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Argentia unrest via Goldman Sachs!

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If Goldman is truly behind this, it says that the NWO/globalist are not only in the Middle East, but are moving into South America to create chaos, socialism and regions.
A high up government official with the Mexican government was on Charlie Rose and said ... (think North American Union) ... that Canada, U.S. and Mexico should take down their borders and become a was fairly recent so you can find it at Rose's site easily.
The Club of Rome proposed ten world regions (could have changed) and we seem to be following their patterns.
Goldman (I think) is a front for the Crown/Queen or old/new British Empire. I think China is heavily influenced by the Crown (businesses working with the Queen) as a banker from the 'City of London' is on the second largest bank board in China, wither he was ask or appointed I can't remember (also on Rose) knowing China, don't you think this is really odd? Even strange? Unless like the Federal Reserve the Crown pulls the strings through others that they control, the Crown also controls to a great degree China's money...remember the Opium Wars. India is still influenced by the Brits as far as I know...
Look up the Common Wealth, it is alive and well. 
My guess is and others have had the same thought, is the U.S. and NATO are heavily influenced by the Crown (would includes Goldman) true? Do we go anywhere without them??? Nope. How nice. Remember Steve Hormats was in or headed up the foreign office for Goldman and is now...Sec. Clinton's assistant Sec. of State. NO DUH! Look at resume! Therefore...
Take a look at the old Colonialism? If NATO/U.S./AFRICOM are helping the Muslim Brotherhood (MB set up originally by the Brits) wouldn't the MB be easier to control than a bunch of different countries leaders? All are Sharia? Some thing to think about...and we know know we are helping Al Quaida...our enemy to bring down Assad? Does it smell? Al Quaida was set up by the CIA in Afganistan when they were fighting the Russians. (Keep in mind Kissinger visits Putin at least twice a year for a private visit and Rothschild had a very private birthday party for the old boy in his wine cellar and all signed the magnum of champagne.  
Stevens (who was gay, against Sharia law) might have been going to blow the whistle and ... keep guessing, maybe we'll know in time, but was it an inside job? You've heard about some of what was going on by now.--M
I'm guessing but all roads seem to lead back to the same bankers/people if you keep your feelers up, it's not the ground game, it's the top floor bankers that need watching like a hawk.
It looks like SOCIAL MEDIA can now move nations, it can cause "meet up" groups that can wreck the area then flee, leaving the police with perhaps a hand full of people when there were several hundred plus who can meet up again...their really gangs, true? And you said?
There's always more info to consider, just thinking out loud.
Our most important enemy is our national debt, true? And who do we owe that to? The bankers, hm. All roads.