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Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

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June 29, 2013

Secret FISA Court Deems the Constitution irrelevant - Welcome To Surveillance Hell

So . . . was George Bush Junior right when he stated that "the Constitution was just a goddamn piece of paper"?  Why do you think that ALL the major Federal Agencies possess enough guns and ammo to murder all 300+ million Americans three times over?  What's the REAL purpose for the thousands of drones that all the police departments across our nation are clamoring for and our colleges and universities are vying for government contracts to build?
For those of you who are still living in the dark ages . . . the following articles will wake you up to today's reality.  Most have no clue how much information the government is collecting about your every move.  It's chilling beyond all measure. 
What is revealed below, is just the tip of the iceberg, and if you think it all needs to be pooh-poohed then you are delusional because you will soon be caught in the government's web of deceit and surveillance from which you may never recover!
The following information will become increasingly important, as time goes on, because the intensive gathering of ALL your interactive communications, by the Utah Data Center. will force you to create the ability to block their access to those PRIVATE communications.
Because my current ISP email access was controlled by Yahoo, I changed to another ISP that does NOT use Yahoo, for their service.  Hopefully there will be no future glitches.  I have been deleting all messages via my online webmail account with Yahoo, because they store ALL messages in the 'Trash Folder', which indicates that it is empty, and which they most likely then pass on to the NSA's Utah Data Center.
Yahoo has been preventing my outgoing messages if I exceeded 90 email persons PER DAY!  As a result, it was exceedingly difficult to get this research out to one and all.  My new ISP has no problem sending out my emails to the entire list. 
In case you missed it . . . please read:       
The 'Tower of Babel' Rises Again ~ It's Called the 'Utah Data Center' 

Once it’s operational in September, the Utah Data Center will become, in effect, the NSA’s cloud.

Here's The $2 Billion Facility Where The NSA Will Store and 'Analyze' Your Communications


Please note:  Since the material below comes from many sources, my comments about them will appear in pink.

The Utah Data Center Is NOT The Only NSA Surveillance Center


Massive San Antonio NSA Data Center Raises Eyebrows

Even as reports break about the size and scope of the National Security Agency’s vast data storage center in Utah, new details are emerging about a second massive NSA center in San Antonio, Texas. According to the Houston Chronicle, “Satellite and aerial imagery show that massive air conditioning units and backup generators have been added to the facility, which is now ringed by barbed-wire fencing. City permits and property tax records show that the complex has been dramatically expanded.” According to sources, the plant will supposedly translate intercepted communications from the NSA; the communications are then forwarded to Maryland for processing.

The data center itself is about 94,000 square feet. It became operational in 2012. But the San Antonio Express-News could find no funding in the Defense Department budgets from 2004 through 2013 for the work at the Sony plant where the NSA center was located. The property on which the data center is located has grown by approximately 135,000 square feet, and is now worth some $72 million. A local bond sale in 2006 estimated that the NSA would be dropping $300 million into the area.

Originally, the NSA was much more transparent about the project, actually holding a job fair to promote their expansion in San Antonio. But from 2007 on, the news about the site has been nonexistent. In 2010, San Antonio residents reported that their garage doors had been opening randomly, and the NSA admitted that its antenna were interfering with garage door openersSounds rather funny doesn't it . . . but in reality it is indicative of the power of the electronics they are using to surveil all Americans.

The federal government is spying on every single American, say NSA whistleblowers
spying Two former high-ranking officials at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), a federal bureaucracy that collects data and intelligence on foreign communications for national security purposes, have come forward with allegations that the NSA actively monitors Americans as well. According to testimonies from both Thomas Drake, a former NSA senior official, and Kirk Wiebe, a former NSA senior analyst, the agency actively monitors and collects intelligence on every single American as part of a massive spying operation. first broke the story after Drake and Wiebe, on two recent but separate occasions, disclosed inside information about the NSA's spying activities to reporters. During a recent interview with Eliot Spitzer, host of Current TV's "Viewpoint" program, Drake explained how the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a catalyst for redefining America as a "foreign nation" in order to legitimize unwarranted surveillance of innocent Americans -- and he says this backdoor spying program continues to this day.


"When you open up the Pandora's Box of just getting access to incredible amounts of data, for people that have no reason to be put under suspicion, no reason to have done anything wrong, and just collect all that for potential future use or even current use, it opens up a real danger," said Drake during the interview.


"And for what else could they use that data (other than for future prosecutions unrelated to terrorism or for blackmail purposes), particularly when it's all being hidden behind the mantle of national security."


Binney expressed similar sentiments during a recent interview with journalist Geoff Shively, according to, in which he disclosed that the federal government is basically collecting whatever data it possibly can on every single American. This is made even easier, of course, by social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, Path, and many others that actively monitor and track people's every action.


"Domestically, they're pulling together all the data about virtually every U.S. citizen in the country and assembling that information, building communities that you have relationships with, and knowledge about you; what your activities are; what you're doing," said Binney.


"So the government is accumulating that kind of information about every individual person and it's a very dangerous process."


Since first published its piece about these two whistleblowers, several mainstream news sites have attempted to downplay the NSA's obvious violations of the Bill of Rights, and specifically the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures without warrant. But no matter how they try to spin it, intelligence-gathering, wiretapping, and various other spying activities without warrant are unconstitutional and illegal, even when done in the name of fighting terrorism

Note:  This is a video on my website that reveals the heart stopping Constitutional Interpretation of the 4th Amendment by CIA Director Hayden (A MUST WATCH):  


Proof comes out: NSA needs no warrant to gather spy data on Americans
NSA . . . in the wake of revelations earlier in June that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been conducting blanket surveillance on Americans' electronic communications, the world's most formidable spy organization is now claiming that it has the "authority" to spy on any American, at any time, without first obtaining a search warrant.




NSA's mandate is foreign surveillance

According to Britain's Guardian newspaper, which first published details about how the NSA has been spying on American citizens - details obtained from NSA analyst-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden in early June - the agency, per its initial congressional mandate, is permitted to conduct primarily foreign surveillance, and that any surveillance of any U.S.-based suspect be conducted as a result of information gleaned from that foreign surveillance.



In other words, that means if the NSA discovers information about a terrorist plot being directed at the United States from, say, a suspect in Yemen, and that Yemeni suspect has contacts inside the U.S., then the NSA would be permitted to then open surveillance on that U.S. contact as well and collect/retain any pertinent information on that U.S.-based suspect, even if he/she is a citizen.


However, in order for that to happen, the NSA must first get proper, constitutional authorization from a special secret federal court established under provisions of FISA - the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - in order to intercept electronic communications of any American citizen that has been tied to a suspected terrorist/criminal plot.


According to the Guardian, the NSA has done that in order to conduct foreign surveillance, but that in doing so, the agency sweeps up U.S. communications as well.



Oversight? What oversight?

So in essence, the NSA swept up U.S. communications as well, under the guise of conducting foreign surveillance. Per the paper:



The procedures cover only part of the NSA's surveillance of domestic US communications. The bulk collection of domestic call records, as first revealed by the Guardian earlier this month, takes place under rolling court orders issued on the basis of a legal interpretation of a different authority, section 215 of the Patriot Act.


Since news broke of the NSA's broad U.S. surveillance, President Obama and defenders of his administration have often referenced the FISA court's "oversight" role, but as the Guardian noted the procedures the court uses to approve - to "authorize" - such surveillance had never before been revealed. And Americans, until now, could only guess how effective such "oversight" really was.


Which is to say, not very.


Because of the paper's disclosures Americans now know that the NSA, per the "authority" granted it by the FISA court, can also


-- Collect and hold data that may contain information on U.S. citizens for up to five years;


-- Retain and use information "inadvertently obtained," if it is deemed to contain useable information related to criminal activity;


-- "Access the content of communications gathered from 'U.S. based machine[s]' or phone numbers in order to establish if targets are located in the US, for the purposes of ceasing further surveillance," the Guardian reported.

Cell Phone Surveillance

Big Brother is tapping your mobile phone:  Obama admits NSA routinely spying on all Verizon phone customers in the USA
Exactly what data is being surveilled by the NSA?
According to the secret surveillance order that has now been exposed, Verizon is handing over all the following information to the NSA for every phone call being made from a Verizon device:



• The phone number of both people on the call

• The geographic location of the Verizon phone user (whoa!)

• Call duration

• Unique identifiers (i.e. phone ID, allowing that phone to be tracked)


According to the Guardian, this information can then be used by the NSA to reveal:


• Your name

• Your home address

• Your social security number

• Your driver's license number

• Your credit history

• Your place of employment

• Your criminal history


Yes, just from surveilling your phone, the NSA can acquire all this information about you. And this is just fine with Obama, who actually defends the program even though it is wildly illegal to conduct such surveillance domestically, against the American people.


Oh, and by the way, the government's surveillance order specifically forbids Verizon from disclosing the existence of the secret order to anyone else. So while the government is secretly surveilling all Verizon phone users, the company itself would face criminal charges if it warned its own users about the surveillance. How's that for freedom in a "free society?"

Confirmed:  NSA's surveillance of mobile phones specifically targeted Americans

Targeting Americans only

In a top secret order obtained by the Guardian newspaper and published [June 12], the FBI on the NSA's behalf demanded that [telecom giant] Verizon turn over all metadata for phone records originating in the United States for the three months beginning in late April and ending on the 19th of July. That metadata includes all so-called "non-content" data for millions of American customers' phone calls, such as the subscriber data, recipients, locations, times and durations of every call made during that period.



The sheer scope of the surveillance order is breathtaking enough, and reminds some of the wiretapping scandal during the Bush administration, in which no warrants were issued. But what is worse - and what has privacy experts up in arms - is the fact that only calls from within the U.S. were targeted, not those originating in other countries.


"It is hereby ordered that [Verizon Business Network Services'] Custodian of Records shall produce to the National Security Agency...all call detail records or 'telephony metadata' created by Verizon for communications (i) between the United States and abroad; or (ii) wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls," the order read, according to the copy published by the Guardian. "This Order does not require Verizon to include telephony metadata for communications wholly originating and terminating in foreign countries."


The classified and top secret order originated with the FBI, but it states clearly that all of the data is to be turned over to the NSA. "That means the leaked document may serve as one of the first concrete pieces of evidence that the NSA's spying goes beyond foreigners to include Americans, despite its charter specifically disallowing surveillance of those within the United States," Forbes reported.


Keep in mind that the data mining took place as a result of a lawful court order, which means the constitutionally questionable actions were officially sanctioned by a federal court. That is chilling.


"In many ways it's even more troubling than [Bush era] warrantless wiretapping, in part because the program is purely domestic," Alex Abdo, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union's National Security Project told Forbes. "But this is also an indiscriminate dragnet. Say what you will about warrantless wiretapping, at least it was targeted at agents of Al Qaeda. This includes every customer of Verizon Business Services."

Even if they're off, cellphones allow FBI to listen in

It should come as no surprise that cellphone calls may be tapped by law enforcement.

But authorities also can use cellphones to eavesdrop on suspects, even when the devices are off.

The FBI converted the Nextel cellphones of two alleged New York mobsters into "roving bugs," microphones that relayed conversations when the phones seemed to be inactive, according to recent court documents.

Authorities won't reveal how they did this. But a countersurveillance expert said Nextel, Motorola Razr and Samsung 900 series cellphones can be reprogrammed over the air, using methods meant for delivering upgrades and maintenance. It's called "flashing the firmware," said James Atkinson, a consultant for the Granite Island Group in Massachusetts.

"These are very powerful phones, but all that power comes with a price. By allowing ring tones and stock quotes and all this other stuff, you also give someone a way to get into your phones," Atkinson said.

Privacy advocates called such use of roving bugs intrusive and illegal. Webcams and microphones on home computers soon may be fair game for remote-control gumshoes, too, they said.

"This is a kind of surveillance we've never really seen before. The government can and will exploit whatever technology is available to achieve their surveillance goals. This is of particular concern, considering the proliferation of microphones and cameras in the products we own," said Kevin Bankston, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Converting cellphones into stealth microphones violates the Fourth Amendment protection against overly broad searches, Bankston said. FBI spokesman James Margolin said the bureau's use of roving bugs is monitored closely by the courts.

"The operative thing for any concerned citizen is, we only do this when we get authorization from the judiciary, when we meet the probable-cause threshold," he said.  We now know that they do NOT get authorization from the judiciary and it is no longer 'probable-cause' but 'reasonably suspicious' as the criteria.

Legally, he said, bugging cellphones differs little from placing microphones "in a chair or a wall or behind a picture."

"It's not a situation where we just turn the tape on and we gather everything," Margolin said. "By law, we only listen to what the warrant authorizes us to listen to."  And . . . how do they do that when the conversation goes on and on and on and MAY contain the very information they want.  Liar, liar, pants on fire.

However, hackers probably can pull this off, too, said Lauren Weinstein, who warned of the possibility in 1999 on his online Privacy Forum. "A lot of people know an awful lot about the inner workings of these phones," he said.

. . .  Asked if the FBI uses Nextel phones, spokeswoman Cathy Milhoan said, "We use a variety of phones and providers."

Atkinson said the only sure way to shield a mobile phone from the prying ears of police, hackers and jealous spouses is to remove the battery. But don't get cocky.

"A smart eavesdropper will bug the battery," he said.


Sprint fed customer GPS data to cops over 8 million times

A blogger has released audio of Sprint's Electronic Surveillance Manager describing the carrier's cooperation with law enforcement. Among the revelations are that Sprint has so far filled over 8 million requests from LEOs for customer GPS data.

Christopher Soghoian, a graduate student at Indiana University's School of Informatics and Computing, has made public an audio recording of Sprint/Nextel's Electronic Surveillance Manager describing how his company has provided GPS location data about its wireless customers to law enforcement over 8 million times. That's potentially millions of Sprint/Nextel customers who not only were probably unaware that their wireless provider even had an Electronic Surveillance Department, but who certainly did not know that law enforcement offers could log into a special Sprint Web portal and, without ever having to demonstrate probable cause to a judge, gain access to geolocation logs detailing where they've been and where they are.

Through a mix of documents unearthed by Freedom of Information Act requests and the aforementioned recording, Soghoian describes how "the government routinely obtains customer records from ISPs detailing the telephone numbers dialed, text messages, emails and instant messages sent, web pages browsed, the queries submitted to search engines, and geolocation data, detailing exactly where an individual was located at a particular date and time."

The fact that federal, state, and local law enforcement can obtain communications "metadata"—URLs of sites visited, e-mail message headers, numbers dialed, GPS locations, etc.—without any real oversight or reporting requirements should be shocking, but it isn't. The courts ruled in 2005 that law enforcement doesn't need to show probable cause to obtain your physical location via the cell phone grid. All of the aforementioned metadata can be accessed with an easy-to-obtain pen register/trap & trace order. But given the volume of requests, it's hard to imagine that the courts are involved in all of these.

Soghoian's lengthy post makes at least two important points, the first of which is that there are no reliable statistics on the real volume and scope of government surveillance because such numbers are either not published (sometimes in violation of the legally mandated reporting requirements) or they contain huge gaps. The second point is that the lack of reporting makes it difficult to determine just how involved the courts actually are in all of this, in terms of whether these requests are all backed by subpoenas.

Underlying both of these issues is the fact that Sprint has made it so easy for law enforcement to gain access to customer data on a 24/7 basis through the use of its Web portal and large compliance department. Regarding the latter, here's another quote from Paul Taylor, the aforementioned Sprint/Nextel Electronic Surveillance Manager:

"In the electronic surveillance group at Sprint, I have 3 supervisors. 30 ES techs, and 15 contractors. On the subpoena compliance side, which is anything historical, stored content, stored records, is about 35 employees, maybe 4-5 supervisors, and 30 contractors. There's like 110 all together."

All of those people are there solely to serve up customer data to law enforcement, and other comments by Taylor indicate that his staff will probably grow. Sprint only recently made the GPS data available through the Web portal, and that has caused the number of requests to go through the roof. The company apparently plans on expanding the menu of surveillance options that are accessible via the Web.

Please keep in mind that this article was written in 2009.  Just imagine what they are doing today!

Still MORE Massive Data Gathering


Spy state shock: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Facebook, Skype, AOL, Apple all secretly sharing private user communications with NSA 

Timeline of betrayal

This is detailed in "PRISM slide #5" shown below:
The collection of private user data under the PRISM program began on September 11, 2007, with Microsoft (Hotmail) turning over private emails. Every Hotmail email sent since 2007 has been surveilled and tracked by the NSA.



Here are the dates of "activation" when the NSA began collecting private user data from internet service providers:


• September, 2007 - Microsoft / Hotmail

March, 2008 - Yahoo Mail

January, 2009 - Google Gmail

• June, 2009 - Facebook

• December, 2009 - Paltalk

• September, 2010 - YouTube

• February, 2011 - Skype

• March, 2011 - AOL

• October, 2012 - Apple

A Message From 'Big Brother' Yahoo

Yahoo to Users: Let Us Read Your Emails or — Goodbye!

"As of June 1, all Yahoo email users are required to upgrade to the company’s newest platform, which allows Yahoo to scan and analyze every email they write or receive. According to Yahoo’s help page, all users who make the transition agree to let the company perform “content scanning and analyzing of your communications content” to target ads, offer products, and perform “abuse protection.”

This means any message that Yahoo’s algorithms find disturbing could flag a user as a bully, a threat, or worse. At the same time, Yahoo can now openly troll through email for personal information that it can share or hold onto indefinitely.  See:

Concerned Yahoo users are invited to check out StartMail, a completely private email program slated for release this Fall. Anyone who would like to be a beta tester can visit StartMail ( and sign up for the upcoming release."

Yahoo admits it turned over 13,000 user data to US spy agencies
Major US internet corporation Yahoo has announced that American law enforcement agencies had made between 12,000 and 13,000 demands for user data over past six months, in the latest case of tech firms admitting to their involvement in the massive US electronic spying bid.

In an effort to restore confidence in its users after revelations of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) PRISM electronic surveillance program, Yahoo revealed the extent of its dealings with the US spy agency, RT reported Tuesday.

The California-based Internet corporation states that between December 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013, “we received between 12,000 and 13,000 requests, inclusive of criminal, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and other requests.  The most common of these requests concerned fraud, homicides, kidnappings, and other criminal investigations,” according to a statement by Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer and General Counsel Ron Bell.

The company further complained that due to the classified nature of FISA requests, they would not be able to reveal the number of requests directly linked to “national security.”

“We strongly urge the federal government to reconsider its stance on this issue,” the statement added.

This is while the Apple Corporation announced that it had received between 4,000 and 5,000 demands for user data by US authorities over the same time period, adding that 9,000 to 10,000 accounts or devices were specified in the demands.

Moreover, Facebook and Microsoft had previously disclosed the number of demand for user data by US spying agencies for the second half of 2012.

Facebook said it received between 9,000 and 10,000 demands from all US entities, while Microsoft said it received between 6,000 and 7,000 “criminal and national security warrants, subpoenas and orders” affecting between 31,000 and 32,000 user accounts over the same period.

Former NSA contract employee Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who exposed two NSA data-collection programs, has insisted that the agency had unfettered, real-time access to the content on the servers of Google, Facebook Microsoft, Yahoo and five other major tech corporations.

Google opts out of FISA disclosure deal made by Facebook and Microsoft, calls it 'a step back for users.' Twitter Agrees       Isn't it wonderful what a little exposure can do . . .
Google is unsatisfied with the deal that Microsoft and Facebook have made with the US government with regard to publishing how many requests for user information they both receive. Facebook and Microsoft released reports tonight detailing how many requests they got from US government agencies in the second half of 2012 — including FISA requests. The deal, however, comes with strings that Google apparently doesn’t want to be tied to.

Google opts out of FISA disclosure deal made by Facebook and Microsoft, calls it 'a step back for users;' Twitter agrees

There were restrictions put on Facebook and Microsoft’s disclosures that make them fairly useless if you’re interested in determining how many FISA requests have come in. As Microsoft says, it can only include the number of FISA requests it receives so long as it is “aggregated with law enforcement requests from all other U.S. local, state and federal law enforcement agencies; [and] only if the totals are presented in bands of 1,000.” The same rules appear to apply to Facebook, as well.

Those restrictions mean that you wouldn’t be able to tell how many of the 8-9,000 requests each company received were from local law enforcement or from the NSA. So Google is having none of it. Here’s what a Google spokesperson said to The Verge (emphasis ours):

We have always believed that it’s important to differentiate between different types of government requests. We already publish criminal requests separately from National Security Letters. Lumping the two categories together would be a step back for users. Our request to the government is clear: to be able to publish aggregate numbers of national security requests, including FISA disclosures, separately.

To be fair, both Microsoft and Facebook have also been pushing hard for more transparency and more freedom to disclose what types and how many requests they receive. All three companies have come under heavy fire from users after initial reports about PRISM suggested that the US government had “direct access” to their servers, a charge each company has consistently (and vehemently) denied.

Even so, the increased scrutiny on the NSA and its data mining activities — however they are carried out — has tech companies scrambling to ensure that the public directs its ire at the government and not at them. Despite each company’s different short term tactic when it comes to disclosing numbers, their long-term strategy on transparency appears to be the same: more of it.

Update: Benjamin Lee, Legal Director at Twitter, has just signaled his company’s agreement with Google’s stance. He did it, appropriately enough, via a tweet:

Still MORE 'Surveillance Society' Abuses

Is You Television Spying On You?

I knew the minute the government was PAYING people to purchase these new digital television sets, they were up to no good.  Why on earth would our government use taxpayer money to  pay people to upgrade.  They lied and said that you would not be able to use services like Directv unless you had the new digital TVs.  I know that because I called Directv and discovered that my old TV would work just fine . . . and it DID!  Still does . . .

 I always question huge government moves. When it was announced that everyone would be pretty much forced to switch over to digital television, my antenna went up. What’s up with that? Here is what the government says:

Congress mandated the conversion to all-digital television broadcasting, also known as the digital television (DTV) transition, because all-digital broadcasting will free up frequencies for public safety communications (such as police, fire, and emergency rescue). Also, digital is a more efficient transmission technology that allows broadcast stations to offer improved picture and sound quality, as well as offer more programming options for consumers through multiple broadcast streams (multicasting). In addition, some of the freed up frequencies will be used for advanced commercial wireless services for consumers.


Okay, so as far as they are concerned, their reasons for forcing the switch to digital t.v. is to “free up frequencies for public safefy communications”. Hmmmm….

I was listening to the Warren Balentine show today and a caller indicated that he knows for a fact that once the digital televisions are in homes, the government will be able to actually look into your home.

Ground-breaking legislation in California is fighting Microsoft and AOL to stop them creating the machine George Orwell foresaw – the TV set that watches you.  At the same time, a new book titled Spy TV exposes the methods by which digital interactive television will observe and experiment of viewers. It describes how neural network software will be used to create “psychographic profiles” and then “modify the behavior” of individuals.

This year broadcasters will celebrate interactive TV in public, using words like “convenience” and “empowerment”. AOL TV is rolling out with the TiVo personal video recorder (PVR), that helps viewers find and save programs they might like. Microsoft is launching its own PVR called Ultimate TV, claiming “It puts you in control!”. But while you may be sold on home shopping and chat, broadcasters have been selling advertisers their new power to monitor everything you do with your remote.

At industry conferences on interactive TV, Microsoft has been handing out specifications of its new platform. Their Microsoft TV Server, for instance, enables “optimizes revenue opportunities by providing rich personalization and targeting of content and ads to consumers based on their television viewing and Web surfing histories and preferences.”  If you shop on the net you will find that something you bought, or looked at, will show up in the ads of many other websites you visit, including fourwinds.

Smart TVs can spy on their owners
Beware that ANYTHING with the word 'Smart' connected to is like 'Smart Meters' because it will turn out to be extremely BAD for you!
Edited time: December 15, 2012 01:11
AFP Photo / HO / Samsung Electronics

AFP Photo / HO / Samsung Electronics

The Malta-based firm ReVuln posted a video showing its team of researchers hacking into one of the Samsung TVs and accessing its settings, channel lists, widgets, USB drives, and remote control configurations. The security flaw allows hackers to access any and all personal data stored on the TV.

“We can install malicious software to gain complete root access to the TV,” the video writes.

With this access, hackers can use the Smart TVs built-in camera and microphones to see and hear everything in front of it. Instead of just watching TV, viewers could themselves be watched without knowing it.

But this flaw isn’t present in just one specific model. The vulnerability affects all 11 Samsung televisions of the latest generation. The Smart TVs have many of the same features as a computer, but lack the same kind of protection. The devices do not have security features such as firewalls and antivirus software.

Fortunately for concerned viewers, the problem has a silver lining: hackers must first breach the network that the television is connected to, as well as know the IP address of the device. As a result, security breaches would likely only occur as a targeted attack against an individual, rather than randomly. Unlike an Internet virus, a hacker would have to exploit the network manually.  Ho, Ho, Ho, don't believe them for a minute since NSA has required MANY tele-communications companies to turn over their information on individual users, what's to prevent them from requiring Samsung to do the same???

 . . . Samsung said it is launching an investigation to look into the security flaw.  Do you really believe that Samsung didn't know about the access?  I'm betting they did it deliberately!  All these corporations are in cahoots together and don't think they aren't!


Is The Government Spying On You Though Your Own Computer's Webcam or Microphone?

Government – Or Private Individuals – May Be Watching and Listening

We documented earlier today that -  if you are near your smart phone – the NSA or private parties could remotely activate your microphone and camera and spy on you.

This post shows that the same is true for our computer.

Initially, the NSA built backdoors into the world’s most popular software program – Microsoft Windows – by 1999.

And a government expert told the Washington Post that the government “quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type” (confirmed).

Reuters documented last year that the U.S. and Israeli governments can remotely turn on a computer’s microphone:

Evidence suggest that the virus, dubbed Flame, may have been built on behalf of the same nation or nations that commissioned the Stuxnet worm that attacked Iran’s nuclear program in 2010 [i.e. the U.S. and Israel], according to Kaspersky Lab, the Russian cyber security software maker that took credit for discovering the infections.

Kaspersky researchers said they have yet to determine whether Flame had a specific mission like Stuxnet, and declined to say who they think built it.

Cyber security experts said the discovery publicly demonstrates what experts privy to classified information have long known: that nations have been using pieces of malicious computer code as weapons to promote their security interests for several years.


The virus contains about 20 times as much code as Stuxnet, which caused centrifuges to fail at the Iranian enrichment facility it attacked. It has about 100 times as much code as a typical virus designed to steal financial information, said Kaspersky Lab senior researcher Roel Schouwenberg.

Flame can gather data files, remotely change settings on computers, turn on PC microphones to record conversations, take screen shots and log instant messaging chats.

Kaspersky Lab said Flame and Stuxnet appear to infect machines by exploiting the same flaw in the Windows operating system and that both viruses employ a similar way of spreading.


“The scary thing for me is: if this is what they were capable of five years ago, I can only think what they are developing now,” Mohan Koo, managing director of British-based Dtex Systems cyber security company.

PC Magazine tech columnist John Dvorak writes:

From what we know the NSA has back door access into Apple, Microsoft [background], and Google. What kind of access we don’t know, but let us assume it is similar to what they did about 7 years ago to AT&T. They had a secret room at Fulsom St. in San Francisco and the AT&T engineers had no control and no access to a room full of NSA equipment that had direct access to everything AT&T could do.

Microsoft is the source of the operating system for Windows and Windows cell phones. Apple controls the OS for Macs, iPhones, and iPads. Google controls the Chrome OS, Chrome Browser, and Android cell phones. The companies regularly push operating system upgrades and security updates to users on a regular basis.

Imagine however that the NSA has access to these updates at the source and has the ability to alter these update in order to install some sort of spyware on your phone, tablet, or computer. The software could turn on your camera or microphone remotely, read all your private data, or erase everything and brick your phone or computer.

Moreover – as documented by Microsoft, Ars Technica, cnet, the Register, Sydney Morning Herald, and many other sources – private parties can turn on your computer’s microphone and camera as well.

Cracked noted in 2010:

All sorts of programs are available to let you remotely commandeer a webcam, and many of them are free. Simple versions will just take photos or videos when they detect movement, but more complex software will send you an e-mail when the computer you’ve installed the program on is in use, so you can immediately login and control the webcam without the hassle of having to stare at an empty room until the person you’re stalking shows up.

The bottom line is that – as with your phone, OnStar type system or other car microphone, Xbox, and other digital recording devices – you shouldn’t say or do anything near your computer that you don’t want shared with the world.

Postscript: If you really want privacy, take a lesson from spy movies: Go swimming with the person you want to speak with … since electronics can’t operate in water.  Good advice!

Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines

human  As WIRED Magazine wrote in 2012:



A Federal Communications Commission document disclosed Saturday showed for the first time that the software in Google's Street View mapping cars was "intended" to collect Wi-Fi payload data, and that engineers had even transferred the data to an Oregon Storage facility. Google tried to keep that and other damning aspects of the Street View debacle from public review, the FCC said.

Snip . . .

Most people don't know about the existence of quantum computers. Almost no one understands how they work, but theories include bizarre-sounding explanations like, "they reach into alternate universes to derive the correct answers to highly complex computational problems."


Quantum computers are not made of simple transistors and logic gates like the CPU on your PC. They don't even function in ways that seem rational to a typical computing engineer. Almost magically, quantum computers take logarithmic problems and transform them into "flat" computations whose answers seem to appear from an alternate dimension.


For example, a mathematical problem that might have 2 to the power of n possible solutions -- where n is a large number like 1024 -- might take a traditional computer longer than the age of the universe to solve. A quantum computer, on the other hand, might solve the same problem in mere minutes because it quite literally operates across multiple dimensions simultaneously.

The ultimate code breakers

If you know anything about encryption, you probably also realize that quantum computers are the secret KEY to unlocking all encrypted files. As I wrote about last year here on Natural News, once quantum computers go into widespread use by the NSA, the CIA, Google, etc., there will be no more secrets kept from the government. All your files -- even encrypted files -- will be easily opened and read.


Until now, most people believed this day was far away. Quantum computing is an "impractical pipe dream," we've been told by scowling scientists and "flat Earth" computer engineers. "It's not possible to build a 512-qubit quantum computer that actually works," they insisted.


Don't tell that to Eric Ladizinsky, co-founder and chief scientist of a company called D-Wave. Because Ladizinsky's team has already built a 512-qubit quantum computer. And they're already selling them to wealthy corporations, too.

DARPA, Northrup Grumman and Goldman Sachs
In case you're wondering where Ladizinsky came from, he's a former employee of Northrup Grumman Space Technology (yes, a weapons manufacturer) where he ran a multi-million-dollar quantum computing research project for none other than DARPA -- the same group working on AI-driven armed assault vehicles and battlefield robots to replace human soldiers. DARPA is the group behind the creepy "Legged Squad Support System" you can see in the following video:





Imagine a .50 caliber machine gun mounted on this robot -- with an infrared night vision AI targeting system -- and you begin to understand what DARPA has in mind for humanity.


D-Wave wants to provide the computing power for such endeavors, and it's no surprise to learn that part of the funding for D-Wave comes from none other than Goldman Sachs -- the king of the global criminal banking cabal.


Beware of genius scientists who lack wisdom for humanity

Ladizinsky is, by any measure, a person of extremely high intelligence. Click here to see a fascinating interview with him. But like many such people throughout history, Ladizinsky fails to have the foresight to recognize the full implications of the technology he's building. And those implications are so far-reaching and dangerous that they may actually lead to the destruction of humanity (see below).



One of IBM's first use of the solid-state computer in the early 20th century, for example, was to license it to the Nazi regime to track Jewish prisoners in Hitler's concentration camps. There's an entire book on this subject, written by Edwin Black. It's called IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition.   Snip . . .


Google acquires "Skynet" quantum computers from D-Wave

According to an article published in Scientific American, Google and NASA have now teamed up to purchase a 512-qubit quantum computer from D-Wave. The computer is called "D-Wave Two" because it's the second generation of the system. The first system was a 128-qubit computer. Gen two is now a 512-qubit computer.



This does not mean the gen two system is merely four times more powerful than the gen one system. Thanks to the nature of qubits, it's actually 2 to the power of 384 times more powerful (2384) than the gen one system. In other words, it out-computes the first D-Wave computer by a factor so large that you can't even imagine it in your human brain.


According to Google and NASA, this computer will be tasked with research in the realm of "machine learning" -- i.e. machines learning how to think for themselves. It's not just speech recognition, vision recognition and teaching robotic Humvees with .50-caliber machine guns how to stalk and shoot "enemy combatants" on the streets of America, either: it's teaching machines how to learn and think for themselves.


Using your human brain, think for a moment about where such technology is most likely to be applied by a government that respects no human rights, no law and no limits on its power.


If you guessed "analyzing NSA surveillance data," give yourself ten bonus points. 

A LIST of Even MORE INSANE Surveillance Measures

1.   Massive surveillance nation:  Police now using license plate scanners to collect intelligence on cars, no crime necessary
police   Nowhere is this more evident than in the growing surveillance society in which we live, where police are now using tens of thousands of surveillance cameras to monitor Americans everywhere they go, especially when they drive.



Scan an entire mall in a matter of minutes


"License plate scanners are nothing new for law enforcement, but more and more agencies across the U.S. are relying on the technology as equipment becomes more affordable. As the cost of being able to catch a glimpse at every automobile in town drops day by day, though, the odds of being surveilled for simply riding around town is doing just the opposite," reported.


A recent blog post at lays bare the issue: It directs web surfers to a YouTube video produced by PIPS Technology, a firm that describes itself as a world leader in automated license plate recognition, which is otherwise known as "ALPR" technology.


The technology is installed in police cars around the country. In Little Rock, Ark., for instance, officers say the equipment is well worth the $18,000-per-unit cost.   Depending on the number of police cars . . . wouldn't that money be better spent on hiring another officer or two?  It's well worth the cost because they can dragnet the populous and 'get them' for every single tiny little thing that will raise revenue for the dept.


But while cops are touting its effectiveness, the company itself is silent when it comes to discussing the blatant violations of privacy that occur with each use.


"[It] can scan the mall parking lot in a matter of minutes," Sgt. Brian Dedrick, of the North Little Rock Police Department, tells Arkansas Matters of his ALPR scanner. "We couldn't even do that three years go."


Lt. Christopher Morgon of the Long Beach Police Dept. in southern California agrees that the ALPR technology installed in his agency's cruisers allow officers to do something they could not just a few years ago.


Before adding the technology, he says, officers could only manually dial in about 150 license plates during a shift. But after equipping patrol cars with the ALPR software and adding scores of surveillance cameras, Morgon says that now, the department does much more than just that.


Time to reign in technology


"If you dedicated your day to driving around and putting your vehicle in a place where there's lots of cars, you could read anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 plates in that same shift," he said, adding that a single patrol car can collect data from upwards of three surveillance cameras simultaneously.


Think about it - 10,000 license plates a day can add megabytes of data to a department's database in a very short period of time. But it is all only used to track down suspects?


In the advertisement, Morgon explains that his department's police cruisers pick up intelligence on every car within sight and logs their location information without ever having to obtain probable cause, which is supposed to be a constitutional requirement - and that's only if someone has been suspected of actually committing a crime.

2.  Street Lights that Spy On You

The company named Illuminating Concepts (can’t make that up), backed by the Department of Homeland Security, has launched its new product called Intellistreets. It is street lights equipped with a speaker system, motion sensors, video cameras, mics and other crap nobody wants. Remotely controlled using Wi-Fi technology, these street lights have some interesting advantages such as energy saving and whatnot. It however doesn’t take much of an imagination to grasp to frightening police-state, oppressive potential of these lights. I mean they can film you, record your conversations, and yell orders at you while displaying a video. Anyone who has read 1984 can definitely see the frightening similarities between the “telescreens” and the hidden mics of Big Brother and this technology.

Here’s the promotional video for the product.


And it won’t take decades to see this street light on our streets: Intellistreets is presently being installed in Farmington Hills, Michigan.


3.  New Police Pre-crime Technique - Light Based Intervention System  (3:05)

The police department in the city of East Orange, New Jersey is installing red spotlights to remotely shine on those police believe are about to commit a crime.

4.  IRS seizes medical records of 60 million Americans - preview of what's to come with Obamacare
The government has its hands all over everyone's most private places these days. From touching people at the airport, to intercepting emails and phone calls, to swabbing the DNA right out of people's mouths without a warrant: It's all becoming a numbing sensation.
It comes as no surprise that the IRS is now stealing people's sensitive medical records. That's the case in California. A reported 60 million medical records have been seized by 15 IRS agents. The House Energy and Commerce Committee is now investigating a lawsuit initiated by a California health care provider that purports that the IRS stole "intimate and private information of more than 10,000,000 Americans including the names and health records of prominent celebrities, sports personalities, and CEOs, ultimately affecting roughly one out of every twenty-five adult American citizens."

These power grabbers didn't fool around. They went for the entire company's IT system, telling the IT personnel "to transfer several servers of the medical records and patient records to the IRS for search and seizure, otherwise they would 'rip' the servers out of the building entirely."

After further investigation, the IRS agents used the stolen IT media system to even order pizza and watch basketball at their headquarters.

The charges also state that the IRS agents had initially obtained a search warrant, but the warrant was designated to seize the financial records of a former employee of the company - not medical records, and certainly not 60 million confidential medical records from 10 million California residents.


5.  Covert surveillance program in NY hospitals uses hand-washing compliance excuse to spy on workers
  Rates of hand washing among workers in the healthcare industry are apparently so low that some hospitals are now setting up surveillance programs to monitor the hygiene habits of doctors, nurses and other staff members. According to a recent report by the U.K.'s Daily Mail, this is precisely the method being employed by New York's North Shore University Hospital, where a complex spying system has been installed at the facility under the guise of improving cleanliness standards.



We first reported on North Shore's employee surveillance program back in 2011, but the healthcare facility is back in the news for its continually evolving approach to fighting deadly bacterial infections and other harm caused by poor sanitation practices. The latest reports indicate that hospital staff at North Shore are constantly being watched by motion sensor cameras that activate automatically when a person enters or leaves a room. These cameras monitor whether or not hospital staff is complying with hand washing standards.


"When healthcare workers at Long Island, New York's North Shore University Hospital enter an intensive care room ... a motion sensor is triggered," explains a recent report in the Daily Mail. "A camera is then turned on and its video footage sent to a center in India where workers watch to ensure proper hand hygiene is taking place."


According to the same report, other invasive surveillance measures include hiring secret monitors who are told to dress like hospital personnel and keep their eye on the hand washing habits of employees. Staff members who attain a certain threshold of compliance are later rewarded with vouchers for free food and coffee, while those with low compliance rates are likely to get what is known as a "red card" from their colleagues for potentially putting the lives of their patients in danger.

6.  New Obamacare ruling requires government agencies to share your personal health details    
  The latest blow to American health freedom came June 14 in the form of a massive 253-page proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services. If approved - and there is no reason to expect it won't be - the rule "requires state, federal and local agencies as well as health insurers to swap the protected personal health information of anybody seeking to join the new health care program that will be enforced by the Internal Revenue Service," reports the Washington Examiner
Has anyone considered asking WHY the IRS is ENFORCING Obamacare?



Protected health information - PHI - is extremely protected under current federal statutes. But this latest HHS rule will negate many of the protections previously built into those statutes by permitting various agencies to essentially pass around your personal health data in order to verify that applicants to the various "health insurance exchanges" established under Obamacare are getting the minimum amount of coverage, as required.

'This sounds as if HHS will have access to protected health info'

The crux of the regulation, which is explained on pages 72-73 of the hundreds-page guidance, doesn't say anything about applicants having to first approve the release of their PHI. In fact, HHS already allows some PHI exchange to take place without your pre-approval, especially when it is needed for a "government program providing public benefits."



"The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for individually identifiable health information held by covered entities and their business associates and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information. At the same time, the Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of health information needed for patient care and other important purposes," HHS says on its website.


Government officials say the swapping of PHI is merely to ensure Obamacare users get the best insurance coverage.  Yeah . . . RIGHT!


Staffers and others on Capitol Hill who have been critical of Obamacare and are bracing for the dramatic health premium increases that were not supposed to occur were taken aback by the regulation.


"This sounds as if HHS will have access to protected health info to me," one top Hill aide who is worried about how well the administration will protect that information told the paper's Paul Bedard.


Some conservative groups, such as Americans for Tax Reform, have already begun sounding alarm bells over the virtually unrestricted release of PHI between government agencies at all levels. They are concerned, especially in the wake of the scandal involving the IRS' illicit targeting of such groups. They note that PHI includes everything about a person's medical history - tests, lab results, insurance information, etc. Why would government agencies need to know such information? Could it be that someday, down the road, they will use certain information to deny coverage or claims?


In a poor attempt at credibility, the new rule says the government will, of course, obey privacy laws (unless, of course, the NSA is violating them).

Why all the details?   Good question . . .

"The exchange would submit specific identifying information to HHS and HHS would verify applicant information with information from the federal and state agencies or programs that provide eligibility and enrollment information regarding minimum essential coverage. Such agencies or programs may include but are not limited to Veterans Health Administration, TRICARE, and Medicare," said the rule. HHS is currently seeking public comment on it.  In other words, anybody and everybody will know the most intimate details concerning your medical problems.



"HHS will work with the appropriate federal and state agencies to complete the appropriate computer matching agreements, data use agreements, and information exchange agreements which will comply with all appropriate federal privacy and security laws and regulations. The information obtained from federal and state agencies will be used and re-disclosed by HHS as part of the eligibility determination and information verification process," it said.


Obamacare's onerous disclosure rules will formally and permanently put an end to your medical privacy - information that is perhaps the most intensely personal of all your private information. Make no mistake, this data is being compiled and will be "shared" with every agency imaginable down the line to use against you at some point in the near future. Again, if that were not the case, why would the government need to know such details?  You can BANK on the fact that once every agency under the sun has that information . . . they WILL share it 'down the line' to others, for some other created reason.


7.  Police are asking mail carriers and garbage collectors to spy on citizens

Antioch, CA  – The shorthanded Antioch police department is enlisting the help of local garbage collectors and letter carriers tosspot crime on city streets.

Employees of the local trash collector, Republic Services Inc., as well as U.S. Postal Service employees have been given tips on how to act as effective witnesses to crimes. The program, dubbed  “We’re Looking Out For You” aims to add some experience eyeballs looking out for the city’s 105,000 residents.

As part of the training, drivers received a list of questions designed to help them identity criminal activity, as well as a laminated copy of the police department’s non-emergency phone number.

“It’s a huge resource multiplier for us,” said Lt. T. Brooks of the Antioch Police Department. “These are people who are actively engaged in the community and are actively participating in making Antioch a safer place.”

DHS is training firefighters, bus drivers and telephone repair personnel to spy on the public:

The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) will now be on the lookout for "material or behavior that may indicate terrorist activities" during their day-to-day work.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is training NYC firefighters to assist in gathering intelligence information during routine inspections and emergencies.

In November, the Associated Press reported that in New York, Homeland Security was testing a program called the Fire Service Intelligence Enterprise (FSIE) to help identify "material or behavior that may indicate terrorist activities."

The FDNY and DHS hosted a September 2007 conference in New York City to discuss plans for the new intelligence program. There, chief officers from fire departments in Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and 12 other U.S. cities met with NYC fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta and officials from the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Surveillance. "Real-time intelligence and information leads to a heightened state of situational awareness," Scoppetta said at the conference. "And situational awareness is key to saving lives."

"We are not training firefighters to be intelligence gatherers or special agents," says Jack Tomarchio, Homeland Security's deputy undersecretary of intelligence and surveillance. "We are helping to provide crucial information to those people who are often the first responders."  

In 2002, the Bush administration proposed having bus drivers, mail carriers and telephone repair personnel spy on the American public as part of Homeland Security's "Citizen Corps" initiative. The program, called TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), never made it past Congress. But because the FSIE is managed at the city level, it has bypassed federal regulation altogether.  

All of the above surveillence is done to protect you and help???  Don't believe that for a minute. 
They are amassing mega amounts of information that WILL be used against you in the future.  The Bloomberg city and Cuomo state of NY is Illuminati run and up to no good.  Remember those recently enacted NY State gun laws.  That's enough for you to understand what is REALLY going on there.

8.  German Official:  Xbox One Spying Capabilities a 'Twisted Nightmare"
The Xbox One launch

Photo by GLENN CHAPMAN/AFP/Getty Images

When Microsoft launched its new Xbox One console last week, rave reviews calling it “awesome” and “stunning” were quickly forgotten when gamers began complaining about how the device doesn’t work with their old favorites (among other things). Now Microsoft has a new Xbox-related headache courtesy of Germany’s privacy chief, who is alarmed by its potential intrusive surveillance capabilities.

The complaint stems from the latest version of the motion-sensing Kinect technology. The Kinect device designed for the Xbox One can monitor users’ movements with a camera that sees in the dark, picks up voice commands with a microphone, and reads your heart rate using infrared cameras that track blood flow underneath the skin. Because the device is connected to the Internet, malicious hackers could potentially hijack the console and use it for spying. In addition, Microsoft has filed a patent that suggests it is interested in using Kinect to count the number of people in a room in order to charge each person for providing pay-per-user content. The patent outlines how a camera could be used with face and gesture recognition as part of a Kinect-style system to enforce “age and identity restrictions” on certain kinds of content, effectively granting copyright holders virtual access to private dwellings, as Wired described it.

Microsoft has attempted to play down the privacy fears, claiming that it is “a leader in the world of privacy” and adding that it is not “using Kinect to snoop on anybody at all.” But this has not convinced officials in Germany. In an interview published Sunday by Der Spiegel, the country’s federal data protection commissioner, Peter Schaar, said he was unsettled by how the Xbox One “records all sorts of personal information” that would be “processed on an external server” and possibly passed on to third parties. "The fact that Microsoft is now spying on my living room is just a twisted nightmare," Schaar told the newspaper.

Some reports have claimed that the microphone and the camera for the Kinect device would be “always on” and “constantly listening and watching.” Microsoft told gaming website Kotaku that this isn’t the case and that “you can turn the system completely off." The company also says that the new Kinect will have “simple, easy methods to customize privacy settings, provide clear notifications and meaningful privacy choices for how data will be used, stored and shared." But you can bet that it will take more than these vague assurances to satisfy Germany’s aggressively privacy-protective officials. And if Microsoft fails to substantively address the privacy concerns, it could well find itself facing legal action in Germany—as Facebook has discovered on more than one occasion.  Isn't it interesting that Germany has 'aggressive privacy-protective officials' . . . we could use some of them here in America where we are overrun with privacy pirates.


I'm so flabbergasted by the following information that I actually have no comment about it except to say that anyone who submits for pay, or not, is a true sheeple.  The following is BEYOND outrage!  
9.  Off-duty cops collect DNA samples at Alabama roadblocks
Sobriety checkpoint. Associated Press/Lenny Ignelzi  

Off-duty cops in two counties in Alabama spent the weekend collecting saliva and blood samples from drivers at roadblocks.

According to Lt. Freddie Turrentine with the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, drivers were asked to voluntarily offer samples of their saliva and blood for a study being conducted by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.

The drivers were compensated for their samples.

“They’ve got big signs up that says ‘paid volunteer survey’ and if they want to participate they pull over there and they ask them questions and if they are willing to give them a mouth swab they give them $10 and if they are willing to give them a blood sample they give them $50. And if they don’t do anything they drive off,” Turrentine explained to The Daily Caller.

Turrentine said that St. Clair County had five roadblocks from Friday afternoon through the early morning hours of Sunday. He added that Bibb County also had roadblocks of this kind.

Turrentine said that Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs asked the county to participate and that the funding for the study is coming from the National Highway Safety Administration.

“What they are trying to do is 60 sites across the country,” he said, explaining the study will be conducted from June to October and is meant to get a better understanding of inebriation patterns. (SEE ALSO: IRS seeks to buy hidden cameras, surveillance equipment)

“They are trying to get 75,000 participants with anonymous donations of blood — and they don’t know whose blood or whose swab it is — and they are trying to say, ‘OK, after this hour at night, out of these 75,000 people 10 percent of them had alcohol in their blood or 12 percent of them had some kind of narcotic in their blood. That is all they’re doing, for impaired driving,’” he explained.  Note:  ANY experimental data MUST be randomized NOT self selected to have any value in the statistical community.  What a waste!

Turrentine said he did not know how many people deputies sampled over the weekend but said that St. Clair County had completed its portion of the study and would not be putting up more roadblocks of that kind. He added that this was not the first time the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation had conducted a study in the county. The last such test was in 2007.

The Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation did not immediately respond to request for comment, nor did the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.

The incident did cause a stir on social media with people voicing concern about the roadblocks.

Update — Tuesday 12:47 p.m. EST: After publication of this article, Bibb County Sheriff Keith Hannah offered more details about the roadblocks in his county Tuesday. Hannah told TheDC that there were five roadblocks in Bibb County this weekend. He stressed that the samples were given voluntarily and that this was not the first time the county had participated in a study of this kind.

“It was a voluntary thing and they were compensated if they gave a DNA sample or a blood sample. The study group compensated them for it. If the motorist wanted to participate they could. If they wanted to go on, they were free to do so,” Hannah said Tuesday.  Just how FREE to go on is it when policemen stop you at a road block?  By definition being stopped is NOT free to go!  You can believe me when I say that they are practicing for martial law and that the cover story for gathering information for a study that has NO statistical validity for research and evaluation, and is bogus on its face.  How do I know . . . because I used to teach research methodology and statistics at two universities before I retired.



Summer road hazards your government won’t warn you about  




With the frenetic summer travel season just around the corner, here’s a little warning about a road hazard you might not expect: a checkpoint staffed by Transportation Security Administration workers.

The so-called VIPR teams (shorthand for Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response) are special TSA units that search — and sometimes detain — travelers at bus terminals, railroad stations, subways, truck weigh stations and special events such as NFL games and political conventions.


Peter Ireland, an entrepreneur based in Seattle, contacted me after hearing about VIPR teams in Emeryville, Calif., checking random passengers and luggage.

“This agency is out of control,” he told me. “It’s a cancer in the body politic.”

By the government’s own reckoning, these teams are useless. The latest Inspector General report questioned the effectiveness of the teams, noting that surface transportation security inspectors are not trained in behavior detection, have no training in passenger screening, are unable to detect explosives, and are not law enforcement authorities.

Ready for your VIPR check?

This upcoming Memorial Day holiday, as you take to the roads and railways with your own family, you may see a VIPR team asking you to pull over and submit to an inspection. I’ll be honest: The activist in me wants to keep driving. But as a practical matter, I pull over, I’m polite to the government employees and I answer all of their question honestly. My family doesn’t want any trouble, and chances are, neither does yours.

But as the inspection station disappears in my rearview mirror, I wonder: When will I say no? When the kids are old enough to deal with Dad getting hauled off and detained?  When the TSA agents’ questions get too personal? Maybe when I’m asked to walk through a portable full-body scanner that’s set up along the road?

I think we can all understand having a checkpoint at the border or in front of a military base, but at a random truck weigh station? To check nine-year-old Amtrak passengers as they exit the train in Savannah, Ga.?

Maybe this summer it’s time to say enough is enough.

The REAL ISSUE here is WHAT KIND OF INFORMATION are they gathering for the Utah Data Center?

Lastly . . . Do You Know What The Common Core Curriculum Is??

If you want to know exactly WHAT information they will be stowing at the 'Utah Data Center' . . . you need to read the following article . . . ALL OF IT!

The comparison of Nazism and Common Core (CC) are uncanny

Recently, I met a remarkable woman who has accomplished an extraordinary work in her mission toward educating the American people of a clear and present danger to their children and the methods by which said danger can be stopped.  This lady’s accomplishments speak for themselves.

Bio:  Christina Michas is the Founder and Leader of the Palm Springs Patriots Coalition and President, Eagle Forum Palm Springs. Prior to getting involved in politics and issues facing our nation, Christina was the Owner of a Design and Development Business. Christina felt the calling to stop her business, completely, and get involved in saving her country.  This led to her becoming involved in politics and their attendant issues full time. As a result, in February, 2009 she founded the Palm Springs Patriots Coalition. Since then, Christina has been involved in many organizations and events, while continuing to work with her group to educate and activate people in her community. She has worked diligently with her local officials to bring positive changes to local area cities. She was the VP of Marketing for Consumers Power Alliance (CPA), a coalition of groups dedicated to stopping Smart Meter Installations in California. Through the work of CPA, they won the right for all Californian’s to opt out of Wireless Smart Meters.

Christina is the recipient of the 2010 Salvatori Award from the Heritage Foundation for her instrumental work in the Tea Party Movement. Christina is also a producer for Breaking News Journal. Today Christina is the Co-founder of a newly formed Coalition called CURE (Citizens United for Responsible Education) to join in the fight to stop the Common Core Curriculum Standards of a Government led take over of our education system. She has been on numerous local and national radio shows in the effort to educate and activate citizens and to encourage all to get involved. As Christina states, “It is time for all of us to step up and take personal responsibility for what is happening in our nation”, to become our own representatives and to stop looking to Politicians to fix the problems. Christina is a Greek American and is strong believer in the Lord from which she draws her strength. This enables her to look at current events objectively through the prism of the Bible and end time prophecy.

The Interview

Sher: Christina, thanks so much for being here with me, today. You are doing an extraordinary job of bringing the truth about what is happening in the government public school system in the USA…and it isn’t pretty. During his brutal reign in Russia, in which he established the Soviet Union or USSR, created the Secret Police, established Siberian prison camps, killed thousands of peasants when they did not work as hard as the ruling Communist elites demanded or if they questioned anything these same Communists did, Vladimir Lenin also, said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” He was referring to the Luciferian Communist Party’s child education—aka indoctrination—system. “Common Core” appears to have all of the earmarks of the old USSR’s programming system for children with several new innovative and chilling twists. It is also firmly tied to Agenda 21—the land-grabbing and human suppression and depopulation program.

Would you give us a brief synopsis of what Common Core is, and why it is so dangerous to our children and to us all?

Christina: Common Core is a Nationalized Federal government takeover of our Education system which of course is against the law, as the Federal Government is not allowed to set any educational curriculum standards—a right reserved to the States. Least of all do they have the power to create a one size fits all complete take over of education on all levels. This is a States rights issue. The Federal Government has standardized the education curriculum that will apply to all public schools, charter schools, private schools, Christian schools and homeschooling. No one is safe from this new mandate. Common Core Standards are being mandated and implemented by the Federal Government via organizations such as National Governors Association, Achieve, and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

What makes common core so dangerous to our children and us is becoming more evident each day. First of all, it is a one size fits all, education takeover. So, let’s say your child has a learning disorder. He or she will be left behind, as CC has no provision for helping those that can’t keep up.

The comparison of Nazism and Common Core (CC) are uncanny. One such comparison is that Nazism had Leaders and Master Teachers in the National Socialists Teachers League that visited schools and kept data files on Teachers. The Obama Administration funded 10,000 Master Teachers (MT’S) to train Teachers on CC and the MT’s will keep data files on students and Teachers. Students were taught to spy on parents and teachers. CC will have students as young as 5 participating in the evaluation of Teachers. In Nazism, the curriculum was rewritten to provide a Nazi (government) approved curriculum.. Common Core curriculum is being rewritten to provide a global approved curriculum.

Nazism kept huge data files on students and teachers and Common Core will data mine the students with over 400 different data points on each child, their family and teachers from pre-kindergarten to workforce…And one final comparison is Nazism had strong Teachers’ Unions (NSTL). We have but to look at how powerful the Teacher’s unions are in our country and only growing stronger in power and influence under this current Obama Administration’s unholy alliance with them at America’s expense and the expense of the education of our children.. The quality of the educational standards of our children has suffered at the hands of these Teachers’ Unions. Common Core is no different.

Our children will suffer at the hand of a government controlled education system. They will no longer be able to have dreams and goals but only those that the government wishes them to have (UNESCO –A21). If this isn’t Nazism, Communism, Marxism and all the “ism’s”, I don’t know what is. The worst part is they are lying to parents and teachers about what Common Core really is and the effects it will have. Teachers don’t even realize that their jobs are in jeopardy for, if they do not conform, they will be removed.. But, then again, were not the people of Russia, Germany etc. all deceived until it was too late??


The following is what will be collected and stored in those Yottabyte computers at the 'Utah Data Center'!

You asked why it is dangerous? In addition to the above, according to the Dept. of Education’s own document, Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance, they outline the data mining methods that will be used on the children. fMRI’s will be used through their computers to scan the child to see how they react to different stimuli (pg. 32)…On page 44 of the same document, they show the different technologies that will be used such as Facial Expression Camera’s that will be on the computer, Posture Analysis Seats, Pressure Mouse and Wireless Skin Conductance Sensors... All of these methods, along with the other data they will collect on families, religious affiliations, voting affiliations, health records, whether or not families own guns etc. are just a few of the data points they want to collect from the children. Children will be encouraged to spy and report on what their families do at home… Sounds like one of the famous “ism’s” to me. Big Brother will know everything about how you and your children live, work and play… None of the technology being used has been tested to see what effects, if any, it will have on the children. And, if that is not enough, the Master Teachers will be instructing the Teachers to not teach our nations framework or any form of nationalism. Instead they will be trained to be “good global, sustainable citizens” prepared for a global world not our proud heritage as we were taught. They will become a “managed work force” for the New World Order…Many will be forced to choose a career path by 9 years old based on the data mined on each child.. Children will be separated based on how their data is analyzed to see if they will comply or be rebellious and will be placed into groups accordingly…Communist China has this method. The Chinese government decides what “career” you will have.. No longer will a child be able to strive to achieve his or her own goals.. They will be “managed.”  Be afraid America . . . be VERY afraid and fight back!

Children will no longer be taught the usual math, literature, history or social studies. The curriculum, as designed, will change how children learn as much of our history has been distorted or eliminated by the authors of Common Core.. Teachers will teach to the test only.. They say that it is to the child’s benefit not to teach them critical thinking and problem solving, but rather to memorize desired information; teaching to tests only.. It will be the dumbing down of our children.

Many of our states currently have superior curriculum to CC but it will be discarded in favor of the inferior CC Curriculum.. California is one State believe it or not.. The adoption of Common Core Curriculum Standards will be substantially identical across all states, “a one size fits all” and does not address the unique individuality of each child. It is teaching children all the same thing at the same time regardless of their developmental or language differences.

These are just a few examples of what Common Core is and why it is dangerous for our children and us. Many corporations are lining up at the gravy trough as they will be poised to make a bundle especially the tech industries.. Microsoft, Google, AT&T, and many others are signed on along with Exxon Mobile, Walmart, General Electric, Warren Buffet, and George Soros. William Ayres of the Weather Underground Terrorist organization along with his good friend, Linda Darling Hammond, both far left radicals; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Jeb Bush is a strong proponent.


Mark Tucker, President of the National Center on Education and the Economy is another radical from the Clinton era and was instrumental in the development of this plan. His plan in a letter to Hillary Clinton in Nov. 1992 lays out his goal to “remold the entire American system” into a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave” and is the same system for everyone (Common Core). Tucker’s plan would change the mission of the schools from teaching children academic basics and knowledge to training them to serve the global economy in jobs selected by workforce boards. Hence all the corporate involvement.

Tucker’s plan was implemented in 3 laws and passed and signed by President Clinton in 1994. “The Goals 2000 Act”, “The School-to-Work Act” and the “Reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act”.

Arne Duncan, Sec. of Education is a strong proponent with UNESCO. So are the Pearson Foundation and Gulen Foundation (Charter Schools in the US), just to name a few.

Sher: Which US States have already agreed to the Communist Common Core teaching methods and why do you believe they did so?

Christina: 46 States signed on to Common Core and RTTT Grants between Nov. 2009 and Jan. 2010. The States were given 2 months to comply or lose their grant monies. When will the States learn to say “no” to the dangling carrot of the Federal Government money bribes? States need to wake up and just say “no”! Now if a State wants to opt out of Common Core, it will have to go through the legislatures and governors, which is what should have happened in the first place. Most all states signed on without their legislatures knowledge or input and none of them actually “read the standards” as they were not yet developed but signed on, sight unseen. There are currently approximately 23 states that are in the process in one form or another of removing Common Core from their respective states.

Common Core was funded through the stimulus bill in 2009. What happened to those “shovel ready jobs”? Instead, we got “shoveled” a United Nations UNESCO global education agenda. The Tides Foundation in conjunction with UNESCO and Bill Gates of Microsoft had this program prepared prior to Obama’s election and once elected, the funding was incorporated into the Stimulus and funded without knowledge or consent of Congress as usual. Deception! The government created a Race to the Top Grant program that was used to coerce the States into signing onto this Curriculum sight unseen. If they did not agree to implement the Common Core Curriculum, the educations grant monies for the States was withheld. This was bribery by our Government to force the States to sign or lose grants for education. The Common Core was developed and implemented without State legislative authority and funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by at least $173 million dollars and still climbing. They claim it is a “State Led Initiative or Standard”. They Lie!! the States had no input or choice. They were coerced. Now that they have signed onto this Common Core Curriculum Standard, the States sadly abdicated their States rights to have local control of education.

Sher: I understand that teachers will now be renamed “facilitators” and that actual history will continue to be rewritten by the Common Core groups. In what other ways will classroom “facilitating” and children be trained to become the elites‘ ‘good new world order global citizens’?

Christina: They now have what they call “Master Teachers” that will be teaching the teachers on how to teach to Common Core.

At some point, teachers or “facilitators” will actually be irrelevant. They do not want Teachers force-feeding “education”. According to the Master Teacher’s presentation, they want a greater emphasis on development of the child’s voice vs the Teachers voice. Teachers or “Facilitators” are taught not to have an adherence to the text, as “Truth is relative”; that “history has no distinct truth”. Children will have no moral compass and no allegiance except to government. Of course, that is the goal to destroy the very fabric of our nation.. How do you change a society? Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted”. This is what is facing our children if we do not wake this nation up to the dangers of Common Core.

As per one Master Teacher who gave a presentation to Teachers said, “The teachers theme is to teach students that the Civic Mission of Schools are as guardians of Democracy and will promote a correlation between government and education. The key word here is Democracy. Communist nations are considered as democracies. The US is a democratic Republic. The collective is about “democracy” or “social justice, economic justice and redistribution, which is another way of saying Tyranny and Government Control."  Note:  Sadly this woman does not know that we are a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic . . . NOT a democratic Republic.  Shame on her!

They will teach a more Statist oriented education. As an example, for English Literature, required reading will be “informational texts” such as the EPA bills and regulations, the Affordable Healthcare Act etc. to promote the correlation of government and education. This is to teach children from an early age that they should look to “Big Brother” for their needs. Actual literature as we were taught will only be allowed if the States choose to implement under the provision that they can input 15% of the curriculum. Common Core is a copyrighted curriculum standard and cannot be changed or altered. It must be taught as is. They tell you that the States will be able to implement their own curriculum standards but that is a lie. Only 15% input is permitted.  Well, at least SOMEBODY will be reading those bills!!!!!!!

This same MT discussed a parallel writing technique where students are encouraged to create division and class warfare in the classroom. Students love to argue in everything and to encourage this will enhance their ‘creative “ side; to be angry with parents; to encourage them and give them permission to be rude and nasty. Kids will love it and it will teach them “oppositional behavior”. It is all sick and designed to destroy the family unit.

Sher: Christina, how does Common Core ultimately tie into the Agenda 21 removal of all private property from human populations and the planned culling of multiple millions of us as Obama’s friend Bill Ayers suggested when he said in the 1970s that at least 25,000,000 Americans—alone—would have to be exterminated?

Christina: First of all, for those that are not familiar with Agenda 21, it is actually called the United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century. President H.W. Bush initially brought the UN Agenda into the US. He was the one that initially spoke those now infamous words, “New World Order.” The UN Treaty for this was never ratified by Congress so in 1993, President Bill Clinton signed an Executive Order creating the President’s Council on Sustainability Development (Sustainable America) dropped the UN Agenda into this order, thus incorporating Agenda 21 into our country and implementing a UN driven agenda through regulations and legislation bypassing Congress and the ratification of the UN treaty. Another deception foisted onto the American people!


An Aside . . . Alabama Leads The Country In Stopping Agenda 21

How To Reverse The Communist UN Takeover . . . One County at a Time 
Lucky for us . . . there's FURTHER great news coming from Alabama's Baldwin County, which is about the size of Rhode Island, the Commissioners voted OUT the Agenda 21's 'Horizon 2025 Comprehensive [Agenda 21] Plan', originally adopted in 2009.
"On August 7th, 2012 the County Commission of Baldwin County, Alabama rescinded the County's 'Comprehensive Plan of 2025' sold as protecting private property rights.  Over 200 citizens attended the public hearing which preceded the momentous vote. This one hour eighteen minute video is an excerpt from the daylong event" found here: (1:18:50) titled: Baldwin County, Alabama
The following quote is the preamble to the video: 
"Alabama Law 2012-598 states in part:  The State of Alabama and all political subdivision[s] may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in or traceable to "Agenda 21", adopted by the United Nation[s] in 1992 at its Conference on Environment and Development or any other international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Alabama.
On August 7th of 2012 the Baldwin County Commission convened a public hearing regarding the Count's Comprehensive Plan.  The hearing convened at 9:18 am and ended at 1:09pm.  At the end of the public hearing the Commission voted to abolish the County's Comprehensive Plan.


Article cont'd:

UNESCO is the educational and sustainable division of the United Nations. They are tasked to facilitate partnerships through a work program approved by the United Nations Council on Sustainable Development. . In 2004, Bill Gates signed an agreement with UNESCO to further their agenda here in the US and globally. Common Core Educational Standards originate from UNESCO and are being implemented and promoted by the Progressive left in the USThe term 'Progressive' is a euphemism for a COMMUNIST!

To tie Agenda 21 Sustainability movement into Common Core one has but to look at excerpts of the UNESCO Mission Statement: “It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment”

“There are thus two tasks for the Mass Media division of UNESCO, the one general, the other special. The special one is to enlist the press and the radio and the cinema to the fullest extent in the service of education, of science and learning, of art and culture. The general one is to see that these agencies are used to promote the growth of the “common outlook” shared by all nations and cultures.  Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, thought the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished…written by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, he goes on to state: “The social psychologist of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than a generation will be able to control its “subjects” securely without the need of armies or policemen.”  It is my opinion that 'they' will NEVER be able to control us through 'education' because they cannot erradicate INTELLIGENCE.  Ergo man will ALWAYS strive to resist and overcome such evil by all means necessary . . . and will do so until death.  I suppose that the Illuminati knows as much, which is why they intend to murder as many of us as they can.

That same 'Grit, Tenacity and Perseverance' they mentioned above in proliferating their Common Core goals . . . is EXACTLY how the people will defeat them.

Julian Huxley, a major player for UNESCO in 1945, served as its first Director. Huxley was also the VP of the Eugenics (meaning: a science that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities in a series of generation of a race or breed, esp, by control of human mating and reproduction) Society from 1937 thru 1944. In 1947, he wrote: “Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may become thinkable.”

From reading these quotes and excerpts, we can see how Common Core ties into Agenda 21’s global goals for the New World Order. Control!! Control!!

The ultimate goal of UNESCO, via the nationalization of our education system is to create “ good global, sustainable citizens who will be “managed” by a Global Government.. The ultimate goal is to have a “managed citizenry”, a managed economy, and a managed environment once again returning to Mother Earth worship.

This is where eugenics and William (Bill) Ayers, ObamaCare, the Nationalization of our Economy, Energy, Health and Education systems comes into play.. Ayers is a major driver behind Common Core and sadly is a very radical Professor today that has had much influence on students thinking … He and other key players including the Clinton’s, Bushes’, Gore, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Warren Buffet, Obama and his minions, etc.. Understand that one cannot “manage” most of adult America today. The ultimate goal of these radicals from the UN, the US and other nations is to set up Internment or Re-education camps for those that will not comply with their sick agenda.. You either are “retrained” or you will have to be eliminated.

The Healthcare Bill will take care of the “useless” senior population via “managed care”. The government will have free reign with the youth.. You cannot change a nation unless you change how it thinks and operates…Hence, the lesson learned from Lenin, Stalin, Marx et al, “get the children and you change generations”… I know this sounds insane, but sadly, it is a reality we are facing today.. Don’t take my word for it, do your research.. Just go to the United Nations and look at Agenda 21… do your own homework. Research the Sustainability Movement. There is no shortage of information available. This is a very real Agenda that is being thrust onto citizens here in America and across the globe.. The US stands in the way of ultimate implementation. Hence George Soros’s, Open Society, states: “we must have a managed decline of America in order to bring about the New World Order”… Do your research everyone.. This is very real and is happening at record speed.. The target is the US and our children. Hence the implementation of Common Core to achieve the mission goals of UNESCO stated above.

Agenda 21 is the UN’s vision for a centrally managed global society.. Agenda 21 has a plan for how you will live (as per Marx, “private property ownership must be eliminated”) where you will live (stack and pack communities; walkable communities, livable communities; “managed communities “under the guise of “sustainable and/or “smart growth”. Even the American Planning Assoc. is complicit in helping to implement this agenda via local planning, zoning, etc. in conjunction with ICLEI, another UN agency. Hence the removal of personal/private property via regulations).. how you commute (high speed rail and public transportation—cars a thing of the past); what you will eat (genetically modified foods –another unholy alliance with Monsanto and Archer Daniel Midland and others), and what you will learn or be taught (BINGO, COMMON CORE!).. And, even “who your God will be” –social justice anyone”...… When fully implemented, “Agenda 21 will have government involved in every aspect of life for every human on earth from cradle to grave.”  Read that sentence again, and again.

Global Warming was the vehicle invented to drive this Sustainable Agenda from the UN. Read, “Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save our Planet.. The goal is to save “Mother Earth”.

Quote from the Club of Rome (Gro Harlem Bruntland—previous President of Norway, the Bruntland Commission and all members of Club of Rome are huge supporter of eugenics. She worked with Al Gore on Climate Change Agenda) Indeed, the Rockefeller Foundation had population control, as it’s founding principleall part of UN A-21.

One quote: “Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by ever person on earth.. it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. It will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced—an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources.. The shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision making at every level.”

One last quote from Club of Rome: “the common enemy of humanity is man…in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.. All these dangers are callused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.. The real enemy then, is humanity itself…”  I certainly hope that by now, you understand that 'they' have, or are working to create, ALL of the above.  Global warming caused by we the people is a lie, water shortages will be created by buying up those resources and using chemtrails and HAARP to rain or NOT . . . the famine will occur when they continue to use pesticides, such as the neonictatinoids, that will kill the bees, who pollinate our crops . . . etc., etc., etc.

These are not my words but the actual words and quotes from the sources themselves. We don’t have to speculate; we have but to read their words…Research for yourself. It is not difficult to see what their agenda is and how important it is for the people of this nation to wake up to the dangers facing our children and us.

I could go on and on about this, but I think you get the idea. If you go back over this article, based on the above from UNESCO and the UN Agenda 21 goals, you will be able to readily see how Common Core ties into A-21/ UNESCO’s ultimate goals and visions.. Controlled Education Curriculum; Data Mining; Master Teachers, technology to monitor children et al… Connect the dots for yourself.. It is not a “warm and fuzzy” agenda…. Not difficult to connect the dots.. It is being thrust on America via lies and deception by this Government to serve their global, utopian agenda of a One World Order.

Sher: What can people do to stop this insidious onslaught and destruction of our children?

Christina: We have formed a national Coalition called CURE, Citizens United for Responsible Education. They can go to our website or contact me directly and we can hook them up to people in their respective states so they can get involved. I have only scratched the surface here today. I encourage everyone to research Common Core and Agenda 21 as they are part and parcel of each other.. Find out what is happening in your states. Join our coalition.. I strongly encourage parents to get their children out of the Public Education system into Christian Schools, private schools or homeschooling.. be sure to ask if they are implementing Common Core.. and not Charter Schools either.. They are involved with CC as they are a public/pvt. funded partnership. We also have Gulen Charter Schools of which Gulen supports CC…There are numerous homeschooling Associations and organizations to research.. Be wary of Sylvan Learning Centers as their National Headquarters were contacted by our organization and found that they are complicit to Common Core curriculum standards. Be sure to ask!! We are working on developing alternatives for parents as they struggle to navigate this new paradigm,

The War For Privacy Has Begun . . . How To Fight Back


Big Brother is hoping to eliminate anonymous digital communication, but a new messaging protocol may provide privacy advocates a way around their snooping government no matter where they live.

It couldn’t come at a better time as governments increasingly demand access to private communications.

How to Hide Your Digital Communications from Big Brother

In fact, an FBI whistleblower recently revealed that all digital communications are being recorded and stored by the U.S. government.

Since most emails, instant messaging, and all voice calls (land line, cell or internet) run through central service providers that database all user activity, the government has easy access to this information upon request, secret subpoenas or even backdoors to these services to view private communications in real time.

The Associated Press was recently violated by the Department of Justice who, with a secret subpoena, forced service providers to hand over phone records of AP’s reporters and central offices.

The U.S. government claims the authority to track, trace, and database all electronic communications in order to keep us safe. Despite the obvious intrusion of privacy, it clearly has the intent to spy on all communications and is actively seeking expanded legal cover and technological advances for full spectrum digital surveillance.

Large central service providers make this nefarious goal possible.

But as the government cracks down on Web privacy, a new decentralized communication protocol called Bitmessage has emerged to offer an easy way for people to send and receive encrypted messages.

What is a Bitmessage?

Bitmessage is a peer-to-peer encrypted messaging protocol that allows people to communicate anonymously.

Bitmessage’s official description is as follows:

Bit is a PIP communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide “non-content” data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrant wiretapping programs. (Source)

Based loosely on Bitcoin‘so open-source protocol, Bit utilizes the computer power of decentralized users to process the messages making them essentially impossible to track. Addresses are made up of 36 random characters as opposed to a name and other personal information that email services require.

Example Bit address: BM‐2nTX1KchxgnmHvy9ntCN9r7sgKTraxczzyE

In their white paper, the Bit developers emphasize that privacy was their main motivation for creating it:

Hiding one’s identity is difficult. Even if throw‐away email addresses are used, users must connect to an email server to send and retrieve messages, revealing their IP address.

…if just one of those organizations is run by a government agency, and if they have certain network hardware in place between users and destination servers, then they would be able to perform a targeted man‐in‐the‐middle attack of ostensibly secure communications at will…

What is needed is a communications protocol and accompanying software that encrypts messages, masks the sender and receiver of messages from others, and guarantees that the sender a message cannot be spoofed, without relying on trust and without burdening the user with the details of key management.

The addresses not only emphasize privacy but guarantee sender verification:

While certainly more cumbersome than an email address, it is not too much to type manually or it can be made into a OR‐code. Users have already demonstrated this to be acceptable as Bit addresses are similar in format and length. This address format is superior to email in that it guarantees that a message from a particular user or organization did, in fact, come from them. The sender of a message cannot be spoofed.

Though it may sound complicated, Bit makes it easy for anyone to communicate anonymously. Once the program is downloaded on your computer, you just need to set “Your Identities”, “Pass”, and “Addresses” in your Bit folder which is much like a Bit “wallet”.

Then it works similarly to email where you choose from one of your “From” addresses to compose a message to “Send” to another address. The message’s encryption is then “processed” by the peer-to-peer network of servers and delivered to the recipient’s “wallet” (Bit folder) on their personal computer. The “stream” or “proof of work” takes roughly four minutes to process the message to the recipient.

Bit also offers a “broadcast” feature for mass announcements. So if you run an organization, website or bog with a newsletter, you can send anonymous “broadcasts” to subscribers. Meanwhile, subscribers can sign up without giving out their email address or anything that links them to the information.

Just as Bit has the potential to displace centralized currencies, Bit may be the future of free and private communication. As the government increases its Big Brother spying on average citizens, Bit proves that freedom will always find a way.

Watch the video below for more information about Bit: 


How To Shield All Electronic Communications From NSA

How to shield your electronic communications from the NSA

Per SlateNot every communication can be tracked and eavesdropped on by the government, however, and there are ways to reduce the chances of being snooped on. First, instead of browsing the Internet in a way that reveals your IP address, you can mask your identity by using an anonymizing tool like Tor ( or by connecting to the Web using a Virtual Private Network ( Additionally, you can avoid Google search by using an alternative like Ixquick (, which has solid privacy credentials and says it does not log any IP addresses or search terms or share information with third parties.


Want to send protected email? You can do that as well. If you happen to be using a commercial email provider like Google, Yahoo! or another service identified as having been co-opted by PRISM, the NSA's snoop program, you can certainly slow down the agency by sending and receiving emails encrypted with PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), which has been around for years, or a free alternative, GPG ( Both of these products can be used to encrypt and decrypt email messages - unless, however, you have Trojan spyware installed on your machine.


"Novice computer users learning how to use PGP or GPG may find it a daunting prospect at first, but there are plenty of tutorials online for both Mac and Windows users that can help guide you through the process," says Slate


If you happen to be a journalist and you are working with confidential sources or an attorney seeking to protect attorney-client conversations - or if you just require security communications - learning how to use either of these protective programs will be a must in the near- and long-term.


Organizations or firms could go even further and stop using a third-party service and instead set up their own email server, "helping ensure no secret court orders can be filed to gain covert access to confidential files," Slate reports. Private documents can be stored online, if necessary, and kept shielded using Cloudfogger ( in conjunction with Dropbox.


Instant messaging and phone or video chats can be better protected if you avoid using Microsoft and Google-based services such as Skype and Gchat and instead adopt more secure forms of communication. Those include Jitsi (, which can be utilized for peer-to-peer calls video calls that are encrypted. 

There's more info at the above link.

If you are reading and sharing this information ~ you are part of the resistance! 
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.


Researcher, Author and Founder