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The Truth about the Rothschild’s

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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  • Oct 9, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    The Truth about the Rothschild’s


    Published on Oct 8, 2013

    The Pope controls all the Vatican Knighthoods , Archbischops / Cardinals etc , The Jesuit Superior General controls all the Papal and Royal Bloodlines and picks the Pope and controls all High level Freemasonry , Intelligence Agency's , Military , Maffia etc , The British crown is Jesuit Controlled since King George III 1773 , The Society of Jesus is a Military order not a Religious bunch of Priests.

    Great info and Video from

    another well done video here:

    The Rothschilds - Jesuit Controlled Knights / Bankers of the Papacy

    Mayer Amschel Bauer was brought to power when the Jesuit order was banned in more then 80 Countries (by a papal Bull from Pope Clement 14th) and were unable to carry out their counter reformation against the Protestants , this crumbled the temporal (Political) power of the Papacy..

    Mayer Amschel Bauer became a Knight of Malta (which symbol is a Red Shield) Red Shield = Roth schild in German. The Rothschilds have gotten their name from the Jesuit Controlled Knights of Malta and became the Guardians of The Vaticans Treasury.

    Its since 1776 that Papal Jews were brought to places of power , to serve the Jesuit Agenda's at the same time the people who would research it all would end up blaming the Jews in general for everything , we can see this happening all over the Internet these day's. That's why video's like this one are very important to get rid of the lies and deceptions. The jesuit controlled Vatican is all powerful and controls most of the world leaders , Kings and Queens in some sort of way

    The Bavarian Illuminati is a front organization for The Jesuit Order

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