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STATE OF THE WORLD REPORT 2013: The Endgame Enters a Critical Stage

Rohaan Solare

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May 9, 2013

In the 1st quarter of 2012 I published STATE OF THE WORLD REPORT 2012: World on The Brink of The ENDGAME?. In that article I introduced the Idea that the world’s dominant geopolitical powers were on the brink of engaging the last and most dangerous stage of their geopolitical agenda. In the world of chess the Endgame refers to the moves that end the game.

And what is the game that the world’s dominant powers are playing?  We live in a world where civilization as we’ve known it for the last 5000 years has been defined by the quest for empire. It’s a ruthless and savage quest played by the world’s most powerful economic and political entities to acquire ever greater levels of economic and political power.

The imperial process can only work by conning the subject class, those outside the ruling class, into supporting its military adventures.   The ruling class gains support for their military agendas by manufacturing adversaries who are accused of posing an existential threat. Adversaries that must be dealt with pre-emptively according to the doctrine of World’s dominant emperium also known as the European-American-Israeli alliance. I’ll refer to this alliance as the TRIAD.

A pre-emptive military doctrine is of course a pretext for offensive military action in the absence of any real threat. The foregoing is true because historically the TRIAD’s “adversaries” are militarily weak Third World countries who could not possible even dream of taking on a single NATO country much less NATO itself. Therefore a pre-emptive military doctrine is necessary for present day imperialists because the purported “enemy” cannot be expected to attack.

War mongering governments use two age old strategies and a recently developed one to gain the subject class’s compliance. First they identify and demonize the “enemy” with mainstream media propaganda campaigns. If misinformation programs are not enough to convince the public then the next strategy involves a staged event(s) known as a false flag. A typical false flay event involves a staged hostile act that is then blamed on the fabricated enemy. The unwary public is duped and scared into compliance and the “enemy” is promptly attacked.

The third and more recently developed war mongering strategy is used in conjunction with the first two and its known as the “right to protect” or “humanitarian intervention”.  That strategy was used in Libya and it seems that it will also play a role in Syria.  The Libyan War of 2011 was instigated by a TRIAD sponsored insurrection because its leader Muammar Gaddafi was a TRIAD resistor. “Humanitarian intervention” was the primary reason given for the subsequent NATO invasion of Libya.

At this point the TRIAD’s Endgame moves involves the capture of the two remaining nations of import that have yet to be absorbed by the TRIAD. I am of course referring to Syria and Iran. The civil war in Syria is in actuality another covert TRIAD sponsored insurrection.  Endgame intensification was signaled by unsubtantiated accusations that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons and that they are also attempting to transfer sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a militant Islamic group and political party that was founded in response to the Israeli occupation. Hezbollah has been demonized as a terrorist organization by the TRIAD. In essence anybody who opposes the TRIAD’s imperial agenda is labelled a terrorist in order to delegitimize their resistance.

Starting on May 3rd, 2013 the Israeli military began a series of missile attacks against Syrian targets. A sure sign that escalation has begun. Such attacks constitute acts of war and there is talk that direct US military involvement is close at hand. Israel justifies its attacks on the basis that Syria is attempting to arm its arch enemy Hezbollah. But the truth is that the TRIAD sponsored insurrection cannot overcome the Syrian government without direct military intervention by the TRIAD aka NATO.

Other signs that critical Endgame escalation has arrived are the Boston Bombing, worsening global economic conditions, plummeting precious metals prices, and letters filled with poison were sent to Obama and a congressman.  Remember the anthrax letters that coincided with 911— the mother of all false flag events.

Mid-East Bases

Whom is threatening whom? Each black dot is a US military base. That’s 45 out of 1000 worldwide. Credit:

Regime change in Syria is but the last stepping stone toward the ultimate objective of the Endgame and that is to seize Iranian oil in the same way that it seized Iraqi and Libyan oil assets. The pretext being used to demonize and justify an attack Iran is the same as what was used against Iraq—weapons of mass destruction in the hands of a “rogue nation”.

Iran is being falsely accused of attempting to develop nuclear weapons. And so what if they are trying to acquire the bomb. The US, China and Russia have thousands apiece and Israel, Pakistan and India have hundreds of nuclear warheads apiece. Iran would be blown off the face of the earth if it launched a nuclear bomb at Israel.

Iran is the number four producer of oil in the world and its proven oil reserves rank it 5th in the world.  But its oil industry is nationalized and that means that Western oil companies are not allowed to participate in the Iranian oil bonanza. But it’s more than just about resource conquest.


The Petrodollar System 

Closely linked to oil production is the petrodollar scheme. In 1971 a plot was hatched by the Nixon administration and Federal Reserve to insure the status of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Throughout the ages the dominant emperium of a given region established the medium of exchange (money system) to be used within its domain. Such a privilege provides exclusive benefits to the issuer of the reserve currency.

Prior to World War ll the world’s reserve currency was the British Empire’s Pound Sterling. But the British Empire collapsed during the first part of the 20th century and so did the status of the Pound Sterling as the world’s reserve currency. The reserve currency vacancy left by the dying British Empire was replaced by the budding US Empire’s dollar.

To entice the world into accepting the dollar as the reserve currency the US offered to back the dollar with gold and to exchange dollars for gold upon demand. That event is known as the Bretton Woods Agreement. But backing the dollar with gold had limitations because in principle the Federal Reserve could not print more dollars than it could exchange for gold.

In other words the amount of dollars issued by the Federal Reserve could not exceed the value of its gold reserves.  Unlimited growth potential was restrained by the dollar’s convertibility into gold. And restraints on unlimited growth potential is unacceptable to power addicted psychopaths.

To get around that restraint the Nixon Administration pulled the rug from under the countries of the world by renouncing Bretton Woods.  The US then came up with the petrodollar scheme to create artificial demand for the dollar and thus insure its reserve currency status.

The Nixon administration offered the Saudi Arabian regime military aid and protection from Israeli aggression if it would only sell their oil for dollars. The deal also obligated Saudi Arabia to invest its “excess profits” in US debt securities.  The third benefit of the petrodollar was that the US could buy oil with money they could print at will.  By 1975 all OPEC countries were taking part in the petrodollar system.

“A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order.”

Part 1 and Part 2

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people”

~ Henry Kissinger

Kissinger was the principle architect of the petrodollar system.

Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Libya under Muammar Gaddafi were not part of the petrodollar system and neither is Syria, Iran or Venezuela. The other thing that all TRIAD resistor nations have in common is that they are not part of the TRIAD’s central banking system.  The world’s two most powerful industries have partnered together with the Government-Military-Corporate Media-Security complex to direct the foreign and domestic policy of all nations under TRIAD domination.


The Apocalypse is not Mayan, but Rather European-American-Israeli

Non-mainstream and even some mainstream economic analysts have been expecting a major worldwide economic shock due to the unsustainable nature and current state of the world’s economic system. I am inclined to believe that the last move of the Endgame, a war on Iran, will coincide with some globally significant economic event. The event could take place just before the war or during the war.

It is also a widely held belief that the Endgame climax will be used to usher in things like a world government, a new world reserve currency and a much more oppressive, omnipresent, all pervasive and all powerful police state.

The world system of the last 5000 years appears to be reaching a self organizing critical point. Self organizing criticality is a developmental feature of any growing and evolving system. It means that as a system grows it reaches points where its size and/or complexity are no longer sustainable under current circumstances and the system must either reset, reorganize. restructure, bifurcate, perish or cease to exist in its previous form and morph into something else.

Earthquakes, avalanches, revolutions, stock market crashes, birth, divorces, business expansions, business restructuring are some common examples of self-organizing criticality (SOC). Tipping point is the layman term for SOC.

To further complicate matters a diametrically opposed and globally scaled cultural model is fast emerging on the heels of a the Current World System (CWS) that seems to be on its last leg. This new global culture is the silver lining around all the dark storm clouds covering our world.  The owners of the CWS are keenly aware that they must quickly impose a rebranded and repackaged imperial model or cease to exist.

A crisis whether spontaneous or staged is the best time to promote a “solution”.  The stakes have never been higher.

A corrupt, parasitic and inhumane cultural system is failing and the subject class is catching on to their game.  We are confronted with nothing less than a fast approaching hyper-critical period that will determine the fate of the earth and its inhabitants.

The choice is between an all powerful, omnipresent, all pervasive. toxic and increasingly deadly imperial world system or a sane and just Planetary Culture that is striving to reverse all of the catastrophic and savage trends that propagate from the machinations of the CWS.