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FULFORD: Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20130211: Tanks sent towards Beijing in internal Chinese rift, Pope quits after Bush confessions

Benjamin Fulford

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Feb. 12, 2013

The Chinese New Year of the Snake has begun and the new regime will soon begin its work in earnest. The White Snake, symbolized by the White Dragon and representing the Life Force, will complete the subjugation of the Satanic black snake of death and destruction. The resignation of the serial child rapist pope maledict will mean the selection of a new Pope to be named Peter the Roman. He will be the last Roman pope because after him Christianity and Catholicism will no longer be a purely Roman institution.

The battle to take down Satanism also led to high tension in China. The severe power struggle between the Shanghai faction and the Communist Party Youth League factions that preceded the selection of the current government was so severe that at one point tanks were sent toward Beijing by the Shanghai faction, according to a Chinese government agent. The result is that many in China now feel a small war, most likely with Japan, is needed to restore government unity, he said. The push towards war is also being promoted vigorously by the Sabbatean mafia through their corporate propaganda networks in Hong Kong and Tokyo. However, cooler heads at high levels in both Japan and China are working on a compromise that may lead to the independence of the Okinawan archipelago, according to Asian secret society sources. The same people are pushing for the governments of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, North Korea and China to supply staff for a new regional organization.

In the US as well, a severe power struggle is underway that led to the overnight arrest, and subsequent release, of many high level CIA and pentagon staffers, according to a CIA source.

The British Monarchy, too, is the scene of high level struggle

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys