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Vatic Master

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July 2, 2013

***Ok, we have hit on something here..... they are messing with the font on this like crazy, so if its weird or bolded or whatever, I will try to fix it, but read it anyway since this is the worst one they have messed with so far and so dramatically which means its true and they don't want you to pay any attention to it.  The others were normal harassment, but this one is big.  Sorry, its not us, I promise. 




by Vatic Master, The Vatic Project



Vatic Note: I am sure this is as difficult for you, the reader, as it has been for us trying to piece all of this together.  So first let me recap how we got here and why we are here:  The Question that trigger all of this, was "Why is this Happening in Colorado?"  Why not in some east coast location or major urban state?  Thats how this all began.  We highly recommend you read parts 1,2 and 3 before even starting this one.  Otherwise it might not make sense to you.


The CIA moved their headquarters to Denver which got us started and the airport built in the 90's that was overbuilt for our needs, ended up not only with massive horrible occult paintings of death, fire, war, disease, and coffins, but also with massive underground facilities. One video showed what could be considered gas chambers underground. So why the move and why here and what did they know that we do not. When you read this below and all the companies and military bases here, you understand why its considered the intel hub of the world. 


We heard the white house was moving to Denver, we then discovered royalty of Europe as well as elected officials in Europe were buying land around the Denver airport as if they intended to move here.  This was predicated on the idea that these people in leadership were all of the Luciferian/satanic occult religion and the move was somehow tied into that or to some obscure natural disaster that no one was talking about or preparing us for.  We tried to approach this on several different levels, since they never do anything for just one reason.


We covered the ancient Egyptian religions, that are practiced by these illuminati, and royalty and high level officials and that explained the statue of anibus at the airport, the occult issues of the 39th parallel and the 104 ley line of the airport location with in Colorado, which are both significant to the occult followers as to powers and magic.  We are including an update on Part 3 as to addition information we found about the ley lines and their connections to the earthquakes that we have been experiencing internationally and how they tie into those ley lines.  Watch this video for more indepth or see the update on #3 about the ley lines)


Then we fell into an affidavit written by the son of the creator of the Church of Satan in the United States.  That is what got us interested in this Castle and the international nature of the occupants who were practicing satanic rituals with babies in that castle.  So that is why we have to do this in parts, since its about "levels" of knowledge and understanding before we can put the big picture together.   Part 5 will deal with the possible arrival of the twin star & its planet Nibiru, and Rahm Emmanuals "never let a good crisis go to waste".  Is that why the Europeans are buying land here in Colorado and the White House is leaving the east coast?  


This part 4 is going to cover the The Kimball-Cherokee Castle in Sedalia, Colorado where satanic rituals took place witnessed by Levay's son. See part I of this series for that affidavit and its connection to the occult and higher ups in world government.  If there is room after this, we intend to bring up another indicator that something is definitely going on.  The lottery in Colorado and the audited financial statements as well as budget for the state is strange and will discuss that later on in this part if there is room when we get done, otherwise we will try to lump it in with part 5


The fires are also a question..... why haven't the feds used HAARP to make it rain here? They do it all the time, so why not with these giant fires? Are they trying to chase us out of Colorado??? or ridding the state of any place resisters could hide since drones do not do well at all with forest land and food supplies are plentiful in the forest so starving us would not work, unless you have fires to kill off the wild life and destroy any cover for resisters or revolutionaries. Just wondering.


The Kimball-Cherokee Castle in Sedalia, Colorado 


Here is what we discovered about the owner and this castle.  You have no idea the shear luck of finding this at all. We finally found the owner of the castle in Colorado where Lavey's son at 12 witnessed and signed a sworn affidavit of same, that satanic rituals were going on in front of him that he claimed were horrible since he was only 12 and George HW Bush and 12 other illums were present during the ritual.


We do not know if it was sexual or blood letting of a child, or both, we just know it happened by his affidavit.  Since then we have been trying to find out who owned the castle and what part of the occult did they partake in and was it someone in high office here in colorado.  Well, sometimes you go down a rabbithole and find something entirely unexpected and that is the excerpt from the link we are going to publish right here as an update.


See part 1 for the Affidavit announcing this and given the presence of a previous President during all of this, I believe its important we make all the connections we can and all the disclosures we can.  So here we go.  We are only doing excerpts to the subject at hand but you are welcome to go to the link and read it all.


link to this below:




The Prime of Ms Tweet Kimball 


Another connection to Paul Schultz was the late Mildred "Tweet" Kimball. Tweet lived in a castle on US 85, just south of Denver in a small town called Sedalia. Nicholas Schultz states that he was taken to the castle and molested there by adults.


The castle was deeded to Kimball by Merritt Ruddock, a member of the U.S. diplomatic corps, an obscure CIA official and her first of four divorced husbands. Tweet Kimball divorced Ruddock in 1955, and as she explained to a local reporter in 1996: "When I divorced him, he said I'd probably go back to Tennessee and talk about him. He said "If you¹ll buy property west of the Mississippi, I'll help you." 7 And that¹s what I did. 


She bought a 24-room castle on a 4,000 acre estate, built on a promontory with a view of the Rockies.7 Ruddock had good reason to buy her silence. He was the immediate deputy of the CIA¹s Frank Wisner (VN: Zionist?), the notorious overseer of Nazi recruitment by the agency immediately after WW II.



Ruddock was hired by Wisner in 1949. Ray Cline, another notorious Agency stinkbug (the organizer of a support network for George Bush, Sr.'s 1980 campaign. composed almost entirely of former intelligence officers headed by Steven Halper, Cline¹s son-in-law), kept close to Ruddock throughout the war. Cline recalls Ruddock as a hard drinker and "a personal manipulator of ideas and people."8 (The Colorado Department of Tourism doesn¹t advertise the fact, but the state has a thriving intelligence establishment. 


Loring Wirbel, an environmental researcher in Monument, Colorado, found that worldwide "intelligence expansion by U.S. agencies has a very real impact on Colorado. 


Buckley [Air Force Base] is now the major employer in the Denver metro area, with the classified Aerospace Data Facility section of the base responsible for far more jobs than the public Tactical Air Command portion of the base. 


The Denver Business Journal estimated in April that classified intelligence spending by NSA and NRO in Colorado may exceed $3 billion annually. Support facilities for Buckley include Falcon Air Force Base east of Colorado Springs, which performs intelligence fusion missions; Lockheed-Martin¹s Waterton Canyon plant in southwest Denver, which builds spy satellites and Titan-4 rockets; Peterson Air Force Base, the headquarters of the Space Command; and the aging North American Aerospace Defense Command inside Cheyenne Mountain west of Colorado Springs.  


Another Air National Guard base outside Greeley, Colorado, is receiving many mobile satellite reconnaissance troops formerly housed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, part of a mission to make the Colorado Front Range a center of excellence for technical intelligence."9 (VN: sounds like an observation space system for what reason? The Twin star? Nibiru? Possible Arrival of good aliens, if they are not already here? What about all the scientists working on "star wars" that were murdered?  Is there a tie in to those murders?  Remember, Denver is over 5,000 ft above sea level and our  podunct town is 7600 feet above sea level and we have had an influx of NY billionaires coming here buying ranches for $43 million a pop and a series of under ground tunnels built here right before our eyes, to accommodate rapid movement if needed, from the lower levels in Denver to up here if necessary).


There is a reason not a single nuke has been set off yet, even the one in LA that went haywire, and the one attempt out of North Korea that flopped.  Is that a result of possible good guy visitors? WE know they exist, so its a legit question and maybe one of the reasons for the hunkering down out here in the hinterland.)


Merritt Ruddock was not the only member of the family with CIA and Nazi ties. Ms Kimball¹s father, according to a note found in the Belinda Schultz file, "Colonel Kimball of Chattanooga, Tennessee, had been a prime mover in the growth of the Post-WWI Ku Klux Klan." (The repetitious links to nazism in the testimony of Nicholas Schultz, a 7-year-old boy, recalls his mother's statement that Paul Schultz is a "white supremacist," and is obviously among friends.)


Tweet bonded with her castle and its environs, re-christened it Cherokee Ranch, and lived like a European monarch. A tour guide told an AP reporter, "the house has a number of Portuguese tile murals and many examples of parquetry" (an artistic inlaid wood design done on furniture). 


As she describes the lavish contents of several china cabinets, words like Dresden, Spode, Meissen and Waterford slip into the conversations. That bed was built for Charles II, and he actually slept in it. This inlaid cabinet came from the court of Spain, and the pictures represent Aesop¹s fables. (VN: where did she get that kind of wealth?  Could she have been paid off to turn a blind eye to what was going  on in her castle?  I don't know and could not find out, but it does beg the question with these ultra wealthy assets she accumulated sufficient for her to live like royalty).


The libraries are full of first editions, some quite old and valuable. Well, with names like Dickens and Thackeray on the bindings, one would think so."10 


Tweet Kimball died in 1999. She had been an active Republican. Kimball served on the Douglas County Planning Commission and the commissioners¹ Water Advisory Board, as well as the board of the Douglas County Educational Foundation. She also spent 14 years on the board of the Denver Art Museum as accessions chairman. 

She was the local matriarch of local Republican party politics and frequently played hostess to the Douglas County Republican caucus.11 "Kimball's castle and ranchland provided an extravagant vehicle for her varied pursuits," the local County News-Press noted in her obituary last January, "wildlife conservation, a vast, eclectic art collection, politics, innovative ranching, royal relationships and storied social events."12 

2) Supporting Evidence of Child Sex Ring   (VN:  sounds like some people may have taken advantage of this womans commitment to politics and let them use her house and she was compensated for it handsomely.  Just the feeling I get, but then I could be wrong. ) 

In conclusion

What we have seen so far is that two levels have been covered in this analysis, the first was the entire Occult overlay that is way bigger than we had imagined on a massive scale,  as evidenced by the Denver Airport, its location, its ley lines, and its 39th parallel, but we also have Various space industries, military bases, and massive intel concentrations in this area, so it made sense why the CIA moved here.  

What we still have to cover and will do so in Part 5, is the last and most driving reason which is in preparation for the flooding scheduled to begin soon, probably around August this year.  

Such flooding may  well be Not only on the US east and west coasts, but also in Europe, especially Luxemburg, and Great Britain, who are both the most vulnerable to flooding..... and could it be the result of the entrance of the twin star into our system and the attending aid the twin star may well be given by various space weapons to be used on us by Rahm Emmanuals cohorts in  the White House?