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Just for the record...

John Friend

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June 13, 2013

I'd like to clarify my views on some important issues for people that are either unfamiliar with my website and radio program or who are old friends or acquaintances and view the statements and posts I make on Facebook as somehow "racist" or "anti-Semitic" or "hateful."  This will basically serve as an open letter to anyone interested in accurately understanding my views on some very controversial issues.
First, the "New World Order" we hear so much about from media personalities such as Alex Jones and many others is very real.  There most certainly is an organized effort to eliminate national sovereignty and racial or national identity and consciousness.  The forces of the "New World Order" are attempting to implement a global tyranny, destroy or marginalize all opposition, and enslave the entire world population - politically, economically, and psychologically - through usury and private central banking; forced political integration; multiculturalism and massive non-White immigration into White and European-derived nations; the promotion of race-mixing and degenerate lifestyles; brainwashing and propaganda; and pharmacology and modern medicine. And they have largely accomplished their goal.
The forces behind the "New World Order" agenda are readily identifiable.  Most alternative media personalities use terms like "international bankers" or "globalists,"  and other amorphous, vague terminology to describe the elites advancing and benefitting from this tyrannical agenda. Let me be very clear when I say this: the "New World Order" agenda has been and is being developed and advanced by international Jewish financial and political interests.
From time immemorial, organized Jewry has been the subverters and destroyers of nations, living as parasites in the host nations they reside in.  At this point in time, organized Jewish financial and political interests have, for all intents and purposes, completely taken over the entire apparatus of the United States federal government, mainstream mass media and entertainment outlets, banking institutions, including the private Federal Reserve Banking system, academia, and other aspects of American society and culture.  The "New World Order" is more accurately termed the "Jew World Order."    
Second, there is no doubt that 9/11 was planned, organized, executed, and covered up by the state of Israel and a wider international network of Jewish criminals largely controlling the United States federal government, City of New York, and mainstream mass media.  Osama bin Laden and "radical Islamic extremists" were blamed for this atrocious and deceptive act, which has been used to kick start the fraudulent and genocidal "Global War on Terror" - or, as I more accurately term it, the Jewish War of Terror.  
9/11 accomplished two key goals for international Jewry in their quest for world domination and subjugation.  It justified the offensive military actions carried out by the United States military and her NATO allies in the Middle East, where we have destroyed numerous sovereign nations and militarily attacked many others, murdering millions of some of the poorest people in the world in the process.  9/11, and the fraudulent "Global War on Terror" paradigm that developed as a result, has also justified the police state/Homeland Security apparatus domestically in the United States.  The tyranny and destruction of the United States Constitution we've seen in recent years is all a result of 9/11.  
The lies concerning 9/11 form the modern political paradigm our society operates under, and it's time we recognize this.
Third, virtually everything - and I do mean everything - we have been told and taught regarding WWII, Adolf Hitler, National Socialist Germany, and the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" is a lie, a total distortion of history - and in many cases a complete inversion of reality.  
WWII was not the "good war" we've been led to believe.  Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Germany did not want war, was not trying to conquer and enslave the world, and did not seek to eliminate European Jewry.  Adolf Hitler wanted work and peace for the German people, and sought to rebuild, rejuvenate, and revitalize the German nation and society, which was largely corrupted and destroyed following WWI.  
World Jewry actually declared war on National Socialist Germany shortly after Hitler came to power through legal and democratic channels in 1933.  Hitler worked tirelessly for his nation and for a just resolution to the untenable and grossly inequitable Treaty of Versailles, only to have the entire world - Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States - gang up on him to destroy his political movement which had taken control of the official reigns of power in Germany.  Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists rightly identified international Jewry as being the enemies and destroyers of the German nation, and made serious moves to curtail and eliminate their power and influence over German society and government.  However, they did not seek to or attempt to genocide or murder the Jews of Europe.  
The real genocide of WWII was committed against the German and other nationalist-minded White Christian European peoples - not the Jews.  In fact, WWII was a fratricidal war between largely White Christian nations, which was instigated by international Jewry for their benefit. The White European peoples of Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union utterly annihilated their brethren in Germany, who were defending Western civilization against the dual onslaught of international Jewish Communism and international Jewish capitalism.    
The lies concerning WWII, Adolf Hitler, and the fake Jewish "Holocaust" form the historical and political paradigm our society operates under, and it's time we recognize this.
Fourth, I am not a "Nazi."  The very term "Nazi" is a derogatory propagandistic label made popular by  the Jewish press and Western political establishment, which has been used to slander and demonize those of us interested in objectively studying WWII and Adolf Hitler or taking a pro-White political or cultural position.  
I have read and studied a great deal about National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.  I have read Mein Kampf, understand the basic principals of National Socialism, and recognize that Hitler was the greatest Western political leader in modern history.  I sympathize with the philosophy and worldview of National Socialism, and I think most people would if they actually understood its basic tenets.  
Fifth, I am not a "White supremacist."  I am pro-White, and seek to advocate for and champion the interests of my race.  I respect other races and cultures, and believe they should be proud of their own unique racial and cultural heritage.  
Finally, I do not "hate" Jews, immigrants, homosexuals, Blacks, or other non-Whites.  I am a racial and historical realist - I recognize race is real (in a biological or genetic sense) and I am interested in real history (as opposed to the fake history we are taught in school).  
I view Jewry as the racial enemy and destroyer of White Western Christian civilization because they have demonstrated this to be the case numerous times throughout history - both ancient and modern.  I view immigration as a weapon used by international Jewry to destroy and pollute White Western nations, and think White people should have the right of national self determination - just like the Jews in Israel do.  I view homosexuality as yet another weapon in the arsenal of international Jewry, which has been used to destroy the moral and sexual norms of White Western civilization.  I don't "hate" homosexuals, but I do not think they should be accepted or tolerated in a decent, healthy society and homosexuality certainly should not be promoted and elevated the way it is in America today.   
Thanks for taking the time to hear me out.  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below or contact me privately.