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The Making of Shade the Motion Picture – ‘A View into the Globalists Domain’

Shepard Ambellas

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January 9, 2013

Over a year in the works, the filmmaking process has led me on an intense non-stop journey across the entire United States several times over as my crew and I captured some of the most encompassing documentary footage ever to be presented on film.

With interviews from over 20 predominant researchers, historians, activists, musicians, and icons — SHADE the Motion Picture is going to be one intense documentary thrill ride.

It all started as a concept in my head that has since evolved into what has now become the film. When I first set out to make the film I knew it would be an endeavor for sure, but I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Later, I found out.

After several conversations early on with my good friend Avalon who was instrumental in helping me formulate a clear vision of my concept, I decided to do a couple test shoots to see what kind of quality my crew could achieve film wise.

I quickly learned that we would need to obtain top quality filmmaking gear and work with top industry professionals if we were going to make a serious impact with our film as people in general have short attention spans and are turned off by low quality cinema-photography.

That being said I wanted to make sure that the quality of SHADE the Motion picture would be nothing less than top notch.

After working with a local production company on several film shoots it was time for the real deal as my crew flew out to the once secretive Bilderberg Group meeting in June of 2012 to shoot LIVE action footage on scene at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly Virginia.

Jason Bermas, Alex Thomas, and myself were working around the clock as we were not only shooting footage for SHADE the Motion Picture but we also appeared on over 30 radio shows and were featured on mainstream press including the, and the London Guardian for our exclusive Bilderberg reports and photos.

The headline read “Alternative Media Group Plans Wall-to-Wall Bilderberg Coverage”.

After Bilderberg was over I quickly realized that the real work on the film would soon begin. I now had to set up interviews across the country with top researchers, historians, and professionals alike if I wanted this film to come together.

Once most of the interviews were aligned I could focus on the final vision of the film. Jason Bermas (Co-Producer & Co-Director of SHADE the Motion Picture) was instrumental in helping me through this as he is a seasoned filmmaker and we were able to work out the general script (sequence) for the film to better guide us through the filmmaking process.

The challenge of making a documentary film such as this one can be heavy at moments, but fun at others.

I was just thinking back on the Jordan Maxwell (SHADE) film shoot that took place in California a few months back.

Maxwell, a renowned and controversial researcher of the occult for over 50 years, was fully energized when Bermas and myself met up with him, as he was eager to go to his favorite deli for a sit-down meal.

This guy was radiating energy, we could barely keep up with him while bobbing and weaving through California traffic at high speeds. Once we arrived at the deli and placed our orders Mr. Maxwell began to tell us in detail how he belives the world really works.

Yes, I know this sounds funny, an elderly man telling two filmmakers how the world really works. But, let me tell you something, it was probably one of the most interesting hours of my life as the information was mind-blowing to say the least.

I also had the opportunity to hang out with my good friend Michael Murphy (filmmaker) on several occasions. One on of these trips, Murphy and I traveled to Hollywood Hills to film Reggae Artist Skull (managed by Morgan Carey) to appear in SHADE the Motion Picture after his epic release of the songCry Die a chemtrail anthem. All great people, good times. (Michael Murphy is currently working on his third film.)

So many other great people appear in SHADE the Motion Picture and it was a pleasure meeting all of them.

I hope that you take the time to support the film and order your high quality version on DVD at

Here is a picture of a mural at Denver International Airport that I took when I went to Colorado for the Chris & Sheree Geo film shoot. Globalist symbology lurks everywhere.

The Denver International Airport is speculated to house a secret underground base.

When I was traveling through the airport I actually asked a uniformed policeman if he suspected the rumors are true.

“Rumors?”, he said. I informed him that there is speculation that  an underground base is under the facility.

He then responded, “Let me tell you something, it is massive under there”.

Note: A big special thanks goes out the Jason Bermas and the entire cast and crew of SHADE the Motion Picture.


Shepard Leigh Ambellas (born in 1977) is an activist, journalist, filmmaker, film producer, radio talk show host, and Founder and Director of (one of the most popular alternative news websites in the world and US alike), established in 2010, is ranked in the top 3% tier for Internet traffic worldwide with Alexa Rating in the US of 7,126 as of December 31, 2012. is one of the few alternative media websites to be picked up by for Shepard Ambellas’ news teams provocative Bilderberg Group coverage in Chantilly, Virginia on June of 2012. The Drudge Report headline article “Alternative Media Group Plans Wall-to-Wall Bilderberg Coverage” was later spotlighted on the Alex Jones Radio Show by Alex Jones when talking about the power of Drudge.

Being at the forefront of an Alternative Media Research Community and the Truth Movement, Shepard Ambellas is known for his extensive, informative cutting-edge interviews with hundreds of notable guests and whistle-blowers.

Originally inspired by his first appearance on the Alex Jones Show and Prison Planet TV on March 25, 2009 where Shepard Ambellas discussed Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for US Citizens - an article he authored which was featured on one of the top alternative news websites in the world.

Shepard Ambellas has appeared on nationally syndicated radio shows, Internet Radio, television, several films, books, and print news media including the London Guardian newspaper in an article titled, Bilderberg 2012: bigger and badder and better than ever and popular alternative news outlets worldwide.

Shepard is the Executive Producer and Director of Shade the Motion Picture which is a documentary film scheduled for release on February 15, 2013, which exposes a sinister global agenda of the Global Elite. Shade the Motion Picture is a concept created by Shepard Ambellas and Avalon in March 2012. The film is Co-Directed and Co-Produced by Jason Bermas producer of several films including Fabled Enemies and Loose Change the most viewed documentary in the entire world.

On May 20-­‐22, 2012, Shepard Ambellas, Alex Thomas and Jason Bermas covered the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group in Chantilly, VA. Along with Alex Jones, Dan Dicks and other well-known Alternative Media personalities, the event was a milestone in Alternative Media,exposing the 58 year secrecy and agenda of the Bilderberg Group. Shepard Ambellas coverage included key globalist heads of the Banking, Military Industrial and Governmental Sectors in his exclusive photographs and video which are featured on,, and According to Michael Tsarion, renown author, researcher, and frequent guest on Shepard Ambellas’ former show, the Bilderberg Group’s “main objective is creating a world government ruled by an elite group of people whose main objective is to control the natural resources of the planet”.

In 2012, Shepard Ambellas announced the upcoming release of Shade the Motion Picture which was originally to be released in the winter of 2012, but due to production delays, the release date is set for February 15, 2013, with the launching of the official website detailing the film storyline and guest appearances.