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'Inside Job': The US is a Kleptocracy


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Oct. 23, 2012

Kleptocracy: “Rule by Thieves”
A 2010 Oscar-winning documentary on the “credit crisis” shows how the banking industry preys on Americans like wolves prey on sheep. They have placed their errand boys in the White House and there is nothing to stop them.
“The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?”  Protocols of the Elders of Zion – 11
Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης – kleptēs, “thief”[1] and κράτος – kratos, “power, rule”, hence “rule by thieves”) is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population.
Henry Makow Ph.D
“Inside Job,” the film about the 2007 credit crisis is not an Illuminati cover-up or spin job. 
Rather, it lays out our predicament in stark terms. The  banking-government complex is a kleptocracy run by the Illuminati central bankers. They are out to steal our money, and enslave us to ensure we never rebel. They instigated 9-11 and the “war on terror” as a pretext to establish a DHS-FEMA-run police state.
Director Charles Ferguson shows how Illuminati Jews and their Freemason flunkies made millions by creating a bubble in derivatives based on subprime mortgages. After they sold these dubious products to their own clients, they took out bets that the bubble will burst, and no doubt made sure it did.
Then when insurance giant AIG, who underwrote these bets (called “credit default swaps”) went belly up, they forced the American taxpayer to bail out AIG and make them whole. Not 50 cents on the dollar but $1 on the dollar. 
The foxes are minding the henhouse. Hank Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs was the US Treasury Secretary.  Goldman Sachs made $20 billion from their AIG credit default swaps.

(left, Half of the 249 members of Congress are millionaires like Nancy Pelosi, left) 
Banker-owned politicians like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened chaos and martial law if US taxpayers didn’t make the bankers whole.
Americans were put on the hook for between $2-20 trillion, no one knows for sure, as banks around the world were salvaged.
The documentary shows how this behaviour is part of a pattern of depravity. Bankers who rip off clients by day engage in drug-fuelled sex orgies with prostitutes by night.
The film shows that Americans can be divided into two classes: the wolves and the sheep. The vast majority are the sheep who get fleeced.  Apart from the bankers themselves, there is a whole class of regulators, journalists, academics and other professionals who get rich by obscuring the fraud. The film delights in showing the lame excuses of the “ruling class.”
The politicians are the biggest whores. Clinton and Bush paved the way for the credit crisis by gutting regulation. Obama has done nothing to bring the bankers to justice or prevent a future meltdown.
Yes, a small number of honest courageous people tried in vain to warn the public and prevent the catastrophe. They were ignored or overruled.
Even after the meltdown,an Oscar, and a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, “Inside Job” made all of $8 million.
In contrast, Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9-11, which blames the Saudis instead of the Mossad-CIA for 9-11, made $222 million, the highest grossing documentary in history.
The Illuminati control film distribution and hype.
Another example of this kleptocracy-in-action is the Bernard Madoff scandal. Another excellent documentary, Chasing Madoff (2011)  shows that the banks were making so much money by lining up the sheep, they didn’t care if it was a ponzi scheme or not.  The SEC (“regulators”) adopted the bankers’ attitude.
The biggest issue facing America wasn’t even discussed in the Presidential Debates. This is the “fiscal cliff.” If these $700 billion in spending cuts and tax increases are implemented, there may be a recession.


There is speculation that Obama will veto them unless there are tax increases for the rich. Surely, tonight’s debate should have been devoted to this rather than “foreign policy.”
Much of the “debt” doesn’t need to be repaid. It was created out of thin air by the central bankers. Paying interest on it is the main profit center for the Kleptocracy and heart of the banking fraud.
If the GOP win control of the Presidency and Congress, all classes of assets will be under pressure. This is why I think Obama will win. The “47%” will come to his rescue, plus another 5% who can smell the coffee.
Either way, the Kleptocracy will continue to thrive.
“Inside Job” makes it clear that true democratic change is not possible in the USA. Elections are a charade designed to legitimize the Kleptocracy.
But as long as the sheep want to be wolves, and hope to escape or profit personally, the Kleptocracy will continue.
Some sheep are waking up. Ninety per cent of Americans are dissatisfied with the performance of Congress, an all-time low. And an estimated 90 million Americans will not vote Nov 6.
For the price of a few fighter jets, election campaigns could be publicly-financed and the US would be a real democracy. Instead, “democracy” is a sham which enables the Kleptocracy.
“Inside Job” is available on line here.