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14 Reasons Why The Tyrants and Oligarchs are in Danger Becoming Extinct By Their Own Hand.

The Watchdog

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July 9, 2012

This old order of things is about to make itself extinct by its own hand. How can I say these people will make themselves obsolete and irrelevant? Do you remember when we use to go walking inside the indoor shopping malls? One of my favorite places to go is the the record stores. I would see Camelot Music, Musicland and Sam Goody. They no longer exist anymore because of the internet. People download individual songs and albums form cyberspace. The Internet took away the middleman.  Now the internet, we can buy songs and music from bands and artist that have no record labels that now competes with the recording industry.

With the flow of information out on the internet. History is starting to come to light. People are starting to learn about suppressed technology and how Robber Barons have used the force of government to keep the Monopoly of power in place for many decades

1. Tesla discovered how we can make free electricity that is the death of the electric companies. There is solar power and magnetic generators where people can get off the grid completely. There goes the agenda to use smart meters as a mean to control people and using rolling blackouts as a way for government to keep people dependent on these electric companies.

2. There are cars that can run on water or Hemp oil. The old petroleum based combustible engine can be made obsolete easily. This can break the stranglehold of the oil companies if this technology is used by the population. The first car Henry Ford was made to run on Hemp oil. Many oil companies do not want this technology to go public.

3. People are learning about alternative medicine where they do not need to always go see the Doctor and depend on drugs from mega pharmaceutical companies. There are cures for cancer and other ailments using other natural therapies than the conventional medicine we are so used to relying on. This can break the iron grip of Obamacare. It is starting to come to light that health care was affordable and the best before the Government took over back in the 1960s.

4. We are learning looking back in history before vaccines were ever used. People were much healthier. More parents are realizing that vaccines are causing autoimmune reactions that can kill a child  Many Parents are learning to stay away from vaccines and that a healthier child has a long life without vaccines.

5. Applied Science with the use of hydroponics and greenhouses. People can now grow their own food all year round even in some urban areas. This is a threat to big agribusinesses. People are now drinking raw milk and buying their vegetable from Farmers markets supporting the local farmers. The does not bode well for the Corporate Farms or some corporate retailers

6. The Central Bankers and the money junkies have overreached. Through their fiat money system they deceived governments into buying into a central bank controlling the currency. This Ponzi scheme is now being exposed as a fraud. The people are finding out the IRS is a collection arm of the Federal Reserve to pay interest on the currency we use the is debt based and has no real value.

7. People are learning that local currencies can be used without going through a central bank that is value based with no interest. They are coming to the realization that they do not need a central bank to conduct commerce. They understand how these Central bankers with their front companies have brought this country to near ruin. We can see the revival of local economies where most products and food production is local using local value based currencies.

8. Thanks to the personal computer people can print newsletters, flyers and produce their own videos. They can burn DVDs and pass them out to the people in their communities bypassing the controlled media bringing information to the people that has been suppressed for years.

9. The government trying to shut down the internet will be fruitless. There are people constructing an alternative to the internet that will bypass the NSA hubs. People with great knowledge of technology will find ways to bypass government controls setting up servers where the government has completely cuts itself from the people. The government taking over of the internet in my opinion will be a disaster because as a few smart ITs will find a way around the government control choke points where the government is completely cut off from the internet. We are not China or other socialist countries. Our servers are privately owned outside government control. So there is a possibility Obama’s internet kill switch will only kill the government’s servers only leaving the rest of the world alone and untouched.

10. People are setting up micro FM and Am stations bypassing big media conglomerates like Clear Channel promoting community cohesion bringing alternative radio shows from networks like RBN and Genesis Communications giving people more of a choice than the conventional neo con phony patriot talk radio.

11. Thanks to the internet, Many alternative news sites and blogs are now forcing the major media outlets to compete. These alternative media sites are writing content that resonates with the people breaking the barrier we are all alone. This is causing the mainstream media controlled by a few to feel threatened. This is why they are trying to censor the internet and free speech because we are kicking their butts.