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by Former White Hat

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April 5, 2013

Greetings from the Fifth Density and the Inner Halls of the Akashiac Records.

Much deceptions has been cloaked over your 3D world. First, Cyprus: the banks do not have issues, the bankers merely want to steal what they can before the poop hits the fan. Cyprus is off-shore banking, mainly Russian, Ukranian and East European mob, drug, and blood money.Like Pope Ratzinger’s stepping off the pontifcate chair, all is not what it seems. Cyprus is a testing ground for what Crowley’s Cabal intends to do in England, Germany, France, the United States, Mexico and Austrailia/New Zealand. You may want to consider turning whatever digital money you have in banks into gold, silver and copper. As I pointed out last year, when I operated around the earth, moon and Mars, I maintained no bank ccounts or credit cards and used only gold coins and bars, which I would covert into whatever currency needed in whatever nation I was in; and when I was done, I would re-convert the currency back into gold.

Second, North Korea: a TV production, all staged. Meant to distract the attention of U.S. citizens from what is really going on: the failure of the dollar, the rise of Mexican gangs operating in the U.S., the dictatorship of the Obama Clones and overall, Alesitar Crowley’s puppermaster moves from Mount Weather’s underground facility.