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Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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April 27, 2013


International Intelligence Expert



UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil have developed 'smoking gun' evidence linking the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency), elements of the Israeli Mossad and the Nazi German Deutsche Bank financed Kurt Becker cell out of Hamburg, Germany, as well as the Republic of Georgia to both the Boston and 9/11 FALSE FLAG psyop attacks on the American People.



Note: The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force is the only entity right now protecting the American People's safety, their Bill of Rights and their beloved Constitution from clearly what is a continuing Nazi German "Operation Paperclip" attack on the American People, which is designed to be completed by May 1st with MARTIAL LAW being declared on U.S. soil.


Remember, the corporate-fascist, extortion-friendly, crooked bank controlled U.S. media are direct enablers of the Nazi-controlled U.S. government.


Note: Today a CNN alleged terrorist analyst, Peter Bergen (of foreign British ancestry), suggested that the U.S. government should consider taking down websites across the United States that are trying to tell the American People the truth. If that is not a precursor to MARTIAL LAW, folks, then what is!


Suggestion to the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force: Maybe you should take down CNN's website as to end their lying and propaganda, accordingly, allow the American People to bring forward the truth.


P.S. Stay tuned for our next emergency intelligence briefing at any moment. Remember the two Russian Chechnyan suspects who are being accused of staging this Boston FALSE FLAG event are Department of Homeland Security patsies.