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May 2, 2013 11:03 pm theunhivedmind 1 Comment

Bilderberg Kingmaker Kissinger ‘Jokes’ About President Hillary Clinton At Elite Gathering

Clinton accepts ‘Distinguished Leadership Award’ and Lauds ‘liberal global order’

Steve Watson

May 2, 2013

Bilderberg luminary Henry Kissinger ‘joked’ at an elite dinner party in Washington DC last night that Hillary Clinton should run for president in 2016.

“At least four secretaries of state became president,” said Kissinger in remarks at an Atlantic Council dinner.

“I want to tell Hillary that when she misses the office, when she looks at the histories of secretaries of state, there might be hope for a fulfilling life afterwards,” he added.

Kissinger also ‘joked’ that he had “thought up all kinds of schemes to get around” Constitutional protections that prevented him, as a foreign born citizen, from becoming president himself.

“At least four secretaries of state became president. And that sort of started focusing my mind even though there was a constitutional provision that prevented me from doing it,” said Kissinger, who was born in Germany.

Of course, when Henry Kissinger makes ‘jokes’, anyone who knows anything about the man knows that they are not actually jokes, primarily because a cold hearted war criminal doesn’t joke around.

In recent data dumps by Wikileaks, dubbed the ‘Kissinger Cables’, the Bilderberg stalwart is quoted as saying, “Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, ‘The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer’.”

The Atlantic Council, of which Kissinger is a director, is an elite think tank, an offshoot of Bilderberg, populated exclusively by North American and European elites.

At the gathering last night, Kissinger presented Clinton with a ‘Distinguished Leadership Award’, a direct seal of approval for a Clinton presidential run. Upon accepting the award, Clinton stated:

“When I became secretary of state, I spent a lot of time thinking about my illustrious predecessors – not primarily the ones who went on to become president,” she said. “But about the extraordinary generation of those leaders who were not just present at the creation but leading the creation of a liberal global order that provided unprecedented peace and prosperity along with progress on behalf of the values that we hold in common.”

Kissinger himself has lauded the formation of a “new world order”, a global force of governance, on innumerable occasions. His regular attendance at the secretive Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove meetings with heads of international corporations, banks and political leaders have put such comments into stark contrast.

Clinton’s campaign against Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic primaries came to an end when she abruptly announced that she was to concede and suspend her campaign, following a secret meeting held with Obama, which in all likelihood took place at the Bilderberg Group conference in Chantilly, Virginia.

Now, it seems, is Hillary’s time, however.

Last December, New Yorker Magazine editor David Remnick dropped a political bombshell after attending a three-day conference at which the Secretary of State was the keynote speaker, categorically stating, “Hillary Clinton is running for President.”

“Hillary Clinton is running for President,” wrote Remnick, adding, “Everyone had a theory of which they were one hundred percent certain. There wasn’t much doubt about the ultimate direction. 2007-8 was but a memory and 2016 was within sight. She’s running.”

Remnick’s prediction is not to be taken lightly given the fact that he has been editor of The New Yorker for the past 14 years and is also a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist.

Other groups are beginning to align in backing Clinton. Most notably, Emily’s List, a Democratic-aligned group that promotes female political candidates who support abortion rights, is spending six figures on a campaign it calls “Madam President

The group has produced a cringe inducing politically correct video that it intends to push online, which begins with young girls enacting a presidential campaign and concludes with someone who looks distinctly like Hilary Clinton taking the oath of office.

Kissinger’s ‘joke’ nod to Clinton should be taken as an endorsement that the elite have her back, and that she is their chosen candidate to succeed their last chosen one, Barack Obama.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday revealed that Clinton has the overwhelming support of 65 percent of likely Democratic primary voters, should she decide to run in 2016. Vice President Joe Biden trailed in second place with 13 percent.

A McClatchy-Marist poll released last month showed Clinton winning in theoretical head-to-head match ups against four potential Republican presidential candidates.

Alex Jones recently detailed the media spin that is building around Hillary Clinton:


theunhivedmind on May 2, 2013 at 11:13 pm said:

It is highly important that you know that Heinz Kissinger is an agent and once head of the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst continuum of the Nazis hidden in the Directorate for Intelligence division of the Central Intelligence Agency. Yes this so-called Jew is a Nazi but what do you expect from this Knight of Malta who is a Sabbatean Frankist hofjuden of the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome. The National Socialist Party combined with the zionists to bring you the Nazi’s. The Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst is currently run by fifth-degree witch Barbara Bush and George H.W Bush.

Third-degree Witch, Hillary Clinton is mastered by Bush and Marcy families in Texas and Chicago. Hillary Clinton is handled by the Jesuit trained daughter-in-law of Carl M. Marcy. The Marcy family who created Al-Qaeda through their Senior Executive Service via the U.S. Small Business Administrations 8(a) program. Hillary Clinton as a patent lawyer, patented the QRS-11 GyroChip for BEI which was used to precision guide the airliners into the World Trade Center on 9/11. Airliners controlled by Bombardier Master Trust with the Royal Canadian Air Force connected with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. All planned by the Order of the Bath and the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators mastered by Great Master Prince Charles and Grandmaster Prince Andrew.

-= The Unhived Mind