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Benjamin Fulford 2-5-13…”Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in a trap; Queen Elizabeth, the Pope and the Rothschilds are still standing”

Benjamin Fulford

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Feb. 4, 2013

(From Kauilapeles Blog)

UPDATE 2119 HST: as much news is coming out about the One People's Public Trust, I felt this one statement from the "not-free" portion should be added here.

"In any case, you cannot eat gold and technically owning 85% of the world’s gold does not automatically give a person the right to decide the future of humanity. That right belongs to the people of the world."]

Queen Beatrix quits, the Rockefellers flee, the Bushes are rats in a trap; Queen Elizabeth, the Pope and the Rothschilds are still standing

The announcement last week that Queen “Bilderberg” Beatrix of the Netherlands was abdicating the throne is but a visible sign of some fundamental changes in the secret power structure of the West. In a yet to be publicly confirmed move, David and J. Rockefeller have fled to an Island near Fiji, according to a CIA source. The Bush family, for its part, tried to flee via an airport in Arkansas but were prevented from doing so by the FBI, the same source says.

This source, who correctly predicted the resignation of Queen Beatrix is also saying that Queen Elizabeth with [will] resign in favour of her grandson in the near future.

These moves are all connected to the ongoing counter-attack against the genocidal Western elitists affiliated with the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations and other related organizations. As will be described below, there is a lot more to come.

Also, at the time of this writing Lord James Sassoon has not responded to a hand-written letter delivered to him last week at the House of Lords in England asking for comment on the allegations that he bribed 82 politicians (actually paid actors) affiliated with Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

There are also plenty of indications of escalating infighting within the financial elite. The SWIFT international banking transfer system, for example, is becoming dysfunctional because….

[Kp note: I am no longer publishing the full article. To get the full article, see below.]


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