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Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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April 30, 2013



UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has testified in a secret U.S. military grand jury that there was massive bribery and physical threats in the totally UN-CONSTITUTIONAL 5-4 decision aka coup d'état that installed George W. Bush as U.S. President-elect without the consent of the American People.


Sandra Day O'Connor

former U.S. Supreme Court Justice





Note: O'Connor supplied 'smoking gun' evidence to the military grand jury that the state of Florida was stolen before the voting even began in that state. Quoting Sandra Day O'Connor's testimony to the secret military grand jury:

"I knew before the Bush v Gore proceeding even began that Al Gore had won the year 2000 presidential election hands down."

 Reference: The criminal activities of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and then Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris who set up Nazi gestapo-type road blocks to keep over 100,000 African-Americans from voting.





O'Connor has also fingered Bush Crime Family attorney Ted Olson, Bush Crime Family crony James B. Baker, former PFGBest CEO Russell Wasendorf (now a convicted felon) and former Republican Senator Alan Simpson who acted as liaison to the Nazi-controlled U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) and then Republican Vice Presidential candidate Dick Cheney who coordinated death threats against Al Gore's family.


P.S. At this hour we can report that 80% of the criminal German Deutsche Bank's $73 trillion of worthless derivatives are currently parked in the Central Bank of Japan in cross-collateralized undermargined naked short positions in the Japanese yen foreign currency.


P.P.S. Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will connect the dots on "Operation Wack-a-Mole" including the direct ties between the Boston FALSE FLAG psyop and the Benghazi, Libya attack on the diplomatic outpost that led to the assassination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens.



We can now divulge that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has supplied evidence to the U.S. FBI connecting the dots between the Chechnya cell aka the Kurt Becker-Israeli Mossad-NSA administered terrorist cell out of Hamburg, Germany that links the Kurt Becker cell to Department of Homeland Security and directly to terrorists in Chechnya, the Republic of Georgia and the events in both Boston and Benghazi.


Vladimir Putin has connected the dots for the FBI and all roads lead to the totally TREASONOUS Department of Homeland Security (DHS).


Stay tuned for emergency update intelligence briefings at any moment.