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July 4, 2013

     Ranch work is in full swing here in Paradise Valley.

    The first cutting and bailing of hay is in process and

    I worked three days last week with a team of men

    cutting, splitting and stacking wood for a rancher lady

    with one of the nicest vacation rentals in Paradise.


    While soaking sore muscles at nearby hot springs,

    I chatted with vacationers from around the world who

    were visiting the 'Big Park' a half hour south of here.


    In relaxed moments of de-stressing from this world,

    a big sky perspective serves to better understand

    what's going on in America and the world-at-large.



July 4th and Global Fireworks


Public fireworks in Egypt appear to be celebrating a military coup and

suspension of the new Egyptian Constitution after Tuesday when 33

million Egyptians demonstrated in the streets for and against the one

year performance of their democratically elected President Morsi.


The BBC announced that the number of Egyptians protesting

on Tuesday is the largest number of protesters in a political

event in the history of mankind.


See: 'Egyptian Protesters Blame Obama For Morsi Dictatorship'


The whole Mid-East is a powder keg teetering on chaos and anarchy.

The fuse is short, fueled by U.S. intervention and destabilization in

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now over revelations that the U.S. has

been covertly funding the Syrian opposition that is murdering the

innocent civilian populations where Christians, Jews, Muslims and

other religions have lived together peacefully for many centuries.


But these global 'fireworks' are bigger than that.


The 'fireworks display' has been set up well over the last month.

A politicized IRS plus NSA mass surveillance have been outed.

Loss of privacy is now a global issue, creating 'global fireworks'.


Witness the global media frenzy over the Snowden affair, showing

China and Russia aiding and abetting the protection of Snowden

while 'European Nations Are Angry' over recent revelations that the

U.S. power elite insiders (cabal, plutocracy, shadow government, etc.)

has been using their sophisticated PRISM surveillance and data

mining analysis techniques to monitor whatever they want to know

about virtually everyone in our global village... at least if they use

telephones, cell phones, e-mail or the Internet, just like in the U.S..


Realize that the Family of Man in our all-connected world

 is now grappling with the same core issues that sparked

the American Revolution we are celebrating on July 4th.


The American Revolution was fought to liberate us from tyranny,

and two world wars were fought to protect us from such tyranny.


Since World War II, patriotic American have also given their lives

to protect us from communism, and now we see how the same

hated tactics used by the Soviet Union are not just spying on us,

but criminalizing whistle-blower protesters as domestic terrorists.

The 'official' statements from Big Government sum up to the

immortal words of President George Bush, right after 9-11:

"Either you're with us or you're with the enemy."


And look how that's turning out!