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Alexander Higgins

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Oct. 5, 2012

The latest motion to fight Obama’s NDAA detention of US citizens provides a sobering picture of what the Corporate media is blacking out.












NDAA Detention Is Martial Law

NDAA Detention Is Martial Law

If you have any doubt that Obama continues to fight tooth and nail for the right to indefinitely detain civilians captured on US soil because perhaps the media hasn’t reported on it or the limited reporting you have read from the corporate media  has spun the truth  reading the latest motion filed by the plaintiff’s in the case will certainly send chills down your spine.

Point by point the motion counters Obama’s latest motion which the courts agree with and granted him the right to continue to impose military detention on US citizens pending a hearing by the district courts.

Obama Wins Right To Indefinitely Detain Americans Under NDAA

Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA

An appeals court has granted the Obama administration’s appeal to overturn a ban on the indefinite detention of American Citizens under the NDAA.

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What is really chilling about the motion is the case-law Obama is citing to argue his Obama’s position that he should be allowed to detain American citizens without trial or charge.

Ultimately the case-law has roots in court rulings that set military detention precedent during the Civil War and when civilians fought detention in the concentration camps the United States set up during World War 2.

Perhaps more shocking is once you are finished reading the motion you will understand that what is being argued here is the NDAA is unequivocally a declaration of Martial Law.

To recap on what the NDAA authorizes:

The legislation authorizes the President of the United States to take unilateral military action against all nations, organizations, and persons, both domestically and abroad, who are alleged to be currently or who have in the past supported or engaged in hostilities or who have provided aid in support of hostilities against the United States or any of its coalition allies.

The legislation removes the requirement of congressional approval for the use of military force and instead gives the President totalitarian dictatorial authority to engage in any and all military actions for an indefinite period of time.

It even gives the President the authority to launch attacks against American Citizens inside the United States with no congressional oversight whatsoever.

Just to recap:

  • Endless War – The war will continue until all hostilities are terminated, which will never happen.
  • No Borders – The president will have the full authority to launch military strikes against any country, organization or person, including against U.S citizens on U.S soil.
  • Unilateral Military Action – Full authority to invade any nation at any time with no congressional approval required.
  • No Clearly Defined Enemy – The US can declare or allege anyone a terrorist or allege they are or have been supporting “hostilities” against the US and attack at will.
  • Authorization To Invade Several Countries – The president would have full authority to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea, along with several other nations in Africa and the Middle East and even Russia and China under the legislation all of which are “known” to have supported and aided hostilities against the United States.

Simply put martial law is military law in which the military law, military courts and military detention takes precedent over civil law.

During martial law the civil law protections of the US Constitution  are suspended or superseded by the Military rule of law and Obama is arguing that the NDAA indeed grants him the right to attempt to impose military detention on US civilians captured on US soil.

Clearly but it’s very definition this is martial law and to be clear this isn’t hyperbole or a sensationalist interpretation made on my behalf.

The motion clearly mention’s Martial law several times and bluntly explains that the powers the Congress has granted under the NDAA which are being asserted by Obama are indeed martial law powers.

In the motion it clearly argues that the Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled against all case instances of the President attempting to impose a military rule of law on the president.

Cut through the lies Obama is telling and TV and the corporate media is reporting and read the motion for yourself so you can get a real understanding of what is being fought against here.