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The government has the right to infringe on your freedom, says Bloomberg

J.D. Heyes

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April 8, 2013

(NaturalNews) You're not smart enough to make your own decisions. You're irresponsible with liberty and you can't be relied upon to know how best to live your own life.

Only government can make those decisions for you, and by golly, government ought to be doing that. Or so says the narcissistic mayor of New York City.

Anyone who has been following the antics of Michael Bloomberg in recent years knows he doesn't care much for our founding principles or our Constitution, and he recently stated as much. Ironically, in doing so, he also said inadvertently that he doesn't give a damn about the very constitutional process that saw him win elections, thus allowing him the privilege of serving in office.

He thinks democracy and freedom are good things when he is getting elected; they are bad qualities, however, when it comes to everything else.

'We should infringe on your freedoms...'

That's because Bloomberg, you see, is a zealot. He's also a statist and would-be tyrant who believes government is the end-all, be-all of our existence, despite constitutional protections that were written into our nation's founding documents and were designed to prevent wannabe dictators like him from usurping authority. What's more, he believes, we, the little people, should just bend over and take whatever "government" gives us, and then be thankful for it, because Nanny knows best.

"I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom," he said during a recent appearance on NBC, when discussing his ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces that was just struck down as improper by a New York state court. And, like a true zealot, he vowed that he would continue to pursue the ban - despite what the courts say and despite what New Yorkers want.

"We think the judge was just clearly wrong on this," Bloomberg ranted. "Our Department of Health has the legal ability to do this. ... [They're] not banning anything."

There's no doubt that his hand-picked health department did indeed "ban" some food and beverage outlets from serving drinks larger than 16 ounces, but zealots defy logic by ignoring what is real and instead clinging to falsehoods in order to advance their own personal agenda.

Imposing his will on the nation - not

That is, after all, what Bloomberg's recently-launched $12 million ad campaign aimed at pressuring federal lawmakers into passing new gun control legislation.

Besides believing that you and I don't really have a right to own guns, the egomaniacal Bloomberg's massive streak of zealotry is driving him to do this as well.

"I think I have a responsibility, and I think you and all your viewers have responsibilities, to try to make this country safer for our families and for each other," he told NBC's David Gregory on Meet the Press, a friendly media contact with similar viewpoints on the subject of guns and who will never challenge Bloomberg's audacity. "And if I can do that by spending some money and by taking the NRA from being the only voice to being one of the voices so the public can really understand the issues, then I think my money would be well spent, and I think I have an obligation to do that."

Funny how you don't see Bloomberg taking aim at the First Amendment, "spending some money" in a bid to combat violent, gun-toting Hollywood films.

In fact, his state's governor, Andrew Cuomo, is even busy making special arrangements for Hollywood, giving movie makers the "right" to come to New York and skirt the state's new draconian firearms ban and magazine limitations - a move in which Bloomberg has largely remained silent. Now he can add hypocrisy to his list of personality traits.

If you ever doubted the wisdom of the founding fathers, re-read the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and you will see that they were written explicitly with people like Michael Bloomberg in mind.
