokeswoman told us in an e-mail this afternoon. “We previously denied any attachment to Soros because previously it wasn’t true. So there’s been no switch in our attitude.” Well, except probably that they’re pretty psyched to have all that moolah.”

So who exactly is George Soros?

  • Born August 12, 1930 in Budapest Hungary
  • Graduated from the London School of Economics.
  • Legally immigrated to the United States and became a naturalized citizen in 1961.
  • Made his fortune, estimated at $14.2 billion, as a currency trader.
  • Convicted in France of insider trading in 2002 for activities involving a failed takeover attempt of a French bank in 1989.
  • Credited for the economic crash in 1997 of East Asian financial markets by heavily investing in Thai currency, then pulling the plug.
  • Credited for breaking the Bank of England in 1992 using currency speculation, which netted him $1 billion.
  • Confirmed Atheist.
  • Twice divorced.
  • Previously obsessed with the goal of defeating George W. Bush in 2004 by donating over $23 million to various tax-exempt, ultraliberal political organizations. In 2003, he told the Washington Post that removing Pres. George W. Bush from office was the “central focus of my life” and “a matter of life and death.”. He pledged sacrifices entire fortune to defeat Bush “if someone guaranteed it”.
  • Believes that free market principles are flawed because they are unable to correct themselves without significant government intervention.
  • Created the Open Society Institute, which has active programs in more than 60 countries around the world. Has a budget of approximately $600 million a year in order to influence political issues.
  • Has gone on record with his belief in a “New World Order”.
  • Has been credited by some as the billionaire who put Barack Obama in office.


George Soros is a major socialist player in American politics who suffers from an obsessive personality.  In previous years, he fixated on George W. Bush. It now appears that he’s fixating on Glenn Beck. In both cases, Soros is throwing millions of dollars at the situation through a maze of progressive organizations instead of engaging in open debate.

Beck has made several detailed acquisitions that have gone unchallenged. And in yesterday’s program, Beck offered Soros one hour of airtime in order to refute them. I doubt that Soros will take the offer. He has too much explaining to do. Perhaps it’s better to be one step removed from the situation by paying someone else to do your bidding, whether that be Media Matters, The Tides Foundation, The Democracy Alliance,, the Center for American Progress or President Obama himself.

And perhaps it’s better to finance the removal of the only conservative leaning television network in America, Fox News. Why bother with open debate in a free society?

