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Bizarre Coincidence - Neo's Passport Expiry Date was 11th September 2001

Joseph Skelton > > Monday 18th August 2008

This is a weird one!  I was recently sent an e-mail from a friend who pointed out that in the 1999 cult film The Matrix, we see a file folder about 17 minutes into the film which very briefly shows an image of (the Keanu Reeves character) Neo's passport.

In the film, the image appears up-side down as we see above.

Interestingly if we rotate the image the right way up we can see that the expiry date of the passport is... 11th September 2001 (see below).

A closer look reveals the expiry date as 11 Sep 01

This is not a photoshop fakery.  Dig out a copy of the DVD and go 17 approx minutes in and you can verify for yourself as we have done.

Understandably this story is currently doing the rounds on some other websites, though we would add that this is not the first bizarre one that we have seen.

In March 2001, the American Fox TV network aired the Pilot episode of the short lived series The Lone Gunmen (which was a 'spin-off' series from The X-Files series).  The main plot of this show focused on a plan by rogue elements of the US government to hijack a jet aircraft by remote control and crash it into the World Trade Center, in order to justify an increase on military spending and a war on terror.

We have heard that idea somewhere before!

Some time in late 2004 and again in late 2005 Dean Haglund, star of that TV show was interviewed by talk show host Alex Jonesand stated that he had been told that story lines were essentially fed to the writers by the CIA.

Nurse Joyce Riley of the Power Hour radio programme also confirmed thisto a certain degree back in 2005, stating that she met a woman who was a writer for The X-Files who privately stated that the plotlines and ideas came from 'the Government'.  The Power Hour graciously plugged our website on another occasion in 2005 when re-iterating this whilst covering propaganda in entertainment.

In an episode of The Simpsons (Fox TV again) that aired pre-9/11, we saw an image of a magazine that appeared to depict the message 'New York 911' as we see below.

Other anecdotal examples in entertainment such as these are the CD album Coup - Party Musicwhich as we have reported elsewhere was released just months before their graphic depiction of an attack on the WTC Twin Towers was realised (below).

And on 11th September 2002 the New York Lottery number was accidentally rolled out as 9-1-1, as was reported by CBS News.

So, how do we consider all of this?  Coincidence?  Some will understandably suggest that these have been planted as someone's sick joke, prior knowledge of the attacks.

Sorry to disappoint, but in relation to 9/11 truth, I myself see these as little more than anecdotal evidence of such things.  Something to tell friends when you want to creep them out.  Other websitesare using this as an example to attack 9/11 Truthers, as if we see this as evidence or proof that 9/11 was an inside job.

It isnt...

When put into perspective, this does not compare to the hardcore 9/11 truth issues that we have been promoting for many years such as Norman Minetta's testimony, the BBC announcing the collapse of WTC7 23 minutes early, William Rodriguez's eyewitness evidenceand so on (don't get me started!).

That said, we do know that we are dealing with a culture of control in the world that we often refer to as the Illuminati or New World Order.  These people revel in displaying imagery of their knowledge and control over us in symbolism and 'hidden in plane view' imageryand messages that the 'profane' (as they see us) can't see.

Whether this is the case or not, it is always worthy of noting.