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UHM – Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst staged North Korean Crisis and puppet Kim Jong-un

The Unhived Mind [UHM]

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April 5, 2013 3:20 am TheUnhivedMind 4 Comments

UHM – Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst staged North Korean Crisis and puppet Kim Jong-un

By – The Unhived Mind – 5th April 2013

The Order of Malta controlled Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst continuum of the Nazis hidden in the CIA’s Directorate for Intelligence division are once again up to their old tricks. Their toxic derivatives troubles via Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank the other week saw these Nazis fleece the Cypriot peoples of up to sixty-percent of their bank saving. This was all veiled as Angela Merkel’s fault so it looked like a strategic German political move for the coming elections in order to please then angry German voters. Angela Merkel received a pay off by the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst to the sum of $3m for her troubles via the European Central bank through the Central Bank of Japan.

Now we see the same DVD intelligence apparatus using a branch of Commerzbank in the United States in order to pay off the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un to the tune of $3bn for his role in this North Korean crisis. Most of us who have delved deep enough already know how Knight of Malta, George H.W Bush (DVD head, Order of the Bath) has been the kingpin over North Korea and part of the Japanese system the latter of which he has kept down for many years now. George H.W Bush has a super-dollar printing press that sits in North Korea printing up fraudulent Federal Reserve notes wrongly called American dollars. George H.W Bush regularly supplied Kim Jong-un’s father with Swedish girls for his sexual pleasure.

Right now there is a massive debt crisis looming for Japan and South Korea. Any North Korean crisis will rock the financial system of the World but more importantly the Japan and South Korean financial systems. This crisis could be used to cover-up the real reasons for a major debt crisis and thus save the bankers from blame once again. The DVD could be trying to further cripple both South Korea and Japan so they can be merged together with a newly created North Korea after it is destroyed. Notice the large surprising Japanese stimulus yesterday announced by the Bank of Japan.

A lot of the Japanese population most likely will be shipped to the Korean peninsula as radiation levels and radiation poisoning continues in their homeland after the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. Any study of the US West Coast and Fukushima will show you the destruction of the radiation dumped in the region from the nuclear disaster that was two-hundred times as deadly as Chernobyl which left Europe with terrible thyroid disorders. Now the US West Coast has a population who’s babies are seeing a 30% increase in thyroid problems due to radioactive Iodine-131. The same I-131 the US Citizens was not allowed to fight against with iodine supplementation since the US Govt told US doctors not to hand out iodine to fearful patients. Why? Look into the Club of Rome’s Malthusian population reduction program. More importantly look into Audrey Tomason’s (U.S. Director for Counter-Terrorism) ‘Apocalypse Equation’ thesis. In this hidden thesis you will see she wants so-called humane-depopulation utilizing nuclear radiation.

Finally we may just see the crazies in the DVD try to go for an all out World War III scenario by bypassing the Middle East and kick starting it from the Korean Peninsula. The intelligentsia will always add multiple agendas and angles to their events for many outcomes in their favor. What we could see is a big event with North Korea and nuclear weapons in order to help demonize Iran further with their independent nuclear energy programme. We have already seen attempts by the DVD claiming Iran is working with North Korea on nuclear weapons. I should remind you that DVD agent, Donald Rumsfeld gave North Korea nuclear technology just as he gave Saddam Hussein chemical weapons to attack Iran.

What then could happen is we have this big event in the Korean Peninsula and a big event suddenly happen in Iran. This would ignite the World War III scenario and then the draft and conscription will be back to mop up all those unemployed useless youths hindered by the lack of education due to outcome-based education, current financial crisis, job outsourcing/robosourcing and the planned Zero-Growth Post-Industrial Society. The parents will have to be hoodwinked that their children are being sent to fight the North Koreans. Why? Westerners now see through the scam of the Middle Eastern wars so they would be reluctant to accept a draft/conscription to fight in the Middle East. North Korea will be a different story especially if a sovereign nation is hit by a nuclear weapon and even more so if it is the U.S. mainland attacked. This will be of course a staged false flag event and Kim Jong-un will have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Instead of the drafted western soldiers going to the Korean peninsula, they will be diverted to the Middle East to continue the unholy final crusade and to remove the Shia who stand in the way of the Jesuit Pope’s Temporal Power over the globe.

May I remind you that Japan has been attacked physically by the DVD, Israeli Intelligence, The Worshipful Company of Fuellers and The Worshipful Company of Mercers back in March of 2011 for financial and uranium processing reasons. They were economically attacked long before and one example was the attack on carmaker Toyota with false claims of mass faults with their cars within the United States. All this was in order to also aid the finances of the U.S. Government after their takeover of General Motors which the Japanese Government would not help bail out during the early global economic collapse. You might also notice that Germany’s main export is motor cars such as BMW, Mercedes and Audi. What is happening these days with the car market? Many cars are now being created in South Korea just like all the electronics industry which was purposely removed from Japan the once king of the electronics industry. Notice now how some large Japanese electronics companies are on the brink of collapse and some are even teaming up with Korean firms to survive. What do you think will happen to your electronic gadgets and cars if there is a war in the region? Expect very little to come to the West and what is available will be very costly indeed. This would be good for German car exports if it goes ahead and this would help a stagnating German economy. Maybe this is why all of a sudden Apple and Google are gearing up for some technology manufacturing in the United States under the guise of being ashamed of the conditions of Foxconn in China.


JOE VIALLS – Ryongchon – Nuclear Trigger for American Conscription?

8R07H3RM4X1 on April 5, 2013 at 2:10 pm said:

Did you know about the economical connections between the Unification Church and North Korea? After the economical crisis in South Korea and others Asian countries, the Moon sect was allowed by South Korea to start to trade with North Korea, so much so that the Moon sect not only have temples of the unification church inside this Asian totalitarian country, but that is the only cult allowed to exist inside North Korea(asides the cult to the personality of the communist leaders).

The heretical and satanical Moon sect fabricate heavy machinery, fire weapons and many other war products. Now, after this Arms Trade Treaty the Moon sect will not be allowed to give weapons to Kim Jong-un.

I do not believe Ban Kim Moon is actually a member of the Moon sect. First because never was demonstrated. Secondly ’cause his actions go against their interests.

Other interesting issue is the close association between the Propaganda Due of the Grand Orient with the Unification Church. In 1980 takes place in Buenos Aires the 4th Congress of the Latin American Anti-Communist League, affiliated with the World Anti-Communist League that was founded in Taiwan in 1966. Chaired by Guillermo Suarez Mason (member of the Propaganda Due and a powerful military during the last dictature in Argentina… which was controlled by Licio Gelli), commander of the Ist Corps Argentine Army, was taking part in the event WOO JAE SUNG (the most poweful men inside the Moon sect after Sun Myung Moon) REPRESENTING THE MOON SECT, the Italian terrorist Stefano Delle Chiaie (P-2) and other delegates of the Propaganda Due, was also sent soldiers of the recently deposed Anastasio Somoza (which was fighting against the Sandinistas of the Jesuit Order) and the anti-Castro (the Jesuit Castro) organization Alpha 66, Roberto d’Aubuisson, leader of the “death squads” in El Salvador, the Guatemalan Mario Sandoval Alarcon neofascist and John Carbaugh, assistant U.S. Senator from North Carolina, Jesse Helms. It defines the participation of Battalion 601, commanded by Suarez Mason, in joint tasks: giving a coup in Bolivia, organize logistics for international cocaine trafficking in Bolivia, installed on the facade Miami business for washing money, divert a portion of the proceeds to the Nicaraguan Contra paramilitary groups in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and eliminate social support Central American guerrillas.

So, his obvious that this is just another battle of the Jesuit Order against the interests of the Gran Orient, all in the name of disarming the far east armed by them (because was the Propaganda Due who armed Syria and Iran as was demonstrated by the assassinated judge Falcone) to prepare them and all the world for be inside the New World Order of the Beast that Comes from the Sea of the Apocalypse.

TheUnhivedMind on April 5, 2013 at 6:00 pm said:

Do not forget the connection of the Moonies to the mainstream Washington Times propaganda outlet. George H.W. Bush has big connections with the Moonies and look at how the Bush’s aided the Moonies into the Americas. Just as the Order of Malta aided the Nazis into the Americas the same. The Bush family is really a Nazi SS family from Nazi Germany known as the Sherff’s but they hide under the Bush name. If they had not hidden themselves it would have been harder to take the U.S. Presidency twice over. Saying that, Obama is now U.S. President even though he is not a natural-born citizen.

Lets remind ourselves how the Nazi SS was modeled off the Jesuit Order by Jesuit coadjutor, Heinrich Himmler. We must also understand how the British Empire continuum is modeled off the Jesuit Order too. Why is this? The Jesuits are the greatest intelligence agency on Earth as highlighted by CIA agent, Everette Howard Hunt. All the Americas drugs trade is mastered by George H.W Bush and the DVD for King Juan Carlos of Spain and his Exchange Stabilization Fund which he controls through TheCityUK and the U.S. Treasury. Licio Gelli is DVD connected and has dual-citizenship as in both Italian and Argentinian, the latter being a Nazi haunt riddled with Germans.

-= The Unhived Mind

truth19 on April 5, 2013 at 3:03 pm said:

Obama seems to have some Asian blood and maybe is not be as black like the media says

TheUnhivedMind on April 5, 2013 at 5:02 pm said:

Obama is a mulatto meaning he is part black but he has a white brain. Why a white brain? This is because all mulattos take on the largest and most intelligent brain of the races mixed. If it is a white and black then the mulatto will have a white brain, if its a black and asian race then the asian brain will be used. Nature tries to preserve itself and in these cases choose the best components. So this is why a mulatto will tend to have a black body which is superior to the white mans bodies. The white brain has around 600-700 neurons more than a black brain and is around 1-2 inches bigger if I recall. This is why blacks have had to have points already given on test scores before even taking the tests. The Jesuits do not want you to know these facts and want you to believe we are all the same, which is simply untrue. The Jesuits love mulattos because this destroys God’s races and this is why cross-breeding is shunned in true-Christianity. The Jesuits have made the minds of the dumbed down populace think that by wanting to keep the pure blood races that this is now something racist, which if you think about it is total lunacy. Now you know why fluoride is used to dumb the mind down so much and aid the programming we have to be subjected to daily. The Jesuits are using mulattos now to destroy the idea of race just as explained in Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s ‘Practical Idealism’.

-= The Unhived Mind