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Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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March 29, 2013



UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that Dutch bank ABN Amro, the Nazi German Deutsche Bank and the bank-controlled discount brokerage whorehouse AmeriTrade have not been executing orders for their customers who have been buying long positions and call options in gold and silver but instead collecting the premium and then putting out falsified electronic statements that the customers' own the positions when they do not!

This is the PFG fiasco all over again only on a much larger scale.


These gangster banks, with their computer geek enablers, use the premium collected from their customers to then write naked short positions in the gold and silver futures, as well as the Japanese yen currency, with the direct assistance of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan.


left image JUSTIN LANE (EPA)


The underwriter for this fraud aka the casino pimps of last resort are JPMorgan Chase and Union Bank of Switzerland.

P.S. This new grandiose PFG-style ponzi scheme has now generated $9.9 TRILLION in illegal cross-collateralized derivatives that threaten to implode the world economy at any moment.


Madoff and Bernanke

Question: Is there any difference between Bernard Madoff and Federal Reserve Chairman and crooked bank stooge, Ben Shalom Bernanke?

Answer: There is none!

Neither fraudster ever took a course in accounting.

P.P.S. As the April 1st deadline nears for the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the new Chinese government officials have told U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to sign off on the transfer of funds now or there will be hell to pay!

P.P.P.S. Hell to pay may have already happened.

In closing, at this hour, the New York COMEX exchange does not have the physical silver or gold to make delivery on specified future contracts.

Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing in which we will explain how world financial markets are manipulated with the use of cell phone and voice inflection.


Another Gold Shortage? Dutch ABN To Halt Physical Gold Delivery